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The impact of traffic on the Catherine Hill Bay area. Conduct a comprehensive transport assessment of the whole Catherine Hill Bay area.
Conduct a comprehensive transport assessment of the whole Catherine Hill Bay area. While both developments in isolation would create their own traffic impacts, collectively the impact would be magnified and would need different infrastructure and mitigation measures.
A cumulative impact assessment of additional traffic that will be attracted to Catherine Hill Bay from nearby areas Likely traffic attractors include: • RoseCorp’s shopping precinct within its proposed development • The southern end of Catherine Hill Bay beach • The northern end of Catherine Hill Bay beach.
The treatment for access into the Catherine Hill Bay area has not been agreed with the RTA. • Montefiore Street would need to be upgraded to a suitable collector road standard. • Downgrade the Flowers Drive/Pacific Highway intersection by restricting traffic movements, perhaps by creating a “left in/left-out” arrangement.
There is real uncertainty about RoseCorp’s proposed access road running south of Montefiore Street to Moonee Beach. • Where will an access road be located if National Parks and Wildlife land cannot be used? • Why is an access road not being built through RoseCorp land? • If an access road is not provided to Moonee Beach, there will be increased traffic impacts on the Catherine Hill Bay beach area.
There must be suitable traffic mitigation measures. • The future road network must protect the existing villages with a network that bypasses these villages. • The section of Flowers Road between the Middle Camp and Catherine Hill Bay would become an alternative local road route.
The proposed developments would have significant impact on the local road environmental capacity. For a quiet village area with very low traffic volumes, environmental capacity expectations are far less than for a suburban Sydney street.
An average trip generation rate of 0.65 vehicle trips per dwelling was used. However the RTA guideline rate is 0.85 vehicle trips per dwelling. • 0.65 rate = 390 vehicles per hour. • 0.85 rate = 510 vehicles per hour.
The MWT traffic report is unclear as to what effects additional parking would have on traffic generation to the area. • 92 public parking spaces proposed in the Hamlet 1 development. • Plus on-street parking in the Hamlet 1 and 2 developments. • Plus additional public parking for the remaining Hamlet developments. • Plus additional public parking for the Coal and Allied development.
Beach parking and access at both ends of the beach has not been suitably addressed. • Parking space numbers are unclear. • The effect that additional parking will have has not been addressed.
Street frontage setbacks are very narrow in the village areas. When traffic volumes increase, this will increase the impact on road safety, amenity and noise, especially if the road network does not bypass these sensitive areas.
There is uncertainty about the public transport services that are proposed to cater for the new developments.
In summary • No cumulative traffic impact assessment undertaken • Impact of additional traffic has not been considered • Road network and access points are not resolved • Focus on higher level road network at the expense of local road network • Use of a lower trip generation rate must be substantiated • Extent and impact of public parking has not been fully addressed • Increased traffic is likely to significantly increase road safety, amenity and noise impacts