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Leading Students To Track Their Own Data. BOE. Body of Evidence. What is the BOE?. A practical tool and process to build student understanding of data literacy A means for students to invest in their academic achievement and set goals for growth. Why BOE?.
Leading Students To Track Their Own Data BOE Body of Evidence
What is the BOE? • A practical tool and process to build student understanding of data literacy • A means for students to invest in their academic achievement and set goals for growth.
Why BOE? • Building student understanding of literacy is more than just promoting reading - other forms of literacy (i.e. mathematical literacy, scientific literacy, AND DATA literacy) are just as important. • Teachers utilize different kinds of tools in isolation within their own classrooms. We need a unified, systemic approach for all students and not just for those who are fortunate enough to have a teacher that leads data tracking. • The Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano re: students tracking their own data as an effective practice to support student achievement.
When Students Track Their Progress by Robert Marzano(ASCD’s Educational Leadership) “When it comes to using classroom assessment to enhance student achievement, having students track their progress using rubrics is a hidden gem. This strategy involves multiple types of assessments, increases interactions between teachers and students, and provides students with clear guidance on how to enhance their learning.”
Student Led Conferences Objectives of Student-Led Conferences: To increase student accountability and autonomy concerning their academics and student habits of work and learning. To support the student’s verbal communication, advocacy, and critical thinking skills. To emphasize North High School families understanding of standards based learning process in a collaborate effort to produce 21st century scholars and leaders. To build an open relationship with families concerning their students’ progress by using their data to drive improvement. To teach students how to persuade by substantiating claims with evidence.
What will happen at Conferences? • Cafeteria Style • Students and families will go to their Learning Community Mentor after checking in at front doors. • Each table will have a chair next to the teacher for the student. • Parents will sit across from teacher/student. • Students facilitate their learning in the classroom by the choices they make. Sharing that information at Conference Time is a new concept for most students. Students are held accountable for the choice they make. • Students justify their progress by leading their families through a template for each class and work samples culled from academic classes. • Teachers guide the students through the conference process and help the students prepare, but the responsibility of conveying information to parents and families rests on the students
TEACHER PREP FOR CONFERENCES- 1. Training on BOE Days will occur during team meetings on Friday, October 5th 2. Teachers will use week of October 8th-12th to have students find work to represent evidence of strengths and areas that are still in progress. Evidence will be placed in BOE folder during BOE Day on 10/17-18 for Student Led Conferences. All classes must have students put evidence in BOE folder- how it is represented is up to the individual teacher. 3. Grades will be updated and entered during grading window of October 9th-15th. Attendance data and assessment data will be made available to you in the BOE box of supplies provided to you this week or next for review. 4. BOE Day will take place October 17th and 18th with a special schedule. BOE Student Folders will be assembled with the data and reflections during each class and LC will take place at the beginning and end of each day. 5. BOE Folders will be used during Student Led Conferences to facilitate parent conversations October 22nd & 23rd. Before October 5th training, please review Viking Readiness Rubric Template The rubric will be used in every content area classroom. Please begin to brainstorm what assessment data and individualization your content area would like to make to the template.
Morning LC Wednesday 15 minutes 1. Materials needed: script/BOE Folders /student checklist 2. Give a brief overview of importance of BOE Days by reviewing student checklist. 3. Organize BOE folder and add in Body of Evidence Summary 4. Students should then add conference dates to agenda and whenever possible LC 5. Mentor should make a phone call home to invite parent personally. 6. Emphasize that ALL BOE folders must be returned before leaving for the day. We will end the day with Learning Community. Supplies Provided: Miscellaneous Supplies In your box you will find the supplies for the day. It is important that the highlighters are returned at the end of each class. DO NOT LET THE STUDENTS KEEP THE HIGHLIGHTERS! Folders: Bright Paper: for a table of contents. Sticky Notes: Students should use the yellow sticky notes to brainstorm what artifacts they could use. They would place the sticky on their work in each class period or use it as a tab between subjects. Pink/Red Highlighters: Students will be asked periodically to use highlighters to show their areas of weakness. They will use pink/red to represent the things they are struggling with. Students are welcome to use their own materials such as colored pencils/markers as long as they are pink/red. Green/Yellow Highlighters: Students will be asked to periodically use highlighters to show their areas of strength. They will use green/yellow to represent the things they are doing well. Students are welcome to use their own materials such as colored pencils/markers as long as they are pink/red. Paper Clips: For students concerned that their work is too “loose in their folder”. Student Books from Testing
III. Content Area Classes 80 minutes • Teachers will meet with students for each odd block on Wednesday and even block on Thursday. • The first 20 minutes should be used for BOE purposes and the latter half of class for traditional instructional purposes. • Materials Needed: • Student Progress Report/Student BOE Template/Additional Data if pertinent to class/Student work samples ONLY COPIES YOU ARE MAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Please use the BOE template to help keep conferences on track. Students will use their progress report to fill out the BOE template which serves as a self-evaluation form. This form includes the major learning targets and an area for goal setting. Students plan ways to meet goals. • ii. Classroom teachers provide students with opportunities to include work that demonstrate mastery of learning targets. • iii. Teachers help students select one to two assignments/data points that show the learning process, preferably a multi-step project as opposed to a quick quiz. Improvement in skill mastery, like a gradual improvement in multiplication facts, geography recollection, or specific grammar exercises, can be shown in graph form to emphasize trends in progress, as opposed to performance on an assignment in isolation. • iv. Teachers model verbal exposition of the connection between assignments and learning target mastery. • v. Teachers provide class time or examples for students to practice substantiating their grades with evidence from their assignments. • Optional: Teachers run mock conferences or allow students to practice with their peers, specific to their subject area.
Afternoon LC Wednesday 15 minutes 1. Materials needed: attendance updates/BOE Folders/colored pencils 2. Update attendance graph and goals. 3. Collect ALL BOE Folders 4. Whenever possible LC Mentor should make a phone call home to invite parent personally.
Morning LC Thursday 15 minutes Materials Needed: student learning targets/speaking points/BOE Folders/blank pieces of paper/LC Work Students will review how to lead their conference. Students will receive sheets to add in for table of contents. Students will add any Learning Community Work into their folder Students will get their BOE folders back for the day
Afternoon LC Wednesday 15 minutes Materials needed: debrief script Debrief student concerns and have them reflect to write a SMART GOAL. Students will return BOE folders
PEP Counseling Lessons & LC Lessons Support • Habits • Personality Type • Career Interests • Test Taking Skills • Organization
ILP’s in BOE Ryan Lakin Furman Mahanti Rossin Trollinger Chalmers
January Body of Evidence (BOE) Folder Semester I Course Final Exam Reflection & Goal Sheet
PLAN Evaluation of Test Scores & the BOE KAPLAN ACT ACT CSAP EXPLORE ASVAB SRI • Structured tutoring and time devoted to testing skills and tutoring made available for test practice. • Student understanding of common core standards. • Family involvement to understand role of test and score results. • Student understanding of scale scores, proficiency bands, and percentiles. • Ties into College and Career Path for Post Secondary Success. • ***This is not ELG’s***
Sentence Stems for Student Led Conferences Use the sentence stems provided to discuss the following topics with your family member(s): Body of Evidence (BoE) Summary According to my CSAP test scores from last year… My strongest scores are in the areas of… I most need to improve in… My goal for reading is… My goal for writing is… Personal Narrative Portfolio The prompt for this assignment was… Using the writing process helped because… During prewriting, I… After writing a rough draft, I revised by… After publishing our final drafts, we shared them by… I scored my own narrative on the rubric because… Narrative Elements Quiz This quiz is important because… My score shows that… Reading Log On my weekly reading log, I am expected to… The reading log codes are… I have been reading for ___ minutes independently each night. When we go to the library, I like to find books about… Habits of a Successful Learner (Behavior) Answer the following questions honestly: Do you always come to class with a pencil, agenda, language arts notebook, and independent reading book? Do you take out your agenda and complete the “Do Now” immediately after entering the room? Do you participate in class discussions? Do you ask thoughtful questions? Do you ever distract classmates from learning? Do you give your best effort on all assignments? Do you turn in your homework on time?