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HISTORY BEHIND CATS. First cat appeared 35 million years ago. Cats were domesticated about 4000 years ago. Much later than dogs! This is probably due to its independent and solitary nature. HISTORY OF CATS. All modern cats can be traced to one of these types of cats. African Wild Cat

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  1. HISTORY BEHIND CATS First cat appeared 35 million years ago. Cats were domesticated about 4000 years ago. Much later than dogs! This is probably due to its independent and solitary nature.

  2. HISTORY OF CATS • All modern cats can be traced to one of these types of cats. • African Wild Cat • Jungle Cat • European Wild Cat

  3. HISTORY OF CATS • Did you know? Cats are found on every continent except Antarctica! • Cats are divided into 2 main groups: • Short-haired breeds • Long-haired breeds


  5. SKELETON Developed for speed and flexibility. Their skeleton contains 244 bones 40 more than humans Extras found in spine and tail

  6. MUSCLES • 500 separate muscles, largest in rear for running and jumping. • 150 less than humans • 30 in ears • Large muscles found in hind legs


  8. THE COAT – WHAT IS ITS FUNCTION? Protects against cold, heat, sunlight, water loss, injuries, and even parasites! Also allows them look beautiful

  9. EARS They are all used to investigate food, water, or unfamiliar objects. Ears for hunting and are much more sensitive than a humans. Cochlea?-is an organ within the ear that allows the cat to detect and locate sounds very efficiently.


  11. NOSE • Nose is especially sensitive! • They are all used to investigate food, water, or unfamiliar objects.

  12. NOSE RECEPTOR • Loctated in the lining of the nose- lets them pick up smell of airborne items. • Olfactory mucosa- this area is almost twice the size of humans.

  13. PAWS • Paws are especially sensitive! • They are all used to investigate food, water, or unfamiliar objects.

  14. CAN CATS BE DEAF? Due to genetics, this can happens to white cats with blue eyes!!

  15. EYES 3 dimensional vision similar to other animals, but has some extra features! Has three eyelids! Yes 3 eyelids!!

  16. EYE CONTINUED • This Eyelid is the Nictating Membrane- it moves diagonally across eye under eyelid to help lubricate cornea.

  17. HOW LONG BEFORE KITTENS EYES OPEN? They stay closed for about 10-12 days after birth! But it takes about 3 months for them to be fully developed!

  18. MOUTH Receptor in mouth. And on the tongue Papillae- knobs on the tongue used to hold, lick and scrape meat off bones. Also is where the tastebuds are located.

  19. ADVANTAGES! Independent and self-sufficient. Make excellent companions. Less care than dogs. Fit well in most apartment settings. Total cost is less, compared to a dog! (vet, feed, etc.) They are clean, very little house training!

  20. THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN PURCHASING A CAT Be alert for signs of illness: Gums should be pale pink. Eyes bright and clear. Clean and shiny coat. Purchase kittens at 8-12 weeks of age. Periodontal disease

  21. THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CAT The more attention you give it, the closer it will be to you! If you do not intend on breeding it, have them spayed or neutered! Female kittens reach sexual maturity at 5 months, and will come in heat every 3 weeks!

  22. FEEDING YOUR CAT Cats require about twice as much protein as dogs do!! The best source of protein is found in animal products! Should feed a commercial cat food.

  23. Three Types of Cat Food -

  24. Canned food: More protein higher water content. Higher fat levels

  25. Semi-moist food: less expensive only 30% water added chemicals added to keep from spoiling or drying out!

  26. Dry food: 10% water less fat, but also less protein! Cats on dry food need additional water all the time! May develop bladder problems- due to not enough water in diet! Keeps teeth clean!

  27. Tips to remember!! Never give your cat “dog” food- Why? Amount given depends on size and age! Lactating and pregnant cats need more to eat.

  28. E.) Exercise • depends on breed and home life (apartment vs. farm) • Apartment cats may need “toys” to keep active

  29. F.) Training Train cat to use scratch post instead of drapery and furniture Toilet training is easier with cats because the naturally cover up their urine and feces. Cats can be trained to do tricks, such as jumping through hoops, sitting, begging, and others.

  30. VI. Grooming and Care A.) Long - haired cats 1.) Need daily care or hair will get tangled and matted 2.) Equipment needed: a.) comb b.) nail clippers c.) grooming brush made with natural bristles d.) grooming powder

  31. 3.) Grooming a.) comb all areas with a wide-toothed comb b.) after coat is free of tangles use fine part of comb c.) brush fur out in opposite direction hair grows d.) Sprinkle grooming powder in while brushing

  32. B.) Short-haired cats 1.) grooming not necessary every day 2.) Equipment includes: a.) fine toothed or flea comb b.) rubber grooming brush 3.) Grooming a.) comb through hair gently watching for burs, mats, or other foreign objects b.) avoid over brushing

  33. C.) Bathing • not necessary, except show cats must be bathed often. • Mild shampoo, or baby shampoo should be used

  34. D.) Regular Grooming • 1.) Ears • check for mites (dark, crumbly residue in ear). This can be treated with ear drops from a vet. • 2.) Eyes • should be bright and clear, if staining occurs, gently wash

  35. 3.) Teeth and Gums • check for soreness, tartar build up must be treated by a vet • 4.) Claws • require trimming, careful not to trim to the pink area as this will cause pain and bleeding. Cats using a scratching post don’t need trimming very often.

  36. The End!!!

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