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The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)

The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO). Y. Busurin INPRO CFE Department of Nuclear Energy International Atomic Energy Agency. INPRO. International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles Established in 2001

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The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)

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  1. The International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) Y. Busurin INPRO CFEDepartment of Nuclear EnergyInternational Atomic Energy Agency

  2. INPRO • International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles • Established in 2001 • IAEA General Conference resolutions • Characteristics • International project in IAEA • Membership based • Mainly extrabudgetary funded • 10 to 15 staff at IAEA HQ

  3. INPRO Group • Project Manager: DDG NE, SOKOLOV, Yuri • Policy Coordinator: DIR NENP, PARK, J.K. • Group Leader: BEATTY, Randy • Programme Liaison Officer: GOWIN, Peter J. • Staff (posts, CFEs, consultants, interns): BUSURIN, Yuri; DEPISCH, Frank; DYCK, Elisabeth; HAAS, Eckhard, HAYASHI, Hideyuki; KHARTABIL, Hussam; KIM, Sungbong; KORINNY, Andriy; LYSAKOV, Viacheslav; TALEVSKI, Dejan; ULANOV, Dmitry; USANOV, Vladimir; VILLALIBRE ARES, Palmiro • Secretarial support: BAGHDOYAN, Choghik; GOLUBOVIC, Jasminka

  4. INPRO Programme Areas • Substantive Programme Areas • A: Nuclear Energy Systems Assessments • B: Global Vision • C: Innovations in Nuclear Technology • D: Innovations in Institutional Arrangements • Cross-cutting • E: INPRO Dialogue Forum • INPRO Management • F: Management, Coordination, Strategic Planning, Steering Committee, Outreach

  5. INPRO Programme Areas • A: INPRO Assessments • To assist Member States in performing Nuclear Energy System Assessments (NESA) using the INPRO methodology, in support of long-term strategic planning and nuclear energy deployment decision making • B: Global Vision • To develop global and regional nuclear energy scenarios, on the basis of a scientific-technical pathway analysis, that lead to a global vision on sustainable nuclear energy development in the 21st century, and to support Member States in working towards that vision

  6. INPRO Programme Areas • C: Innovations in Nuclear Technology • To foster collaboration among INPRO Member States on selected innovative nuclear technologies and related R&D that contribute to sustainable nuclear energy • D: Innovations in Institutional Arrangements • To investigate and foster collaboration on innovative institutional and legal arrangements for the use of innovative nuclear systems in the 21st century and to support Member States in developing and implementing such innovative arrangements

  7. INPRO Programme Areas • E: INPRO Dialogue Forum • To bring together technology holders and technology users to discuss, debate and share information on desirable innovations, both technical and institutional, but also national long-term nuclear planning strategies and approaches and, on the highest level, the global nuclear energy system • F: Policy Coordination, Communication, and Management • To plan and organize meetings of the Steering Committee and coordinate policies with other international initiatives (e.g. GIF), but also to communicate and disseminate INPRO achievements and results to its stakeholders through publications and meetings/conferences

  8. 2010-11 Planning Principles • Planning of INPRO activities is based on • Guidance from the General Conference • INPRO Steering Committee • Takes into account recommendations from OIOS • In line with: • IAEA’s Programme & Budget for 2010–2011 • Subprogramme 1.1.4: Coordination of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles

  9. Implementation and Leadership • All INPRO Activities are be implemented by the INPRO Group • INPRO Group Leader and INRPO Programme Liaison Officer • Team Leaders lead Programme Areas • Activity Leaders lead the individual projects, publication development and meetings • Option: co-leadership, shared with other units/Departments • Several mechanisms can be used to achieve a desired and planned deliverable, including in particular • INPRO Collaborative Projects or Coordinated Research Projects • Consultancies; • In-house expertise; and • Contracts with external experts.

  10. Coordination Principles • Ensuring IAEA-internal coordination • All INPRO activities will be implemented in close coordination with relevant activities under the IAEA’s regular budget • For Action Plan 2010–2011: incorporated explicitly in the draft plan • “In cooperation with” means a jointly implemented activity with shared responsibilities, or funds, or two Scientific Secretaries • “Coordinated with” means information exchange and mutual support in a general way • Agreements with all INPRO coordinators, i.e. Departmental representatives, as shown

  11. 2010–2011 Programme Area A: Nuclear Energy System Assessments (NESA) Activities

  12. 2010–2011 Programme Area B: Global Vision Activities

  13. 2010–2011 Programme Area C: Innovations in Nuclear Technology Activities

  14. 2010–2011 Programme Area D: Innovations in Institutional Arrangements Activities

  15. 2010–2011 Programme Area E: INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations Activities / deliverables

  16. 2010–2011 Programme Area F: Policy Coordination, Communication and INPRO Management Activities

  17. TC Support in 2010–2011 • INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations • Date: 4–8 October 2010 • Long-range Nuclear Programme Planning and Strategy Development • Together with PESS • Date: 14-18 June 2010 • Project Management for New Nuclear Power Projects • Date: May 2010 • Not part of INPRO, but supported • Plan: Technical Fellowships for capacity building in INPRO’s technical areas / projects • Under TC project INT/4/142

  18. Workshop Announcements • INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations • 1-4 February 2010 • With PESS and NS • Long-range Nuclear Programme Planning and Strategy Development • 14-18 June 2010 • With PESS • Project Management for New Nuclear Power Projects • May 2010 • Lead by NPES • Near-term deployment • INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations • 4 to 8 October 2010 • NEW in 2010: Technical fellowships for capacity building and information exchange in INPRO’s technical areas

  19. INPRO Supports … • Decision making on deployment and R&D • Strategic and long-range planning • Global vision and scenarios for nuclear energy in 21st century • Dialogue between technology holders & users • ‘Newcomers’ for planning new programmes

  20. INPRO Strengths • Participation of both technology holders and users • Forum for dialogue between holders/developers and users; Common understanding/Consensus among different stakeholders • User requirements, needs and concerns heard • Time horizon • Long time span: next five decades – one century • Long-term vision of energy supply changes, yet to come • Finding new applications of nuclear: hydrogen production and seawater desalination • Scope • Assisting in a long-term strategy for the implementation of sustainable nuclear energy systems • Consideration of both: • Technologies (installations of the nuclear fuel cycle, reactors…), and • Sustainable development (economic competitiveness, environmental aspects, infrastructure, proliferation resistance, safety, physical protection and waste management) • Mandate • Initiated by IAEA Member States; Open process • Access to results provided to all IAEA Member States

  21. Contact Informatioon Yuri Busurin International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Tel: +43 1 2600 26716 E-mail: Y.Busurin@iaea.org 21

  22. Thank you!

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