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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Meeting of Higher Education and Training 22 May 2013. Presentation Outline. Presentation Outline. Introductions How the QCTO defines itself How the QCTO works Achievements up todate Challenges Conclusion. 1. Introductions. Introductions.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Meeting of Higher Education and Training 22 May 2013 QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Presentation Outline QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Presentation Outline Introductions How the QCTO defines itself How the QCTO works Achievements up todate Challenges Conclusion QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
1. Introductions QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Introductions The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations is one of three Quality Councils: CHE Umalusi QCTO It is responsible for the development, maintenance and quality assurance of occupational qualifications QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Introductions • Started as a project of the Department of Labour with different traditions and historical basis • QCTO came into being as an entity after more than 10 years of contestation about the National Qualifications Framework • Also established after the second review of the SETAs • The changes created uncertainties QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Introductions • Created a variety of expectations and assumptions about the QCTO’s work • In fact, the need for the existence of the QCTO was at question • A delayed start up: • QCTO starts with a history and given model • Push and pull tensions of old and new • Model with no processes QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
2. How THE QCTO defines itself QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
How QCTO defines itself QCTO is about occupational qualifications as opposed to general vocational qualifications Occupational qualifications: Preparations to do a job Starting point is a job that exists Assumptions of foundational learning Structured primarily for workplace learning, but not exclusively Apprenticeship is one example The higher one goes up the qualification ladder, the less occupational the qualification becomes QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
3. HOW THE QCTO WORKS QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
How the QCTO works Sensible interpretation of the model Building on what already exists - Legacy Qualifications—SETAs, SAQA unit standards; and DHET N 4 -6 courses - systematically removed when replaced by new qualifications QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
How the QCTO works • Establishing a New approach : • Development Quality Partners to manage and fund the development • QCTO monitors oversees and ensures reporting • Ensures involvement of Community of Expert Practitioners, where industry plays an active role, is fully engaged in the entire development process QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
How the QCTO works • Building new quality assurance model —inherited a weak model (light touch) • Standards setting for assessment by Assessment Quality Partners • Accreditation of service providers • Developing a certification system - conducting research to develop a certification system to serve all QCTO qualification needs • Support the NQF development and implementation overseen by SAQA - engaged in a variety of SAQA projects—RPL, Articulation, etc QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
How the QCTO works • Establishing a useful working relationship and role for SETAs • Recognizes SETAs as the legal leading authority on industry training and employment needs • Works with several SETAs on special projects • Actively engaged with SETAs as they quality assure legacy qualifications • Building a new organisation QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
4. Achievements up to date QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 1. Qualifications By end of the fourth quarter • 50 qualifications submitted to the Qualifications Committee • 10 qualifications recommended to SAQA • 18 approved by Qualifications Committee for public comment • 31 returned for additional work • 2, 250 legacy qualifications, assigned to the QCTO, requiring maintenance QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date • N4 to N6 courses revision • NQF Level 5 occupational qualification (Higher Certificate) • Delegation to SETAs and former Professional Body ETQAs for legacy qualifications QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date • Policy development • 12 QCTO Corporate services policies developed and approved • Draft polices developed and awaiting approval • Supply Chain Management • Recruitment Policy • Performance and Development Management System • QCTO Code of conduct QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date • Policy development • Accreditation of Assessment Centres Policy • Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment Quality Partners (AQPs) • Accreditation of Skills Development Providers Policy • Certification Policy QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 3. Staffing By the end of 2012/13, permanent staff component consisted of • 3 at Executive Management • 1 at Senior Management • 8 at Middle Management • 4 Support Staff Supported by 12 interns, half of whom serve the certification section, 2 contract staff at a middle management level QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 4. Performance targets At the end of the fourth quarter performance report showed • 50% of performance targets achieved • 17% of performance targets partially achieved NB: Total number of targets 51 QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 5. Finances—Income and Expenditure as well as notes on audits Income/Revenue QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date Finances—Income and Expenditure as well as notes on audits Expenditure QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date Finances—Income and Expenditure as well as notes on audits Audit Outcomes 2011/12 • Unqualified audit opinion • Implementation Plan for all other findings developed and implemented during 2012/13 • Findings of Predetermined Objectives corrected with the assistance and engagements with the AG • QCTO own CFO appointed to enhance financial management • QCTO in the process of appointing own internal auditors QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 6. Governance— Established QCTO Council Committees • Executive • Audit and Risk • Finance • Qualifications • Assessment and Accreditation QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date 7. Public Relations • National Roadshows with SABPP were conducted. The aim was to share QCTO information to University Learners and HR Employees • A private provider conference organised by APPETD afforded QCTO a platform to inform private providers about roles and responsibilities of private providers as key partners to the delivery of the QCTO Mandate • QCTO took part in NSA National Conferences. The aim of the conferences were to report on achievements and way forward of NSA and how QCTO, as a partner, participated in NSA’s achievements QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Achievements up to date • QCTO is planning National Road shows in September. The road shows will focus on providing information on how the QCTO operates, its achievements to date as well as strengthen relationships with its partners • Establishing own Website – 80% complete QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
CHALLENGES QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
CHALLENGES Organisational Housing Staffing – sufficiency and competency Funding QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
CHALLENGES Operations On-going challenges with N1 – 3 N4 – 6 courses Determination of articulation principles Our provider system The accreditation of the Public FET college system Establishing the certification system – resources needed (financial and human) QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
CONCLUSION QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Conclusion • 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan presented to the Committee, largely the same as previous one • Given the foundation laid over the past 12 months the organisation expects to continue on the success achieved in the 4th quarter of 2012/13 QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Conclusion The QCTO continues on its bold plan to provide access, success and progression for all who want a trade or occupation where articulation to higher education is possible. QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Fourth Quarter Results QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013
Thank you QCTO presentation to the Portfolio Committee HET 22 May 2013