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Korea's 5G Policy: Revolutionizing the Mobile Telecommunications Market

This article explores Korea's journey in the mobile telecommunications market, from the rapid increase in subscribers to the advancements in data traffic, speed, and coverage. It also highlights Korea's roadmap for 5G implementation and the key factors towards becoming the world's first country to commercialize 5G network.

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Korea's 5G Policy: Revolutionizing the Mobile Telecommunications Market

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  1. Korea’s Policy 5G March, 2019

  2. Mobile Telecommunications Market in Korea - Subscriber After the commercialization of LTE in 2011, The number of subscriber increase rapidly The number of subscriber, 2011-2018 Share [%] [hundreds] 2G 3G 4G 4G The number of mobile subscriber [hundreds] 66.3 63.7 2G 61.3 58.9 57.3 54.7 3G 53.6 52.5 3G 4G 2G

  3. Mobile Telecommunications Market in Korea – Data Traffic After the commercialization of LTE in 2011, Data traffic increases rapidly to 420 thousand TB in 2018 Data traffic, 2013-2018 Data traffic by device type, 2013-2018 [TB] [TB] 4G phone Average 3G phone

  4. Mobile Telecommunications Market in Korea – Speed & Coverage High Speed & Full Coverage Coverage Speed of Mobile Telecommunications, 2010-2018 [Mbps] 4G DL 4G UL 3G DL 3G UL

  5. Infrastructure for Hyper-Connectivity = D·N·A Process & Analyze Collect & Store Utilize D·N·A decides the speed of 4IR & the magnitude of its effects New oil of the 4IR era Big Data • DATA Creates value based on hyper-connectivity, intelligence Key infrastructure for 4IR • NETWORK BIG DATA New services with AI • AI Smart Shoes AI Bed Smart Home Smart Kitchen Appliances

  6. Korea, 5G Roadmap : 2018 2020 WRC-15 WRC-19 5G NR NSA comp. base standard Specification Technology proposal 5G vision Technical requirement Rel.15 (Ph.1) Rel.13 Rel.16 (Ph.2) Rel.14 Rel.12 Phase 2: 5G Trial service Phase 3: 5G Commercial service Phase 1: Pre-5G Tech. Demo. 2013 2014 2016 2017 5G Commercialization (‘19.4) 2015 • 5G Launch with • Mobile Router(‘18.12) Pyeongchang Olympic Organizing CommitteeMOU 5G Trial service Demo(‘16.5) 5G Convergence service published (‘17.10) Started Global Joint research (‘15.6) Service 5G Convergence Service Trial(AutoDrv, Smartcity, Industry, Guardian, Media)Project(‘18. 5 ~ ‘20.12) 2019 5G Core Technology R&D (New RAT, Dual Connectivity , Mobile Xhaul) (‘14.3 ~ ‘18.2) • Technology • development Giga Korea R&D (Contents-Platform-Network-Service ) (‘13 ~) 5G Commercial chipset & terminal development(‘17.10~ ’19.3) 5G Commercial network development( ‘17.12~‘18.12 ) 5G Trial service terminal development & test (‘16.6 ~ ‘17.12) • 5G Global Summit Conference & 5G white paper(network, service, spectrum, ecosystem) release(‘14~’16) Establishment 5G forum • Ecosystem 5G Small cell white paper release(‘18.3) 5G Open testbed (‘16.6) Global 5G Event In Seoul(‘17.11) ITU 5G Global standard response (‘16.2 ~ ) ITU 5G vision establishment (‘15.6) • Standardization • ITU 5G Candidate technology initiation & • ITU 5G convergence service • scenario submission (‘17.10) ITU 5G Candidate technology evaluation(‘19.3 ~ ‘19.12) 5G Global frequency band harmonization(‘18.6 ~ ‘19.9) • 28Ghz Initiative • international • workshop • (‘17.10) • Spectrum • 5G Spectrum • auction (‘18.6)

  7. Korea, Gearing Up for the 5G Era : World’s first country to commercialize 5G network in 2019 • Joint • development • & use on • 5G Network • (June 2018) • 5G Trial at • PyeongChang • (Feb. 2018) • 5G • Commercialization • (April 2019) • 5G Trials for • Vertical Industries • (2H 2018) • 5G Spectrum • Auction • (June. 2018) 5G Key Factors towards world’s first one PyeongChang 5G Trials 1 2 5G Spectrum Auction 3 Joint development & use on 5G network 4 5G Trials for vertical industries 5 5G Commercialization

  8. ① 5G inPyeongChang

  9. ② 5G Spectrum Auction : Goal & Strategy Goal and Strategy of 5G Spectrum Auction Goal Innovation in Industry/ service and Spreading effect by World 1st 5G commercialization • 5G commercialization acceleration with early spectrum auction • Driving more than 30% network deployment within 5 years World 1ST 5G service 1 • Allocating3.5 GHz and 28 GHz bands at the same time • Providing maximum available bandwidth 2.68 GHz as continuous broadband World Best Innovative Infrastructure Detailed Goal and Strategy 2 Creating a fair competition environment • Auction design to guide the efficient use of frequency • Total optimal limits setting to prevent frequency monopoly 3 5Gnew service creation 4 • Innovative plan for 28 GHzband

  10. ② 5G Spectrum Auction : Timeline Sep Reserve price setting, Establishment and notification of frequency auction plan (~’18. April), Auction(’18. June) For conformity assessment, technical regulation(~’18. June), test method (~’18.Dec.) ~Apr 2019 • 5G Commercialization • (from April 2019) Jul May Apr Mar 2018 Aug Jun Improvement of reserve price method < Radio Waves Actenforcement ordinance&ordinancerevision > ~Dec 2018 - The office of legislationexamination ▶ vice-ministers conference/Cabinet Council▶Implementation Auction (from Jun 15th) Alloction plan Establishment of frequency allocation plan and Auction Reporter study, debate Payment of Frequency allocation price&Notification of assignment Notification <5G frequency allocation> < Provision of frequency allocation method and auction rule> Final release Draft Establishment of Technical regulation and device certification < Ordinance revision of Technical regulation > < Improvement of conformity assessment system> - Notice of Administration(60days) and discussion with ministry concerned ▶ Regulatory review ▶ Implementation * The entire process is completed by notification of assignment when the operator makes payment of frequency allocation price

  11. ② 5G Spectrum Auction : Frequency bands for auction Allocating 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz bands at the same time 3.5 GHz Band (3.42-3.7 GHz) 280 MHzBandwidth 28 GHz Band (26.5-28.9 GHz)2400 MHzBandwidth ` Total2680 MHzBandwidth 3.7 GHz 26.5 GHz 28.9 GHz 3.42 GHz 280 MHz BW 2400 MHzBW Guard Band 3.5 GHz Band 28 GHzBand ※current status of frequency usage on mobile service (as of April 2018)

  12. ② 5G Spectrum Auction : 5G Network Deployment obligation Driving more than 30% network deployment within 5 years • The number of stations is set 150,000 in the LTE nationwide network, 15% 3yr. 30% 5yr. 3.5 GHzBand • The number of stations(equipment basis) should be set 100,000 unit, 3yr. 15% obligation 28 GHzBand ※Small cell base stations/repeaters mainly produced by SMEs are also included in the base stations • ※For 5G boost, the obligation to deploy a network for auction in 2016 can be done as deployment of 5G (28 GHz band) ` ※(Reference)Obligation to deploy a network for auction in 2016

  13. ② 5G Spectrum Auction : Auction result World first 5G spectrum Auction result - Allocations across both frequency band(3.5GHz, 28GHz) ㅋ 3.40㎓ 3.42㎓ 3.50㎓ 3.60㎓ 3.70㎓ 3.5㎓ band Guard band KT100㎒ bandwidth SKT100㎒ bandwidth LG U+80㎒ bandwidth B C A 28.9㎓ 26.5㎓ 27.3㎓ 28.1㎓ 28㎓ band KT800㎒ bandwidth LG U+800㎒ bandwidth SKT800㎒ bandwidth A B C

  14. ③Joint development & use on 5G network : Background WHY?? Effective implementation of 5G network & Prevention of overlapping investment for essential facility 5G Network build characteristics 5G Frequency characteristic No transmission of Radio Waves28GHz) 1.8GHz 28GHz B,C buildings can’t provide 5G service without in-building base station The arrival distance of the radio wave sharply decreases as the frequency increases 28GHzpath-loss 40 times faster than1.8GHz Telephone company High density small cell required Small cell deployment costs of 50% will be spent on building backhaul A B C 1.8GHz Small-cell 28GHz (5G candidate) 3.5GHz (5G candidate) Telephone company

  15. ③Joint development & use on 5G network : Directions • preparing plans for • system improvement & • system organizing • (2018.2Q) Improvement system for effective 5G network Expansion of service providers for facility obligation Easing essential facility regulation • Essential facility • Co-use & Co-build • KT • (Exclusive) • KT,SKT, LGU+, • SK Broadband • Opened electric pipeline, optical cable • for mobile communication construction • Obligation to provide 5G network • to local governments and facility management corporations • (For use with street light, traffic structure etc.) • Facility utilization • by Public Sector Public-Private meeting, practical consultation (2017.Dec.~2018.Mar.) Consultation with local governmentㆍfacility management (2018.Mar.) Expansion of participants and facilities Expansion of target area • Expanding • collaboration • Total area • More than 1,000㎡ • or 3rd floor the building • Total area • More than 2,000㎡ • Wire • WireㆍWireless

  16. □ 전기통신설비 공동구축 지원센터(http://www.ktoa-ccms.kr) 개소(’19.3.18.) o 5G 신규 설비의 공동구축 및 기존 설비(필수설비)의 공동 활용 제도 개선 마련 - 관로ㆍ전주ㆍ광케이블 등 필수설비를 5G망 구축 용도로 사용할 수 있도록 통신사 간 상호 개방 - 협의대상 설비 : 인입케이블, 지지국상면, 안테나 거치대 등 o 기대효과 : 5G 공동 구축ㆍ활용안을 통해 5G망 구축에 있어 통신사의 투자 불확실성을 해소5G 통신설비의 조기 확중에 기여 o 관계규정 : 「전기통신설비 공동구축을 위한 협의회 구성‧운영 및 전담기관 지정등에 관한 고시(‘18.7.1.)  영문자료 ③Joint development & use on 5G network : Actions Launching the Joint development & use support centre (July, 2018) Operate a council for joint development Manage Joint development & use Support for co-work R&D for Joint development & use Promote for activate Accept application for Joint

  17. ④ 5G Trials for vertical industries Saturation of the traditional mobile service market, Attention to new 5G service market for vertical industries 5G convergence service concept Global Market Demand Finance Energy voice Autonomousvehicle Verticalindustries (transport, energy manufacture, smart city, etc.) Media Video Manufacture (+115%) Transportation (+128%) Data (SMSincluded) Healthcare Publicsafety (+125%) • ※ Ref.: The 5G business potential, Ericsson with A.D. Little(2017) 2G 3G 4G 5G

  18. ④ 5G Trials for vertical industries Support government contribution of 80 million(USD) 2018~2020 5G convergence service promotion field selection (’17.2Q~4Q) 5G convergence service business announcement & implementation Agency selection and agreement(’18.1Q~2Q) • 2019,Target service verification & trial 1styear(2018) 5G • 2022, Target serviceconcept design • 2019,Target service started trial service 2ndyear(2019) • 2022, Target servicecomponent technology • 2019Target serviceperformance & diffusion 3rdyear(2020) Autonomous vehicle • 2022,Target serviceverification & trial Public Safety Media Smart city Smart Factory

  19. ④ 5G commercialization : Network – Device – Service 5G commercialization in April 2019 3GPP specification set : 5G ‘19.4 ‘18.6 ‘18.7~9 ‘18.10 ‘18.12 ‘19.1 ‘17.12 5G commercialization 5G Spectrum auction (3.5㎓, 28㎓) 5G device selection 5G network development 5G network launch For B2B • Network SaumsungGalaxy S10(5G) launch 5G Mobile Router launch Saumsung 5G modem launch • Device 5G service launching • Service 5G service readiness

  20. Thank You

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