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Learn about action planning for integrating SEL, SECA assessments, and district practices to support students. Explore a strategic framework, BHPS tools, and current practices for enhancing student well-being.
Developing a system wide approach to supporting students with social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health challenges through action planning March 27, 2019
CONTENTS 01 Action Planning for SEL Integration 02 Social and Emotional Competency Assessment (SECA): Context and design 03 SECA scoring and results 04 Assessing individual students’ social and emotional competencies District’s use of SECA data and next steps 05
01 • District Support - Strategic Plan • Framework for SEL • Developing an SEL Integration Plan • Using Data to Inform goals • BHPS (Behavioral Health In Public Schools Tool • Current Practices • SEL In Action 01
District Strategic Plan Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen Social and Emotional Well-Being through a deliberate focus on the development of healthy, supportive relationships and a fully integrated social-emotional learning curriculum. ►We will achieve this through emphasizing student character development and resiliency, and strengthening our school climate and culture.
How to Begin Developing an SEL Integration Plan Develop a vision Conduct Needs Assessment Staff and Students Design and implement effective professional learning programs SEL Steering Committee/Behavioral Health Committee BHPS District Needs Student Survey Integrate SEL at all three levels of school functioning Adopt and implement evidence based programs Establish processes to continuously improve academic, social, and emotional learning through inquiry and data collection
Using Data to Develop Priorities - YRBS Botvin Lifeskills Botvin Lifeskills Partnership with the Children’s Cove - Teen Coalition
Using the BHPS and Alternative Assessments DESE Site BHPS This self-assessment tool for schools is designed to assess current activities and strategies that the staff and programs in your school engage in to create a supportive school environment. This tool is intended to assist with documenting current practices that support students` behavioral health at all intervention levels, ranging from creating supportive school environments, to early interventions, to responding effectively to individual students who require more intensive services. It also examines the role of various school professionals and staff in providing these supports. District Needs Assessment
SEL Steering Committee and Behavioral Health Committee SEL Steering Committee • Created an SEL Vision • Researched and reviewed SEL Curriculum and proposed recommendations • Collaborated on SEL Integration Plan Behavioral Health Committee • Review and develop Behavioral Health Resource Directory • Review current policies and procedures with goal of shifting to Restorative Practices
Current Practices School Improvement Plans District SEL Steering Committee Trauma Course District Attorney - “Keep Them Coming” Student Support Teams/MTSS/RTI DCAP School Improvement Plans Trauma Course Mental Health First Aid - Staff and parents Community Counseling Partnership Highlights this year Strategic Plan Incorporates SEL/Safe & Supportive Schools Behavioral Health Committee 5 Core Competency Posters exSEL Network Collaborative Problem Solving- all staff BotvinLifeskills (3-12 and parents) Second Step (PK-2)
Current Practices across Buildings Elementary SSIS Screening tool Peace Education Curriculum MARC Curriculum PBIS "fintastic" program Great Body Shop - curriculum Brain-Pop Reflection Sheets - “Think Sheets” Second Step -PK-3 Botvin Lifeskills - 3-4 Responsive Classroom Social Thinking Brain Gym Go-Noodle Echo Dot Kindness Club (CES) Middle School Social Thinking curriculum Yoga Deep breathing techniques Lunch Bunch groups Great Body Shop Shark Sheets District Attorney social media safety presentation SBIRT Echo Dot Botvin Lifeskills High School Relaxation and mindfulness Social language groups Daily messages Core Values of the Month SBIRT Jawsome (Enrichment or Academic Overtime) “You Are Important” SOS Partnership with Children’s Cove * “Leadership Lock In” Jiujitsu club Echo Dot Botvin Lifeskills
Amazon Echo Dot Use Kindergarten Students
Social and Emotional Competency Assessment (SECA): Context and design 02 Crowder, M. K., Gordon, R. A., Brown, R. D., Davidson, L. A., & Domitrovich, C. E. (in press). Development and validation of the Social and Emotional Competency Assessment (SECA): Item ordering, targeting and differential item functioning. School Psychology Quarterly. doi:10.1037/spq0000308
Monomoy regional district contextual factors: profile • School types: 2 elementary schools (PK-G4); 1 middle school (G5-G7); 1 high school (G8-G12) • District enrollment: ~1,890 students PK-G12 (~1,400 G3-G12) • District demographics: • 78% White, 7% Hispanic, 7% African American, 1% Asian, 7% Other • 16% students with disabilities • 25% economically disadvantaged • 4% English learner • Student/teacher ratio: 10.6 to1 • Expenditure per student: $17,134 (2017) • Achievement (2018): • ELA: 6 of 7 grades (G3-G8) have 50% or more students meeting or exceeding expectations • Math: 4 of 7 grades (G3-G8) have 50% or more students meeting or exceeding expectations • Over 8 in 10 students (G10) scored proficient or higher on ELA (91%) and math (82%)
Monomoy regional district contextual factors: School climate perceptions • Engagement: relative strength versus state (+5 points) • Respectful and inclusive relationships present • Culturally responsive (materials) • Adults model and promote respectful interactions • Student intellectual and emotional engagement in the classroom is relatively low within school, but above state average • Safety: on par with state (+1) • Students feel relatively safe • Bullying behaviors are present but adults & students try to counteract them • Majority of students feel teachers support students’ emotional well-being • Majority of students feel students emotionally support each other but are less comfortable reaching out for help • Environment: relative strength versus state (+5) • Discipline is fair and inclusive of student voice • Effective counseling/support is available for emotional problems • School empowers students to resolve conflicts • Teachers set high expectations for student work; this work is appropriately challenging • Teachers encourage students to work hard and help each other learn, and believe all students can do well. Grade 9 students (G8, 2018) VOCAL survey data
Social and Emotional Competency Assessment (SECA) pilot: Design • Administered grade 3 through grade 12; 40-item survey • Content based on CASEL’s five SEL competencies • Student self-report, structured items, Likert-scale: • Very easy (scored 3), Easy (2), Difficult or Hard (1), Very Difficult or Hard (0) Unsure (not scored) • “Thinking about what might happen before making a decision.” (responsible decision-making) • “Talking to an adult when I have problems in school.” (relationship skills) • “Knowing ways to make myself feel better when I’m sad.” (self-awareness, emotion) • “Working on assignments even when they are hard.” (self-management, schoolwork) • “Knowing when someone needs help.” (social awareness)
SECA design: Dimension definitions1 1Definitions adapted from: Crowder, M. K., Gordon, R. A., Brown, R. D., Davidson, L. A., & Domitrovich, C. E. (in press). Development and validation of the Social and Emotional Competency Assessment (SECA): Item ordering, targeting and differential item functioning. School Psychology Quarterly. doi:10.1037/spq0000308
SECA design: Building progressions to measure SEL competencies Self-management (14 items) Social Awareness (5 items) Students Items High SEL skill Harder skills 800 x xx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx xxx x X 800 600 600 SME1: Staying calm when I feel stressed 502 504 SMS4: Staying focused in class …. distractions SME13: Working on things …..don’t like them SMG14: Reaching goals that I set for myself SOC2: ..how to get help…trouble with classmate SMS9: Finishing my schoolwork w/o reminders SOC3: Learning fr. people with different opinions SMG8: Setting goals for myself 400 400 SOC4: .. how my actions impact my classmates SOC1: ..what people ..feeling ..look on their face SOC5: Knowing when someone needs help 300 300 Low SEL skill Easier skills
SECA: Two types of scores • Index scores (compare across dimensions, grades, and schools) • District SECA or SEL mean set to 500; standard deviation of 100 (most students 274 – 698) • Five dimension scores: • Responsible decision-making: 504 (most students 255 – 750) • Relationship skills: 505 (227 – 787) • Self-awareness: 502 (253 – 706) • Self-management: 501 (246 – 705) • Social awareness: 502 (232 – 770) • Item-response data • Student raw data (response score for each item) • Very easy (scored 3); Easy (2); Hard (1); Very hard or very difficult (0)
SECA: Average scores by school type and grade Average Maximum1 Minimum1 488 Elementary2 1 S.D. = 88 338 655 493 Middle3 1 S.D. = 83 301 687 513 High4 1 S.D. = 118 738 302 2 Grade 3=470; Grade 4=506 4 Grade 8=509; Grade 9=495; Grade 10=515; Grade 11=543; Grade 12=507 3 Grade 5=511; Grade 6=502; Grade 7=460; S.D. standard deviation; 1Outliers removed
Assessing individual students’ social and emotional competencies 04
SECA: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Need (SWON) diagnostic maps • Diagnostic visual tool to identify individual student’s strengths and weaknesses • Provides a quick one-page summary of a student’s response to all items on the assessment • Interpretation of the map is ALWAYS in relation to the student’s own total score • Highlights student’s reported strengths (skills that student found relatively easy) • Identifies strengths that could provide opportunity to support student’s less developed skills • Identifies student’s reported weaknesses (skills that student found relatively difficult or hard) • Highlights additional areas of reported weakness where a student needs extra support
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Need (SWON) diagnostic maps Harder skills unmet Respondent: • Grade 4 • Female • White • Answered 24 items Harder skills met Skills student found really hard: • SME1: Staying calm when I feel stressed • SME12: Getting through something when I feel frustrated • SME13: Working on things even when I don’t like them • SMS3: Working on assignments even when they are hard • SAE3: Noticing what my body does when I am nervous Item scoring: • Very easy (scored 3) • Easy (2) • Hard (1) • Very hard (0) Easier skills met Easier skills unmet
Maps pinpoint individual students’ strengths and weaknesses Opportunity • Self-management (all domains) Weakness • Social awareness • Self-awareness • Relationship skills Opportunity • Self-awareness emotion • Self-manage emotions Weakness • Self-manage schoolwork • Self-manage goals • Relationship skills
SWON maps pinpoint individual student’s strength and weaknesses: Total score = 498
SWON maps pinpoint individual student’s strength and weaknesses: Total score = 497
Case Study- What did we do with the data? • Meeting with Guidance/Psychologists • Start with profile of student • Data review: Attendance Demographics Academic Discipline Nurse Logs • Reviewed each of the responses in each quadrant • Targeted specific skill area to focus on with the student
How else can these data be used? • Weekly data team meetings • SST -use as part of the referral for student support • IEP/504 meetings - use data to identify/target goal areas • Department meetings • Individual student meetings • Classroom meetings - students begin to monitor their progress using a rubric of the 5 core competencies • Individual teachers setting goals in their classrooms
Next steps: • Improve SECA instrument • Research publicly available SEL items or develop new items to improve instrument • Build instrument to be more developmentally progressive • Pilot revised instrument with district’s students in May, 2019 • Train Monomoy to run their own analyses using Winsteps software (2020 - 2021) • Under consideration • Pilot assessment with more diverse range of districts and schools in 2020 - 2021 • Train pilot districts and schools in software use 2020 - 2021 • Provide support for districts and schools in interpreting SWON maps and using Winsteps
Thank you! Melissa Maguire, Director of student services, Monomoy Regional School District Shelagh Peoples, Psychometric Coordinator, Office of Planning and Research, DESE 781-338-3119 781-338-3119 speoples@doe.mass.edu speoples@doe.mass.edu