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Test your knowledge of literary terms with this guessing game. Divide into teams, take turns guessing the words, and earn points based on accuracy. Expand your understanding of allegory, anaphora, bildungsroman, and more!
LITERATURE GLOSSARYLevel 3 Guess the 58 wordsby using the definitions
RULES OF THE GAME Diviser le groupe en 2 pour former 2 équipesChaque équipe joue à tour de rôle1 mot trouvé sans aide = 3 points / avec aide = 1 point Le mot proposé est incorrect: le point va à l’autre équipe
ALLEGORY a _ _ _ _ _ _ y / ‘ælɪgərɪ/ a story in which the characters and their actions represent general truths about human conduct www.franglish.fr
ANAPHORA a _ _ _ _ _ _ a / əˈnæfərə / the repetition of a word or words at the beginning of successive lines of verse/sentences -"My life is my purpose. My life is my goal. My life is my inspiration.” www.franglish.fr
BILDUNGSROMAN b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n / ˈbɪlˌdʊŋzroʊˌmɑn / a novel concerned with a person's formative years and development www.franglish.fr
DEUS EX MACHINA d _ _ s ex m _ _ _ _ _ a / ˈdeɪʊsɛks ˈmækɪnə/ the use of some unexpected and improbable incident in a story or play in order to make things turn out right www.franglish.fr
EUPHEMISM e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m / 'juːfəmɪzəm / an inoffensive, polite expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive, upsetting or embarrassing www.franglish.fr
FOIL f _ _ l / fɔɪl / a character who acts as contrast to another character. Often a funny sidekick to the dashing hero, or a villain contrasting the hero www.franglish.fr
INFERENCE i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e / 'ɪnfərəns / a judgment based on reasoning rather than on a direct or explicit statement. A conclusion based on facts or circumstances; understanding gained by "reading between the lines.” www.franglish.fr
MAXIM m _ _ _ m / 'mæksɪm / a rule for good or sensible behaviour, especially one in the form of a saying (saying, motto, adage, proverb) www.franglish.fr
PARABLE p _ _ _ _ _ e / 'pærəbl / a relatively short story that teaches a moral, or lesson about how to lead a good life. Any of the stories of this kind told by Jesus Christ www.franglish.fr
SARCASM s _ _ _ _ _ m / 'sɑːkæzəm / a strong form of verbal irony that is calculated to hurt someone through, for example false praise. Use of irony to show distaste www.franglish.fr
SYNECDOCHE s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e / sɪnˈɛkdəkɪ / xx a figure of speech in which a part represents the whole (the hand being the artist, wheels is the car)A kind of metaphor in which a part of something is used to signify the whole www.franglish.fr
THRILLER t _ _ _ _ _ _ r / θrɪləʳ / a genre that induces strong feelings of excitement, anxiety, tension, suspense, fear, and other similar emotions in its readers or viewers www.franglish.fr
ALLITERATION a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n / əlɪtə 'reɪʃn / the use of the same consonant or of a vowel at the beginning of each word or each stressed syllable in a line of verse, as in 'around the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran‘ www.franglish.fr
ANTONYM a _ _ _ _ _ m / 'æntənɪm / a word that is the opposite in meaning to another word www.franglish.fr
CATHARSIS c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s / kə 'θɑːsɪs / a dramatic, serious or complete action that evokes both fear and pity in the audience and allows the character to experience a "purification" www.franglish.fr
DIALECT d _ _ _ _ _ t / 'daɪəlekt / a variety of a language that is different from the “norm” in pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary www.franglish.fr
EXCERPT e _ _ _ _ _ t / 'eks3ːt / a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piece (extract, part, piece, section) www.franglish.fr
GOTHIC G _ _ _ _ c / 'gɒθɪk / relating to a literary style characterized by gloom, the grotesque, and the supernatural, popular especially in the late 18th century www.franglish.fr
IMAGERY i _ _ _ _ _ y / 'ɪmɪdʒərɪ / language that appeals to one or another of the five senses : sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell. Imagery can be created by using particularly vivid adjectives, similes, and metaphors www.franglish.fr
METONYMY m _ _ _ _ _ _ y / mɪˈtɒnɪmɪ / the substitution of a word referring to an attribute for the thing that is meant, as for example the use of the crown to refer to a monarch www.franglish.fr
PATHOS p _ _ _ _ s / 'peɪθɒs / a quality in a situation, film, or play that makes people feel sadness, sorrow and pity www.franglish.fr
SLANG s _ _ _ g / slæŋ / words, expressions and meanings that are informal and are used by people who know each other very well or who have the same interests. Not suitable for formal usage ! www.franglish.fr
TWIST t _ _ _ t / twɪst / in a novel, play, etc. an unexpected event, revelation, or other significant development www.franglish.fr
ANACHRONISM a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n / ə 'nækrənɪzəm / assignment of something to a time when it was not in existence www.franglish.fr
ARCHAISM a _ _ _ _ _ _ m / ɑː 'keɪɪzəm / the adoption or imitation of something extremely old or extremely old-fashioned www.franglish.fr
CLUE c _ _ e / kluː / something that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mystery www.franglish.fr
DYSTOPIA d _ _ _ _ _ _ a / dɪsˈtəʊpiə / an anti-utopian story in which, instead of a paradise, all goes wrong in the attempt to create a perfect society www.franglish.fr
EXTENDED METAPHOR e _ _ _ _ _ _ dm _ _ _ _ _ _ r / ɪk 'stendɪd 'metəfəʳ / a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem www.franglish.fr
HAGIOGRAPHY h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y / ˌhæɡɪˈɒɡrəfɪ / any biography that idealizes or idolizes its subject www.franglish.fr
INTERTEXTUALITY i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y / ˈɪntəˈtɛkstjuːˌælɪtɪ / the relationships or links that may be found among different books or texts www.franglish.fr
ONOMATOPOEIA o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a / ˌɒnəˌmætə'piːə / the use of words which sound like the noise they refer to. 'Hiss', 'buzz', and 'rat-a-tat-tat' are examples www.franglish.fr
PLAGIARISM p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m / 'pleɪdʒɪərɪzəm / copying someone else's work and passing it off as your own www.franglish.fr
SOLILOQUY s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y / sə 'lɪləkwɪ / a dramatic convention by means of which a character, alone onstage, utters his or her thoughts aloud. Contrary to a monologue, the speaker is only talking to himself or herself www.franglish.fr
VERISIMILITUDE v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e / ˌverɪsɪ'mɪlɪˌtjuːd / the quality in a story that would cause a reader to either believe that the story is true or could be true because it has the semblance of reality www.franglish.fr
ANAGRAM a _ _ _ _ _ _ m / ænəgræm / a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. For example, 'triangle' / 'integral‘ www.franglish.fr
ARCHETYPE a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e / 'ɑːkɪtaɪp / typical character, an action or a situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature www.franglish.fr
COLLOQUALISM c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m / kə 'ləʊkwɪəlɪzəm / an expression of language that is appropriate in informal situations but not in formal ones www.franglish.fr
ELLIPSIS e _ _ _ _ _ _ s / ɪ 'lɪpsɪs / a literary device that is used in narratives to omit some parts of a sentence or event. It is usually written between the sentences as "...” www.franglish.fr
FICTION f _ _ _ _ _ n / 'fɪkʃn / any story that is the product of imagination rather than a documentation of fact. Characters and events may be based in real life but the actual story is not completely true www.franglish.fr
HUBRIS h _ _ _ _ s / 'hjuːbrɪs / excessive pride or vanity, especially found within the tragic hero www.franglish.fr
ISSUE i _ _ _ e / 'ɪʃuː / an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing ( topic, point, matter, problem) www.franglish.fr
OXYMORON o _ _ _ _ _ _ n / ɒksi'mɔːrɒn / combines two opposite qualities or ideas and therefore seems impossible ; two contradictory terms are used in conjunction ( thunderous silence, sweet sorrow) www.franglish.fr
PROSODY p _ _ _ _ _ y / 'prɒsədɪ / the study of sound and rhythm in poetry www.franglish.fr
STAGE DIRECTION s _ _ _ e d_ _ _ _ _ _ _n / 'steɪdʒdɪ 'rekʃn / written instructions provided in the text of a play about the setting or how the actors are to move and behave in a play www.franglish.fr
SYNOPSIS s _ _ _ _ _ _ s / sɪ 'nɒpsɪs / a brief summary that gives audiences an idea of what a composition is about www.franglish.fr
ANALOGY a _ _ _ _ _ y / ə 'nælədʒɪ / a comparison made between two things to show how they are alike, often an extended metaphor www.franglish.fr
ASSONANCE a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e / 'æsənəns / the repetition of a vowel sound within words (ex. rise and shine ;down an out) www.franglish.fr
EMBODIMENT e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t / ɪm 'bɒdɪmənt / personification, example, model, type www.franglish.fr