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Exploring Nano Dimensions: Quantifying the Miniature Universe

Delve into the realm of nanoscience, where dimensions are billion times smaller, uncovering Quantum Electric Magnetic scales and Single Electron Transistor technologies. How small is a nanometer? Discover the magnetic size limit and quantum confinement in crystals. Experience the transition in properties of silicon at the nanoscale. Unlock the mysteries of molecular memory and explore the captivating world of nanotechnology.

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Exploring Nano Dimensions: Quantifying the Miniature Universe

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  1. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (Nano + Bio + Info)

  2. Universe (largest length) 1027 Taking a human as reference, the Sun is a billion times larger, a nanometer a billion times smaller. 10–3 mm 10–6 m 10–9 nm 10–35 Planck Length (smallest length) How small is a Nanometer?

  3. How small is a Nanometer ? Each panel 10x smaller Each time something different Two more steps to reach one nanometer 125 nm Hewlett-Packard molecular memory

  4. l Consider devices operating at room temperature. Their energy levels have to be separated by more than the thermal energy kBT = 25 meV.Convert this energy scale to a length scale by fundamental constants. Fundamental Length Scales Quantum Electric Magnetic Quantum Well:Quantum Well Laser Capacitor:Single Electron Transistor Magnetic Particle:Data Storage Media E1 E0 a= V1/3 d Energy Levels3h2/8ml2 Charging Energy2e2/d Spin Flip Barrier ½M2a3 l< 7 nm d< 9 nm a> 3 nm

  5. Quantum Length Scale: The Quantum Well Laser 6nm optimum thickness, comparable to the electron wavelength

  6. Confinement in Nanocrystals Quantum confinement: Crystal size determines the color (blue-shifted when smaller)

  7. When Does Silicon Cease to be Silicon? The band gap of silicon nanoclusters GaAs Bulk Silicon 3 nm : Gap begins to change

  8. Electric Length Scale: Single Electron Transistor e- e- dot Cg Vg Vg  e/Cg N-½ N+½ N Electrons on the dot N-1 To add one extra electron to the dot requires the voltage Vg e/Cg (Cg=Qg/Vg= gate/dot capacitance). This costs the charging energy UC=eVg = e2/Cg . The smaller the dot, the smaller the capacitance, the larger the charging energy per electron. This effect can be observed when the charging energy becomes larger than the thermal energy: UC > kBT For room temperature operation (kBT =25 meV) this happens when the dot is smaller than 10nm.

  9. Magnetic Length Scale:Superparamagnetic Size Limit Energy Barrier E When ferromagnetic particles become smaller than about 10nm, they lose their magnetism over time (a few years at room temperature). The thermal energy can flip all the spins in a particle (see Lect. 24, Slide 10). If one measures magnetic hysteresis loops (Lect. 23, Slide 4) at various temperatures, they switch rather suddenly from ferromagnetic loops to paramagnetic lines at a temperature called the blocking temperature. This looks like the magnetic phase transition at the Curie temperature, but it depends on how fast the measurement is performed.

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