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This PPT Presentation gives the detail information about facts about Root Canal Treatment (RCT), fundamentals for a Root Canal Therapy, Root Canal Treatment from Start to Finish
Overview of Root Canal Treatment(RCT) http://www.drajwanis.com/
Root Canal Treatment(RCT) • A root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. • It is part of a naturally occurring space within a tooth that consists of the pulp chamber (within the coronal part of the tooth), the main canal(s), and more intricate anatomical branches that may connect the root canals to each other or to the surface of the root. • The smaller branches are most frequently found near the root end (apex) but may be encountered anywhere along the root length. • There may be one or two main canals within each root. • Some teeth have more variable internal anatomy than others. • This space is filled with a highly vascularized, loose connective tissue, the dental pulp. • The dental pulp is the tissue which forms the dentin portion of the tooth. • The formation of secondary teeth (adult teeth) is completed by 1-2 years after eruption into the mouth. Once the tooth has reached its final size and shape, the dental pulp's original function ceases for all practical purposes. It takes on a secondary role as a sensory organ. http://www.drajwanis.com/
Facts About Root Canal Treatment(RCT) Q. What Are the Goals of Root Canal Treatment? Ans. As an alternative to an extraction, the goals of root canal treatment are to save the tooth and allow it to be retained in the mouth for many years in a state of health, function, and comfort. Root canal treatment is directed towards removing diseased tissue from the inside of the tooth and subsequently filling and sealing the root canal space in order to minimize the possibility of future re-infection. Q. Why Is Root Canal Treatment Called Endodontic Treatment? Ans. Endodontic is a word composed of two Greek words, "endo" meaning "inside," and "odont" meaning "tooth." Endodontics is that branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases that arise from the soft tissues inside the tooth. These tissues are referred to as the dental pulp and they occupy the root canal space. Thus, endodontic treatment is also called root canal treatment. http://www.drajwanis.com/
Q. If a Tooth Has Had Root Canal Treatment, Is It a Dead Tooth? Ans. Root canal treatment does not kill a tooth. Even though root canal treatment removes the pulp tissue from inside the tooth, the tooth is by no means "dead." Following successful endodontic treatment, the tooth continues to receive its blood supply and nourishment from the surrounding tissues and the supporting bone. The body's immune system continues to recognize an endodontically treated tooth as viable and healthy, just as it recognizes any other normal non-treated tooth. An endodontically treated tooth generally requires a protective crown and, once this restoration has been completed, the tooth continues to function as an integral component of the dental arch. A tooth that has had root canal treatment and has been properly restored is no more susceptible to fracture, decay, or gum disease than any other tooth. http://www.drajwanis.com/
Fundamentals For A Root Canal Therapy • RCT is one name that gives many patients shivers when told about it. However, in reality, it is not that bad. In fact, it is an instant pain reliever and the best treatment to retain the original teeth. A Root canal treated tooth serves its purpose and function just as a healthy tooth. • A root canal is a capillary, which runs from the base of the root of the tooth to the middle of the crown (the visible part of the tooth). The root canal carries the pulp (a network of blood and nerve cells), which brings the tooth to life. • The nerve of the tooth gets damaged due to many reasons. One of the main causes is cavity in the tooth that grows deeper and touches the nerve. Since the cavity is filled with bacteria, the root canal gets inflamed and causes pain. Other reasons that may damage the teeth are accidental cracks or infection from gums reaching to the base of roots. In such cases, root canal treatments can easily stabilise the position. http://www.drajwanis.com/
There are two ways to get relief from the pain: perform the root canal therapy, or pull the tooth, clean the gum below, and replace the tooth with a denture or bridge. We advise removing teeth as a last resort natural teeth are the ones best suited for the mouth. • It's important to have root canal therapy done quickly. The bacteria will travel down the canal to the root and into the jawbone. If this happens, the pain of your toothache will spread to your jaw. Even more important, the infection can cause your jawbone to deteriorate and weaken the structure that holds your teeth. • The best way to avoid root canals is to take good daily care of your teeth to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Brushing and flossing are important. Just as important are regular trips to the dentist, to check for the first sign of decay or cracks that could eventually lead to an infected tooth. In this case, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure! http://www.drajwanis.com/
Root Canal Treatment From Start to Finish http://www.drajwanis.com/
1. A Deep Infection Root canal treatment is needed when the tooth's root becomes infected or inflamed through injury or advanced decay. http://www.drajwanis.com/
2. A Route to the Root The tooth is anesthetized. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth to the pulp chamber. http://www.drajwanis.com/
3. Removing the Infected/Inflamed Tissue Special files are used to clean the infection and unhealthy pulp out of the canals. Irrigation is used to help clean the main canal (called lateral canals). http://www.drajwanis.com/
4. Filling the Canals The canals are filled with a permanent material, often gutta-percha. This helps to keep the canals free of infection or contamination. http://www.drajwanis.com/
5. Rebuilding the Tooth A temporary filling material is placed on top of the gutta-percha to seal the opening until the tooth is ready to be prepared for a crown. A crown, sometimes called a cap, is made to look like a natural tooth, and is placed on top. http://www.drajwanis.com/
6. Extra Support In some cases, a post is placed to give the crown extra support. http://www.drajwanis.com/
7. The Crowning Touch • The crown is cemented into place. http://www.drajwanis.com/
Symptoms Of Endodontic Disease • Severe tooth pain, typically relieved by cold water and increases with the intake of hot liquids. • Pain worsens when you lie down and reduces when you sit up. • Pain stays for a long time after consuming cold things. • Swelling around the tooth. • Constant tooth pain • Pain when chewing. • Tooth pain referred to head and ears as well. • Tooth sensitivity on consuming sweets. • If you have any of the above stated symptoms, it would be advisable that you visit your dentist, since he is the best person to judge whether you have a root canal disease or not, as some of these symptoms may be due to other problems as well. http://www.drajwanis.com/
Why May Endodontic Disease Cause Swelling? When the pulp tissue becomes severely diseased and necrotic, the resultant infection can spread from inside the tooth into the adjacent bone and soft tissues. As a result, swelling can occur in the tissues immediately surrounding the tooth. If this situation is not treated and the disease process is not kept under control by the body's defences, the infection can begin to spread into other tissue spaces, such as those around the eye or in the neck. In some situations, this can become a serious medical emergency http://www.drajwanis.com/
Contact Details • HEAD OFFICE:A-5 Sukhwani Park, North Main Road, Koregaon Park, Pune- 411001. Landmark : Next to AXIS BANK BUILDING • BRANCH OFFICE: Talegaon • ASSOCIATE OFFICE: Goregaon East, Bombay http://www.drajwanis.com/