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BEST PRACTICES IN COLLEGE TEACHING: Creating an Active Learning Environnent. Debra Dunlap Runshe January 19, 2011. K – W - L. Active Learning. By the end of this session, participants will: articulate a rationale for using active learning in the classroom
BEST PRACTICES IN COLLEGE TEACHING:Creating an Active Learning Environnent Debra Dunlap Runshe January 19, 2011
Active Learning • By the end of this session, participants will: • articulate a rationale for using active learning in the classroom • describe instructional methods that encourage active learning • identify techniques that can be incorporated into their classes to create an active learning environment • improve student retention and success
Active Learning CATs Problem-based learning Experiential Learning Pause Procedure Class discussion Think-Pair-Share Minute Paper Pro-Con Grid simple complex Longer duration, higher-risk Short, low-risk Cooperative learning (Bonwell & Sutherland, 1996)
Already doing it? • Writing exercises • Tests & quizzes • Computer exercises • Labs • Student presentations
Why Active Learning? Research has shown that knowledge retention can be significantly increased by creating a welcoming environment and incorporating active learning strategies into your teaching.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge (Bloom, 1956)
Seven Principles for Good Practice Encourages contact between faculty and students. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students. Uses active learning techniques. Gives prompt feedback. Emphasizes time on task. Communicates high expectations. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning. (Chickering and Gamson, 1987)
Passive vs. Active Learning • Students learn both passively and actively. • Passive learning takes place when students take on the role of “receptacles of knowledge”; that is, they do not directly participate in the learning process. • Active learning is more likely to take place when students are doing something besides listening. • (Ryans and Martin, 1989)
Retention of Information After 24 hours, what percent of information is retained by students in a lecture environment? • 5% • 10% • 20% • 40% • 50%
Passive vs. Active Learning (Sousa, 2001)
Why Active Learning? Kuh et al identified a positive correlation between active learning and gains in general education and intellectual skills Also determined that, among good practice variables, active learning is the best predictor of gains for both men and women at colleges and universities (Kuh, Pace, & Vesper, 1997)
Why Active Learning? Students who have little mainstream culture experience and limited English proficiency may feel less isolated through participation. Instructors can identify terminology preferences made by social groups that may be hindering or strengthening the learning process. (McKeachie, 2009) Instructors can engender a sense of success in students through frequent written and oral feedback. (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 1995)
Why Active Learning? More Evidence on Impact: Interactive engagement methods leads to improved test performance Collaborative learning methods enhance/improve academic achievement, student attitudes, and retention Problem-based learning develops positive student attitudes, interpersonal skills, problem solving and lifelong learning skills, knowledge retention Cooperative learning methods enhance student achievement, interpersonal skills, self-esteem (Prince, 2004)
Student Involvement is the Key to Learning • Research supports this: • “Analysis of the research literature. . . suggests that students must do more than just listen. They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems.” --Bonwell & Eison, 1991 • “The body of research on the impacts of the college academic experience is extensive. The strongest general conclusion [is that] the greater the student’s involvement or engagement in academic work, the greater his or her level of knowledge acquisition.” -- Pasquerilla & Terenzini, 1991 Limited interaction Extensive interaction Less control More control
Active Learning Are there cons?
Start Right Away! Use an active learning technique on the first day of class – it sets an expectation of participation form the very beginning of the semester. Start with an activity that is quick and easy. This will help students acclimate to your teaching style as well as help them learn how to participate in collaborative learning
Where do I start? Punctuate your lecture: • Pause 3 times for two minutes each during a lecture to allow students to consolidate, share, and compare notes. • Assign short, ungraded written exercises followed by class discussion. • Give two mini-lectures separated by a small group study session built around a study guide.
Easy to Implement Techniques Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) simple, ungraded activities that can: • provide feedback about how your students are doing • help your student monitor their own learning • focus your students attention on course content through reflection, writing, and speaking • allow you to punctuate your lecture with learning activities
Purpose of CATs “. . . to improve learning in progress by providing teachers with the kind of feedback they need to inform their day-to-day instructional decisions, and by providing students with information that can help them learn more effectively." ‑Tom Angelo
Characteristics of CATs • Learner‑Centered • Teacher‑Directed • Mutually Beneficial • Formative • Context‑Specific • Ongoing • Rooted In Good Teaching Practice
Basic Assumptions of CATs • Learning is directly related to teaching. • Effective assessment begins with clear, specific goals and objectives. • Students need appropriate feedback, early and often. • The best type of assessment to evaluate teaching and learning is that which is created and conducted by the faculty, themselves. • Classroom assessment does not require specialized training. (Angelo & Cross, 1993)
Examples of Low-Preparation CATs • Background Knowledge Probe • Punctuated Lectures • Minute Paper • The Muddiest Point • Think – Pair – Share • Complete a Sentence Starter (Angelo & Cross, 1993)
Purpose of a Background Knowledge Probe For students, it highlights key information to be studied, offering a preview of material to come and/or a review of prior knowledge. For teachers, it helps determine the best starting point and the most appropriate level for a lesson For both, it can be used for either pre- or post-lesson assessment of learning
Examples of Background Knowledge Probe • Pro-Con Grid • Survey/inventory • Place yourself along the continuum. • “Signs up”
Background Knowledge Probe How familiar are you with Angelo and Cross’s Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers? What assessment techniques, if applicable do you routinely use in your classes?
Pro-Con Grid Develop a list of what you think would be pros and cons of using active learning techniques and of lecturing. We will then come back together and share what some of those pros and cons are.
Focus Question Think While active learning has the potential to revolutionize instruction, there are many reasons why it doesn’t take place. What are barriers to active learning in the classroom?
Focus Question Think into the future As students leave the university, what are the skills, strategies, concepts, aptitudes, and personal qualities that they will need to be a productive and successful citizen in the coming years?
Focused Listing • Purpose: To help determine what learners recall about a specific topic, including concepts they associate with a central point. • When to use this? • Before, during or after a lesson. • Steps: • Students write key word at the top of a page. For 2 – 3 minutes, just down related terms important to the understanding of that topic. • Pair up with peer, sharing lists and explanations of why concepts were included. This will build their knowledge base and clarify their understanding of the topic.
One Minute Paper What technique do you think you will implement in your next course? Specifically, where do you see its use?
Complete a Sentence Starter Angelo and Cross’s “Minute Paper”, where students typically respond to two questions is the best-known and most widely-used CAT because. . .
Muddiest Point What about incorporating active learning and classroom assessment techniques into your classroom is still confusing to you?
Defining Features Matrix What are the differences between formative evaluation and summative evaluation?
Defining Features Matrix What are the differences between formative evaluation and summative evaluation?
Concept Maps • Brainstorm terms and short phrases related to the topic. • Create a shape for your central topic. • Create levels of association with shapes and lines. • Insert logical connectives on the lines connecting the concepts (such as includes, excludes, causes, results in, predicts, contradicts, supports).
Concept Maps Central Theme Subtopic Detail Subtopic Subtopic
Concept Maps Branches of the Government Legislative Senate Congress Executive Judicial House of Representatives Supreme Court President Vice President
Active Learning Beyond the Classroom • Two ways to actively engage your students through the use of technology: • Chat Sessions • Discussion Forums • At the beginning of the semester: • Assess student technology experience and access to the environment. • Include a demonstration of the online environment. • Establish ground rules for on-line interactions.
Benefits of eLearning • Low participants and shy students sometimes open up. • There are minimal off-task behaviors. • Delayed collaboration is more extensive and rich than real time; real time is more immediate and personal. • Students can generate tons of information or case situations on the Web. (Bonk & King, 1998)
Benefits of eLearning • Minimal student disruptions and dominance. • Students are excited to publish work. • Many forms of online advice are available. Practitioner, expert, instructor, and student online feedback are all valuable and important. (Bonk & King, 1998)
Benefits of eLearning • With the permanence of the postings, one can print out discussions and perform retrospective analysis and other reflection activities. • Discussion extends across the semester and creates opportunities to share perspectives beyond your classroom. • E-learning encourages instructors to coach and guide learning. (Bonk & King, 1998)
Chat Room Activities • Debate • Guest Speaker • Office Hours
Discussion Forum Activities • Peer Review of Projects • Scavenger Hunt • Electronic Séance • Jigsaw