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Taxation - Allowances. Urban Development Zone (UDZ) Allowance 11% of unit cost in the first year, and 4.4% pa for the following 10 years. Total 55% of capital value over 10 years. Tax Deductable Interest Interest payable on all funds borrowed to finance the investment is tax deductable
Taxation - Allowances • Urban Development Zone (UDZ) Allowance • 11% of unit cost in the first year, and • 4.4% pa for the following 10 years. • Total 55% of capital value over 10 years. • Tax Deductable Interest • Interest payable on all funds borrowed to finance the investment is tax deductable • Assessed Tax Losses • Tax Losses may be set off against any other taxable income or may be carried forward to following tax periods * All assumptions and figures in models are based on one scenario, individuals or companies should seek independent tax advice based on their circumstances.
Investment Assumptions • Apartment Unit 1 R9,950,000 • Structure investment Zero rated for VAT/Transfer Duty. • Tax allowance to purchaser of 55% of capital value over 10 years. • R5,472,500 (20% year one, 8.0% for next 10 years) • Interest on any bond finance also tax deductable. • Tax credit can be rolled forward and offset against ANY SA earned income. * All assumptions and figures in models are based on one scenario, individuals or companies should seek independent tax advice based on their circumstances. Tax rates are assumed.
Tax Allowances UDZ • Year 1R1,094,500 • Year 2 – 11 R437,800 per year • Total Tax Allowance - R5,472,500 • Can be offset or structured against SA income. • Example (for illustrative purposes, please seek tax advice) • If you or your company earns R3m of declared taxable income per anum, R1,094,500 is deducted from this amount prior to your tax computation at “x” percent. • Assuming a rate of “x” being 28%* tax rate. • R3m would have a R840,000 tax bill. • When you take your credit R3m – R1.094m = R1.9m x 28%* • YOUR TAX BILL IS REDUCED FROM R1m TO= R533,540 • Saving R840,000m – R533,540 = R306,460 in year 1 • Total saving over 11 years assuming 28% tax rate = R1,532,300 * tax rate assumed for illustrative purposes. 8
Benefits & Structure • You should seek tax advice about the optimal structure based on individual circumstances. • All interest payments paid on debt secured against the property are tax deductable. • If you rent the property your rental income can be offset by the tax allowance. • SARS recoup the tax benefit on resale.