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Diagnostics, Assessments, Evaluations What’s the goal?

Discover how diagnostics and assessments can uncover students' difficulties with specific math topics, capture learning-in-progress, and evaluate student learning. Explore interventions and resources that benefit all students.

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Diagnostics, Assessments, Evaluations What’s the goal?

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  1. Diagnostics, Assessments, Evaluations What’s the goal?

  2. IF we want to impact achievement for ALL students….Geri Lorway Thinking101.ca

  3. It’s the teaching!Geri Lorway Thinking101.ca


  5. Feel the force.IF it is to be, it is up to me!

  6. Grade 4 to 12 Assessment http://map.mathshell.org/ http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/dec96/vol54/num04/Learning-from-Performance-Assessments-in-Math.aspx

  7. ERLC: Edmonton Regional Consortium • http://erlc.ca/programs/district-day-survey/?code=19-DD-SSD-GL-082X

  8. Diagnostics:  are designed to uncover the typical problems students have with a specific topic. Troubleshoot • Formative assessments • Capture learning-in-progress in order to identify gaps, misunderstandings, and evolving understanding. • Attention is on the learning process. • How you doing, how can I help, support, why did you choose to do it? What do you need to learn next? • Summative Assessments are Evaluative: • Used at the end of the learning process they are meant to evaluate student learning against some standard or benchmark • Graded and reported on

  9. What is driving this interest? RTI?

  10. RTI approach?

  11. RTI approach? Interventions that benefit all students : Use visual spatial models to engage students in puzzling & reasoning about number, space and shape! Students do the describing, modeling, comparing, explaining, representing, reasoning Teachers immerse students in vocabulary and encourage, guide, expect, challenge them to use it. Ten minutes every day for 6 weeks………

  12. Do a search on line: Unbelievable attention to diagnostics in math: Everyone has a plan or system. But what matches Alberta curriculum???? https://arpdcresources.ca/consortia/math-assessment-and-support-tools-2/

  13. http://ebi.missouri.edu/?page_id=805

  14. http://www.edugains.ca/newsite/math/gap_closing.html EduGAINSis a website that houses ministry developed resources to support policies and programs related to improved learning and teaching - Kindergarten to Grade 12 - in Ontario schools.

  15. http://www.edugains.ca/newsite/math/gap_closing.html

  16. http://sandbox.edugains.ca/newsite/math2/gapclosing.html

  17. http://sandbox.edugains.ca/newsite/math2/gapclosingintermediatesenior.htmlhttp://sandbox.edugains.ca/newsite/math2/gapclosingintermediatesenior.html

  18. Overwhelming agreement: Nothing more important than effective teaching…. Are we teaching the material in ways that open the playing field to all?

  19. Overwhelming agreement: The Number one predictor of future success in school math: Spatial reasoning

  20. Are we designing our teaching in ways that capitalize on spatial reasoning?

  21. Nearly a century of research confirms the close connection between spatial thinking and mathematics performance. The relation between spatial ability and mathematics is so well established that it no longer makes sense to ask whether they are related. (Mix & Cheng, 2012). The connection does not appear to be limited to any one strand of mathematics. It plays a role in arithmetic, word problems, measurement, geometry, algebra and calculus. Research mathematics education, psychology and even neuroscience is attempting to map these relationships.

  22. In a longitudinal study involving 400,000 students, Wai and colleagues (2009) found that spatial skills assessed in high school predicted which students would later enter and succeed in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Moreover, spatial thinking was a better predictor of mathematics success than either verbal or mathematical skills.

  23. Overwhelming agreement: We must attend to reasoning and arithmetic. Attention to one cannot outweigh attention to the other.

  24. Overwhelming agreement: Number Sense, before number facts…. What is number sense?

  25. Recognize and name the quantity • Express multiple ways ( base ten or decimal system) Use words, multiplication units, expanded notations. Use expander cards, blocks and 100 grids. Drop the pictures of tallies and circles. Use numbers but not equations. ADDITIVE COMPOSITION means understanding how the number is composed • Equal (record expressions before equations. Build lists of expressions.) • Inverses (consider how addition and subtraction are related on the 100 grid. Then slowly move to equations.)

  26. Interventions that benefit all students : Use visual spatial models to engage students in puzzling & reasoning about number, space and shape! Students do the describing, modeling, comparing, explaining, representing, reasoning Teachers immerse students in vocabulary and encourage, guide, expect, challenge them to use it. Ten minutes every day for 6 weeks………

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