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Catch the Wave! Surf the Net!

Explore engaging math activities and games online, from arithmetic drills to problem-solving challenges. Enhance math skills with fun learning tools and resources. Let the math adventures begin!

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Catch the Wave! Surf the Net!

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  1. Catch the Wave! Surf the Net!

  2. Catch the Wave! Surf the Net! http://technology.usd259.com/math.htm

  3. Drill • A+ Math • www.aplusmath.com • Education 4 Kids • www.edu4kids.com/math • Megamaths • www.bbc.co.uk/education/megamaths/tables.html • Arithmetic • http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/iongoal/tablcont.htm

  4. Word Problems • Math Cats • www.mathcats.com/storyproblems.html • Elementary Themes • www.cdli.ca/CITE/math_problems.htm • Ask Dr. Math • http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/sets/elem_word_problems.html

  5. Problem Solving • Math Mysteries Online • www.teachtsp2.com/mathmysteries • Math WebQuest: Searching for Solutions • http://gouchercenter.edu/chatsworth/searchin_for_solutions.htm • Brain Teasers • www.eduplace.com/math/brain

  6. Challenges • Challenge Math • www.challengemath.com • Figure This! Math Challenges for Families • www.figurethis.org • Ethnomathematics Web Quest • http://home.mindspring.com/~mjg2/ethalt.html

  7. Hands On • Hands-on Math: Activities for the Elementary Classroom • www.xmission.com/~dparker/mathpage/hanson.html • Fleet Kids • www.fleetkids.com • Illuminations • http://illuminations.nctm.org

  8. Learning Games • Math Year 2000 • www.mathsyear2000.org/games • Cool Math • www.coolmath4kids.com • Count On • www.counton.org • The Math Files Game Show • www.bbc.co.uk/education/mathsfile/index.shtml

  9. Spreadsheets • Spreadsheets in the Classroom • www.amphi.com/~psteffen/excel.html • Spreadsheet Resources • http://lttechno.com/links/spreadsheets.html • Spreadsheets in the Elementary Class • http://it.wce.wwu.edu/carney/444/Spreadsheet/spreadsheet1.html • Spreadsheet Activities • www.lhric.org/eastramapo/techweb/integration/spreadsheet_activities.htm

  10. PowerPoint • PowerPoint – Elementary • www.maththatcounts.com/page7.html • PowerPoint – Middle School • www.maththatcounts.com/page19.html • Cyber Exchange • • Monica’s Math • www.hpedsb.on.ca/sg/quinte/monicas_math.htm

  11. Extras • Math Multiplication: An Adventure in Number Sense • www.naturalmath.com/mult • Math Mastery • www.mathmastery.com • School Spreadsheet Safari • http://library.thinkquest.org/J0110054 • Convert It! • www.convertit.com/Go/ConvertIt/

  12. Now Find Your Own • Use Quotes • Use Smart Keywords • Ask for what You Want • www.google.com • Search for Movies • www.alltheweb.com

  13. Sharing is Good Note: By default Microsoft Internet Explorer will save your bookmarks as bookmark.htm. • Within Internet Explorer click File and "Import and Export...". • Within the Import and Export window click Next. • Click "Export Favorites" and click Next. • Select the folder wish to backup, if you wish to backup all favorites, leave the Favorites folder highlighted and click Next. • Select the destination you wish to save the favorites and click Next.  • Click Finish.

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