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Competition and Mutualism. Reading: Textbook Chapters 6 and 7 Tilman, D. 1997. “Mechanisms of Plant Competition”. pp239-261 in: M. J. Crawley (ed) Plant Ecology, Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. (on reserve in library).
Competition and Mutualism • Reading: • Textbook Chapters 6 and 7 • Tilman, D. 1997. “Mechanisms of Plant Competition”. pp239-261 in: M. J. Crawley (ed) Plant Ecology, Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. (on reserve in library). • Stachowicz, J.J. 2001. Mutualism, facilitation, and the structure of ecological communities. Bioscience, 51:235-246.
Lab Feb 24 • Papers for discussion: • Bais HP, Vepachedu R, Gilroy S, Callaway RM, Vivanco JM . 2003. Allelopathyand exotic plant invasion: From molecules and genes to species interactions. Science 301 (5638): 1377-1380 • TBA (Herbivory? Or choose your favorite interaction)
Seminars • EECB Colloquium: Thurs Feb 19. John Maron, University of Montana. “Rapid evolution in invading plant populations. Evidence from Hypericum perforatum”
Outline • Types of species interactions • Competition • Mechanisms of competition • Coexistence • Mutualism • Types of relationships • Example: mycorrhizae
Competition • Ability of one species to inhibit the survival and/or growth of individuals of another species = interspecific competition. • Ability of individuals to suppress growth or survival of conspecifics = intraspecific competition(density dependence, e.g.) • Effects can be substantial: e.g. 16-fold decrease in growth of little bluestem in presence of neighbors (Wilson and Tilman 1991).
Competition Models • Consider joint carrying capacity of N1 + N2 • Species 2 has an effect α on species 1. Species 1 has an effect β on species 2. • Alter logistic growth equations as follows: Species 1: dN1/dt=r1N1((K1-N1-αN2)/K1) Species 2: dN2/dt=r2N2((K2-N2- βN1)/K2)
Effect and Response • Competitive effect: ability of plant to suppress other species. • Competitive response: ability of plant to persist in presence of competitors (i.e. resist suppression). • How do they differ? How would they affect alpha and beta? • Handout: tree tolerances. Does this describe competitive effect or competitive response, or both?
Competition Mechanisms • Species vary in the nutrient concentrations they require for positive net growth • Resources are limited • Changes in plant density/biomass alter resource availability (rate of consumption) • This influences and survival and growth
Equilibrium concentration R* • R* is resource concentration at which a species “breaks even”. Differs among species. • R* depends on species growth rate and change in growth rate with change in resources. • All things equal, a species will reduce a resource to its R*.
Equilibrium concentration R* • With one limiting resource, species with lowest R* will “win”. • For soil resources (e.g. N): negative correlation between R* and root mass (e.g. tallgrass prairie, Tilman and Wedin 1991)
ZNGIs • Zero net growth isoclines: graphical representation of resource use and competition • Show that at equilibrium coexistence is possible if each species limited by a different resource
Coexistence • Why are communities diverse?
Coexistence • If tilmans models are right, only as many species as there are different limiting resources should coexist. Why are communities diverse?
Coexistence • Neighborhood effect: deplete resources in spatially discreet area; low R* in plant’s immediate vicinity. • Spatial heterogeneity: resource supply variable at very small scale. • Resource fluctuations in time: “storage effect” • Non-equilibrium conditions: disturbance, herbivory, etc.
Coexistence • If tilmans models are right, only as many species as there are different limiting resources should coexist. Why are communities diverse?
Apparent competition • More complex 3rd order interactions create appearance of competitive effects: • Example: Species 1 is primary food source for herbivore; Species 2 is secondary. Presence of Species 1 can suppress species 2 via shared herbivore.
Competition in range and forest ecosystems • What is the importance of competition?
Mutualism • Mutually beneficial interactions. • More widespread and important than often given credit for; much less studied than competition. • Very important in range and forest ecosystems. Examples?
Mutualism • Four main types: • Nutritional: breakdown and supply of nutrients (e.g. mycorrhizae to plant) • Protection: from extreme site conditions or predators/pathogens (e.g. fungus to alga, nurse plants) • Transport: dispersal of seed, pollen, etc. (e.g. fruit bats to banana trees, bees to orchids) • Energy: supply of photosynthetic energy by plants to associates (e.g. plant to mycorrhizae; alga to fungus)
Mutualism models • Mathematical models not as well developed as for competition or predation but… • Can convert “Lotka-Volterra” competition models into mutualism models (+ effect). Species 1: dN1/dt=r1N1((K1-N1+αN2)/K1) Species 2: dN2/dt=r2N2((K2-N2+βN1)/K2)
Mutualism models • But: this causes positive feedback and rapid exponential growth. “Orgy of mutual benefaction” (May 1973) • Better models: economic models and game theory. Cooperation is mutually beneficial. • But: cheaters may prosper. Must be mechanisms for “policing” : e.g. Yucca moths. Cheaters oviposit but don’t pollinate. Solution? Yucca selectively aborts flowers with many moth larvae (Pellmyr and Huth 1994. Nature 372:257-260)
Example: mycorrhizal associations • Ectomycorrhizae – form extensive hyphal mats that grow between but not within cells. Usually Basidiomycotes and Ascomycotes. Common on woody forest species (e.g. pines, fir, hemlock). Modify external appearance of root.
Example: mycorrhizal associations • Ectomycorrhizae – form extensive hyphal mats that grow between but not within cells. Usually Basidiomycotes and Ascomycotes. Common on woody forest species (e.g. pines, fir, hemlock). Modify external appearance of root. • Endomycorrhizae – hyphae penetrate root cells. Visible only by microscope. VAM= vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (named for structures in root cells).
Benefits and extent • Fungus receives carbohydrate from plant • Plant receives increased “root area” with substantial gains in water and nutrient gathering capacity (P, N). • Most plants form some sort of mycorrhizal association. • Trees have ecto, sometimes VAM or both. Most range plants have VAM. • Most common and important in low-resource areas. Colonization may be decreased in high nutrient or disturbed areas. Can be affected by herbivory.
Importance • May affect competitive interactions and invasion success. • Maintenance of dense grassland • Some invasions might fail because of lack of symbionts
Importance • May affect competitive interactions and invasion success. • Often necessary for tree growth: example – failed afforestation attempts in areas of grassland
Importance: example • White Fir in Klamath mountains… • Clearcut caused shift in soil microbial community (fungal to bacterial) • Some clearcuts cannot be re-vegetated despite numerous attempts since 1960 • Planting seedlings along with soil from healthy forest increased survival 50% in first year. • After 3 years, 100% mortality without inoculum. • In some cases, tree growth stopped at edge of inoculated hole.