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Exploring Mutualistic Relationships in Nature: Key Interactions and Benefits

This informative text discusses mutualism, an essential ecological concept where two organisms benefit mutually. It covers various mutualistic relationships such as plant-pollinator mutualism, seed dispersal, and more. The text explores how mutualism influences entire ecosystems and the unique adaptations organisms develop to secure resources collectively. You'll also read about cheating in pollination, seed dispersal mechanisms, and specific examples like leaf-cutting ants and their farming of fungus. Discover the significance of mutualism in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.

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Exploring Mutualistic Relationships in Nature: Key Interactions and Benefits

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  1. Chapter 9 Mutualism 鄭先祐 生態主張者 Ayo Japalura@hotmail.com

  2. RoadMap • Mutualism: an association between two organisms that benefits both • Seed dispersal mutualism: disperser acquires a meal and the plant gets its seed dispersed • Through mutualism, species are better able together to secure resources or better able to defend themselves • Mutualism is difficult to model; models tend to result in runaway densities Chap.9 Mutualism

  3. RoadMap • Mutualism between two species can affect the entire community • Commensalism is an association between two species that benefits only one, with the other species unaffected Chap.9 Mutualism

  4. 9.1 Plant-Pollinator Mutualism • Most frequent type of mutualism (Figure 9.1) • 45% of all studies of mutualism • Coevolved systems • Selective pressures for plants to develop intimate relationship with pollinators (Figure 9.2) • More than 900 species of Ficus exist and virtually all must be pollinated by its own species of agaonid wasp • Yucca plants and yucca moths - highly coevolved • The distribution of each species is controlled by the availability of the other species • Ex. Yucca flower abortion if too many eggs are laid Chap.9 Mutualism

  5. 0.5 0.4 0.3 Proportion of mutualism articles 0.2 0.1 0 Grazing Nutritional Other Seed dispersal Ant-plant protection Ant-insect protection Mycorrhizal Pollination Fig. 9.1 Frequency of articles on different forms of mutualism published in 675 papers. Chap.9 Mutualism

  6. Fig. 9.2 Blastophaga psenes, a tiny fig wasp, which crawl inside the captifig in California to lay her eggs. Chap.9 Mutualism

  7. Cheating in pollination • In the Bogs of Maine • Grass-pink orchid produces no nectar, but mimics the nectar-producing rose pogonia • Some Bombus species cheat by biting through the base of the flowers, taking the nectar without entering the plant nor assisting with pollination Chap.9 Mutualism

  8. 9.2 Seed Dispersal • Seed dispersal systems account for almost 30% of all mutualisms • In tropics some fruits are dispersed by birds that are frugivorous • Fruit provides balanced diet for birds • Birds disperse seeds • Mechanisms for attraction • Birds and mammals - attractive colors, and odorless (Birds) • Nocturnal bats - give off pungent odor Chap.9 Mutualism

  9. Seed dispersal mechanisms are not as obligatory as plant-pollinator systems • Performed by more generalist agents • Wide array of adaptations • Ex. parrot beaks to crack and peel fruits • A berry-eating fish from the Amazon. Ex. Figure 9.3 Chap.9 Mutualism

  10. A Variety of Mutualisms • Mutualisms and resources • Neotropical leaf-cutting ants and fungus (Figure 9.4) • Typical ant colony: 9 million • Typical biomass of colony: Equivalent to a the biomass of a cow • Typically cuts the equivalent of a cow's daily requirement of fresh vegetation • Leaf-cutting ants harvest 17% of the total leaf production in the forest • Ants take cut vegetation underground to grow special fungal crops (nature's farmers?) • Fungus grows specialized structures called gongylidia, which serve as food for the ants Chap.9 Mutualism

  11. Fig. 9.4 Leaf-cutting ants Atta cephalotes, in South America, chew up leaves and cultivate fungus gardens underground. Chap.9 Mutualism

  12. Leaf-cutting ants and the parasitic fungus, Escovopsis • Escovopsis can infest the ants' fungi gardens, destroying the fungi inside • A mutualisitic streptomyces • Occurs on the bodies of ants • Produces antibodies that keep Escovopsis in check Chap.9 Mutualism

  13. Nitrogen • Vital to plant and animal growth • Most species can not fix atmospheric nitrogen • Fixation is carried out by soil bacteria and archaebacteria • Most live in the roots of plants • Mutualistic relationship with plant • Excess nitrogen is available to plant • Ex. Rhizobia bacteria in legumes • Figure 9.5 Chap.9 Mutualism

  14. Mutualism under harsh environmental conditions • Strong facultative mutualism • Leguminous shrub, Retama, and an understory plant, Marrubium vulgare • Grow in a semiarid region of Spain • Retama shades Marrubium, provides favorable microclimate • Marrubium enhances the availability of water for Retama Chap.9 Mutualism

  15. Retama Marrubium 1.0 30 20 Leaf mass (g) Leaf mass (g) 0.5 10 0.0 0 100 20 2 2 15 75 Leaf area (cm /g) Leaf area (cm /g) 50 10 25 5 0 0 3 0.6 2 0.4 N content (g / plant) N content (g / plant) 0.2 1 Fig. 9.6 0 0.0 +M -M +R -R Environment Chap.9 Mutualism

  16. Mutualism and protection from natural enemies • Common example: ants and aphids(Figure 9.7) • Aphids feed on plant sap and excrete honeydew • Ants drink the honeydew and in return protect the aphids Chap.9 Mutualism

  17. Mutualism and herbivory • Ants protect plants from herbivores • Common in the tropics • 377 myrmecophytic plants per hectare in a Brazilian Rain Forest (Fonseca and Ganade, 1996) • 312 ant-plant associations at a single coastal site in Mexico (Rico-Grey, 1993) Chap.9 Mutualism

  18. Fig. 9.8 Thorns on Acacia collinsii in Paloverde National Park in Costa Rica. • Example: Ants and the Central American acacia trees • Acacia trees provide food and shelter for the ants inside large thorns • Ants protect the acacia tree from other insects and vertebrate herbivores • Ants also trim foliage away from competing plants and kill neighboring plant shoots • Figure 9.8 Chap.9 Mutualism

  19. Fig. 9.9 Soay sheep • Example: Fungi and plants • Fungi reduce vertebrate herbivory • Soay Sheep of Hirta Island (in the St. Kilda Archipelago) Figure 9.9 • Sheep overgraze native grasses • Periodically, sheep population crashes Chap.9 Mutualism

  20. Mutualism is the chief culprit • The main forage is the grass Festuca rubra • F. rubra contains an endophyte, the fungus Acremonium, inside its blades • The fungus produces toxic alkaloids • These alkaloids function as an anti-herbivory defense • In return, the fungus obtains food from the plant • Frequency of infection correlated to grazing pressure. Heavy grazing causes higher infections • Fungi are in greatest concentration in basal regions. Heavy grazing results in sheep reaching lower blades. Chap.9 Mutualism

  21. Obligate mutualism • A mutualistic relationship, in which neither participant could survive without the other • Ex. Lichen: a relationship between algae and fungi • Algae provides the photosynthate • Fungi provides a safe habitat • Ex. Many ruminants and symbiotic bacteria • Bacteria break down plant tissue to provide energy for their hosts • Ex. The roots of most plants and fungi • Mutualistic association between the fungus and root tissue - mycorrhizae • Fungi obtain carbohydrates from their host • Fungi increase access to mineral nutrition and water for the plant Chap.9 Mutualism

  22. 9.4 Modeling Mutualism • Uses equations similar to Lotka-Volterra competition equations • For facultative mutualism • dN1 /dt = r1N1 [K1 - N1 + aN2) / K1] • dN2 /dt = r2N2 [K2 - N2 + bN1) / K2] • dNi /dt = change in population size of species 1 or 2 • ri = per capita growth rate for species 1 or 2 • Ni = population size of species 1 or 2 • Ki = Maximum population density of species 1 or 2 • a = Positive effect of species 2 on species 1 • b = Positive effect of species 1 on species 2 Chap.9 Mutualism

  23. Facultative mutualism dN N N dN dN a) b) c) 1 1=0 2=0 1= 0 dt dt dt 2 N2 N N 2 2 dN dN 2=0 2=0 dt dt Population density of N2 dN 1=0 dt X2 X X 2 2 X N X N X N 1 1 1 1 1 1 Population density of N1 Fig. 9.10 Graphical models of facultative (a-c) and obligate (d-f) mutualism. Chap.9 Mutualism

  24. For obligate mutualism • Different equations are needed • Models of facultative mutualism are, in general, more stable than models of obligate mutualism • Figure (9.10d-f) Chap.9 Mutualism

  25. Obligate mutualism N dN 1 dN dN d) e) f) 1= 0 2= 0 1= 0 N dt 2 dt dt N2 N N 2 2 dN dN 2=0 1=0 dt dt Population density of N dN — 2=0 dt N N N 1 1 1 Population density of N1 Chap.9 Mutualism

  26. 9.5 Mutualisms and Community Process • Mutualism can have strong indirect effects on the community • Ex. mycorrhizal fungi and herbivory load • Pinyon pines and mycorrhizae: Density of needle scale insect, Matsucoccus acalyptus: • Mycorrhizae can improve pine vigor and/or increase plant investment in antiherbivory defenses • Density of needle scale insects will decrease Chap.9 Mutualism

  27. Ex. Endophytes (fungi that live inside leaves) and vascular plant hosts - Defend host against herbivory • Mycorrhizal fungi and plant species diversity (Figure 9.11) Chap.9 Mutualism

  28. d) a) 7 0.8 6 0.6 5 Hyphal length (m g soil) -1 0.4 Simpson’s diversity index 4 3 0.2 2 0 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 6 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 6 e) b) 20 130 120 -1 15 110 -2 Shoot biomass (g m ) Soil P (mg kg soil) 100 10 90 5 80 70 0 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 6 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 6 f) c) 2500 160 -2 -2 2000 140 1500 120 Plant P (mg m ) Fig. 9.11 Root biomass (g m ) -2 1000 100 80 500 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 6 6 Number of mycorrhizal fungal species Number of mycorrhizal fungal species Chap.9 Mutualism

  29. 9.6 Commensalism • Commensal relationship: one members benefits and the other is unaffected • Ex. An orchid and a tropical tree: orchids gain a place to live and the tree gains nothing • Ex. Cattle egrets and cattle: Cattle stir up insect prey for egrets (Figure 9.12) Chap.9 Mutualism

  30. 10 Feedings per minute 0 30 20 Steps per prey 10 0 Fig. 9.12 No cow Chap.9 Mutualism Cow

  31. Commensalism in the form of phoresy: association is passive and more temporary transport of one organism by another • The transport of flower-inhabiting mites from bloom to bloom in the nares of hummingbirds • Common commensalisms: plant mechanisms of seed dispersal • Ex. Seeds attached to animal fur • Some mechanims can become an antagonistic relationship • Pisonia (cabbage tree) produce a very sticky fruit Chap.9 Mutualism

  32. Chap.9 Mutualism

  33. Humans in mutualistic relationship • Humans and Agriculture (Box Photo 1) • Origins of world's crops (Box Table 1) • Crops are introduced around the world • Livestock are domesticated • Mutualism • Human population has increased • Crops and livestock populations have increased • Box Table 2 Chap.9 Mutualism

  34. Side-Effects of Mutualism • Pollution of bodies of water • Loss of topsoil • Depletion of water supplies • Salting of the land • Desertification • Severe loss of wildlife Chap.9 Mutualism

  35. 問題與討論! Japalura@hotmail.com Ayo 台南站: http://mail.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/ Chap.9 Mutualism

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