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eJob Management

eJob Management. Andy Barton www.promoserve.co.uk. What is eJob Management?. The use of computer software to improve the quality of service to your clients whilst reducing administration time & costs for your business. Why is it relevant to you?. Helps you make more PROFIT

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eJob Management

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  1. eJob Management Andy Barton www.promoserve.co.uk

  2. What is eJob Management? The use of computer software to improve the quality of service to your clients whilst reducing administration time & costs for your business

  3. Why is it relevant to you? • Helps you make more PROFIT • Your competitors may be using it • Achievable within your budget • Will give you more “time” • Larger Customers will expect it • Not just for the “big boys”

  4. The Electronic Job Bag • “Anybody seen the XYZ job?” • Everything you would keep in a normal job bag – quotes, orders, artwork etc • Does it completely replace a normaljob bag? • Access for all staff when required • Linked to website for customer access?

  5. How it looks

  6. Using E-Mail • Can send all documents - quotes, orders & invoices etc • Saves postage cost • Increases speed of process • 80% of Business Communication

  7. Typical Workflow • Marketing – create the enquiry • Enquiry/Quotation – log the interest • Samples – manage the sample process • Follow Up – follow up the samples • Sales Order – create the order • Job Bag – create the job bag • Purchase Order – order from the suppliers & printers • Goods Delivered – confirm receipt either direct or to you • Purchase Invoice – Check the supplier invoice • Sales Invoice – Send out your invoice (could be earlier) • Sales Remittance – take payment • Statement – chase up payment • Purchase Payment – pay your supplier • Accounts - prepare company accounts

  8. Quotes, Enquiries & Samples • Copy from a previous quote • For customers or prospects • Go direct to quote or raise enquiry first • Can be raised from within job bag

  9. Quote To Order • Turn quote or enquiry into an order • Use any revision of quotation • Copy a previous sales order • Can only raise orders for customers

  10. Order Options • Delivery - direct, to printer or to your warehouse • Choose payment method & even take money • Add special instructions & carrier details • Track Order Method & Required By Date

  11. Order to Purchase Order • Back to Back Order emailed direct to supplier • Create multiple orders for product, printing, delivery etc • Have any number of purchase orders related to a sales order • Auto order for stock management

  12. Purchase Options • Print, Email or Fax • Request a confirmation on all orders placed • Send an acknowledgement of verbal order • Add VAT Summary to order • Send a direct delivery note & labels at the same time • Goods Expected Note for the warehouse

  13. Managing your job bags • Select by due date & priority • Review by customer or job • Print job bag header sheet • Create reports • Review tasks by your internal team

  14. Setting Up your Auto Process • Create your own processes by category • Allocate to specific staff • Set timings between tasks • Unlimited actions • Can be different for different products

  15. Managing the Auto Process • See if actions have been completed • 1 person can control job bag with different tasks allocated to others • Can be linked to auto alert for reminders • One click tick for overdue • Create your own manual or auto reports

  16. Creating Templates • Can alter our standard documents with your own branding • You can also create your own templates that auto populate in MS Word • Artwork Approval • Credit Control letters • Can also print & create custom labels

  17. Progressing Purchase Orders • An automated routine to keep on top of your suppliers • Often takes hours each day • Chases unacknowledged orders as well as due orders

  18. Uploading Artwork • Artwork can be uploaded to any quote or order • Can be attached to purchase order • Can deal with any format supportedby Windows • All previous artwork uploaded can be reviewed by client

  19. Bespoke Enquiry Process • Save hours getting prices for specials • Increase your ability to make more margin • Fully integrated with quote system and job bag to reduce manual processes

  20. Online Options • Can be used for orders or enquiries • Can have main site & client sub sites • Can be used for order tracking & review • Can store own artwork online

  21. Virtual Samples • Instantly make virtual samples of products from the database in seconds • Our simple to use tools enable you to produce a Virtual Sample for your client quickly and easily saving you time and money • Easy step by step process • Most artwork types supported • Save hours on artwork and design charges

  22. Reporting Options • Use standard reports or build your own • Ideal for internal job management or customer specific requirements • Reports can be auto emailed at chosen time intervals • Anything in the database can be reported on

  23. Interested? • Visit our demonstration area outside • Try your free 30 day trial in your entry pack • Visit www.promoserve.co.uk • Come and discuss your requirements now

  24. Other Seminars • 12.30pm e-Marketing • 2pm An Introduction to e-commerce and how it will affect your industry • 3.30pm An Introduction to Print Management & how you can expand your business in this area

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