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I Lost My Brother. By: Abdulaziz Mohamed Alkhatri, Hamad Khalifa Alzaabi. Chapter 1.
I Lost My Brother By: Abdulaziz Mohamed Alkhatri, HamadKhalifaAlzaabi
Chapter 1 It was a stormy night. Abdulaziz and his brother Hamad were walking in the forest. They couldn’t stand the heavy storm. The storm was really fast. They were trying to look for shelter. While they were walking, Hamad lost his torch light. Hamad couldn’t find his brother from the dark.
Chapter 2 It started to rain heavily. Abdullaziz noticed that his brother wasn’t with him. Abdullaziz tried to call Hamad by his Phone. But there weren’t any services. So he went back looking for him.
Chapter 3 • Abdulaziz tripped on a strange object. It was Hamad’s torch light. The batteries were died. Then he heard a strange voice. It sounded like his brother yelling for help. He started following his brother voice.
Chapter 4 Hamad was yelling because he twisted his ankle. He have found a wooden cottage he entered to rest his leg. The cottage looked old and dusty. It looked like it was deserted. He have found a small bed to rest his leg.
Chapter 5 Abdulaziz ran to find some people or a phone service. But he didn’t know which way to go east, west, north and south. His torch was about to run out of power. He thought that he couldn’t survive.
Chapter 6 Hamad was resting in the cottage until a man came through the door. The man was really angry when he saw Hamad lying on the bed . The man walked towards Hamad slowly and attached a huge ball and chain to his other leg.
Chapter 7 Hamad can’t move of his twisted ankle on his right leg and the ball and chain on his left.Hamad had a smart idea. He sang a song that Abdulaziz would recognize it. He started singing. the man was confused.
Chapter 8 Abdulaziz have finally found a phone service he couldn’t call Hamad because he didn’t have phone service. Abdulaziz tried to call the police to find Hamad. The police were coming but the weather didn't’t help the police to come quickly.
Chapter 9 Abdulaziz couldn’t just wait for the police. He decided to look for his brother. Abdulaziz have heard a song he quickly knew that his brother was singing. He followed the song. But when he reached the cottage. He saw that Hamad was kept hostage by a man.
Chapter 10 Abdulaziz returned to look for the police. He jumped for happiness. Abdulaziz have explained the situation to the police. Abdulaziz lead the police to the cottage. Abdulaziz was nervous about what will happen next. Will he win or lose.
Chapter 11 The policemen broke into the cottage. The man stood and quickly dashed to Hamad with a shotgun. He threated the policemen that he will kill Hamad. The policemen were under a hard pressure. Abdulaziz thought of a plan he went at the back of the house.
Chapter 12 Abdulazizgave a signal to the policemen from the back window. Abdulaziz went back a couple of steps then he ran as fast as he can and dashed through the window and kicked the man. The man passed out.
Chapter 13 Abdulaziz and Hamad were happy to see each other again. The man was arrested. Hamad went straight to the hospital for his twisted ankle. There parent were happy to see each other back together.
Chapter 14 Abdulaziz and Hamad. Both of them lived happy and Hamad has cured his twisted ankle. The man was judged for 2 years in jail for his horrible crime.