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1. Based on the picture and your readings, what conclusions can you draw? 2. What are the people doing? 3. Why do Muslims kneel, bow, and touch their foreheads to the ground when they pray?. Kaaba. Islam’s most sacred sanctuary Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
1. Based on the picture and your readings, what conclusions can you draw? 2. What are the people doing? 3. Why do Muslims kneel, bow, and touch their foreheads to the ground when they pray?
Kaaba • Islam’s most sacred sanctuary • Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia • Muslims believe Abraham and his son Ishmael built it. • It contains the Black Stone, the cornerstone of the Kaaba • 50’ high, 33’ wide, 40’ long • The outer black cloth contains verses from the Quran • Pilgrims walk around the track 7 times, reciting the Quran
Dome of the Rock • Built by Muslims in 691 C.E. • Muslims believe Muhammad ascended into Paradise from here • He returned to earth and brought Allah’s message to all people • Jews honor the site as the place where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son, Isaac
What is the holiest object in Islam? • Where is it located? • List and describe the 5 Pillars of Islam. • What is the Dome of the Rock? • What 3 religions consider this site sacred? Why?
Say O Muslims: We believe in God and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. 10. What does this Quran passage tell you about how Muslims view the teachings of the Hebrew prophets and Jesus? 11. How do Muslims view Jesus? 12. What is one belief that Muslims, Jews, and Christians share?
13. What activity brought prosperity to the Islamic world? 14. What 3 cities were important trade centers? 15. Where did the majority of the people live during the early stages of the Arab Empire? Pages 204-205 Page 204 Page 205
The Arab Empire and Its Successors 500 C.E. 1100 C.E. 1300 C.E. 700 C.E. 900 C.E. 750-1258 Abbasid Dynasty 661-750 C.E. Umayyad Dynasty 570 C.E. Birth of Muhammad • 16. Which Muslim dynasty was in power in 732 C.E. when Arab forces were defeated in Gaul, halting Arab expansion in Europe? • About how many years did the Abbasid Dynasty last? • Muslims split into 2 main sects (Sunni & Shiite) after a revolt led by Hussein in what year? 680 C.E. Hussein leads revolt against Umayyad rule
Bedouin – Nomadic clans --------------------------------------------------- Problems • No successor to Muhammad • Caliph – Political and religious successor to Muhammad
Sunni Muhammad left no successor Felt caliph should be chosen by Muslim leaders One is appointed from among peers Abu Bakr—Friend of Muhammad Majority of Muslims belong to this sect Shiite Muhammad left a chosen successor Felt only true successors were blood descendents of Muhammad Ali—Son-in-law, cousin of Muhammad
What is a caliph? • What 2 sects did Islam split into? • What sect do most Muslims belong to?
Umayyad Rule • Starts with Mu’awiya • Capital moved to Damascus • Booty • Taxes • Governors • Religious freedom • Construction projects
Decline and Fall • Some abandon simple lifestyle • Many Muslims dissatisfied Abbas – Leader of dissatisfied Muslims • Allies with Shiites • Revolt against Damascus • Reconciliation Banquet • Slaughtered Umayyads
Abbasid 750-1258 • Independent kingdoms forming • 1055 Seljuk Sultans-authority • captured and controlled Baghdad • Crusades 1095 • Christians capture portions of Holy Land • Saladin • Mongols 1258
Stearns, page 119; Glencoe, page 197 22. How far north did the Islam empires spread? 23. How did the Arabs benefit from expansion?
The Crusades • In the 7th Century. Muslims, conquered Palestine • where Jesus Christ had lived and preached • Muslims were tolerant • let Christians/Jews and keep their faiths • Christian pilgrims visited the Christian 'Holy Land‘ & shrines freely • In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Jerusalem • Persecuted Christian pilgrims • 1071, defeated the Byzantine army at the Battle of Manzikert; Threatened Byzantine Empire; Emperor Alexius asked the Pope for help • Pope Urban II called for a “Holy War” or “Crusade” against the Muslim “infidels” (unbelievers) and occupiers of the Holy Lands • 1000s responded and pinned crosses on their tunics
The Crusades continued • Between 1096-1212, there were 7 crusades • 1000s responded and pinned crosses on their tunics & marched to fight/die for God • 1st Crusade: (1096-1099) • French, German, and Italian armies captured Jerusalem • Sacked the city, slaughtered many Muslims & Jews; stole/ransacked goods • Many Crusaders went home--left surrounding territories vulnerable • Muslim leader, Saladin captured Edessa • 2nd Crusade: (1147-1149) • 2nd Crusade failed to win Edessa back • Additionally, Saladin re-captured Jerusalem in 1187 for the Muslims
Crusades continued • 3rd Crusade: (1189-1192) • Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany drowned in a local river • English King Richard & French King Philip II of France arrived by sea • captured the coastal cities • unable to move inland & capture Jerusalem • Saladin was impressed with King Richard’s fighting on the coast • King Richard earned the nickname the “Lionhearted” here • Saladin agreed to allow Christian pilgrims free access to Jerusalem
Muslim leader • Established the Ayyubid Dynasty • Very devout • Legendary chivalry • Defeated Europeans in the 2nd and Crusades • Spared Jerusalem • Made Cairo a vibrant medieval city Saladin (1138-1193)
Italian port cities prospered economically • Opened Europeans to a variety of goods and products: silks, spices, coffee, tea, science, and knowledge • Access to the compass/astrolabe provided Europeans with the means to travel away from the coastline and to seek new goods • Access to information about gun powder will enhance their more aggression and lead to imperialistic tendencies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas • 4th Crusade sacked Constantinople; • weakened the Byzantine Empire • Led to Anti-Semitism in Europe • Broke down feudalism; • Paved the way for the development of European nation-states • Lasting impact: bred centuries of distrust & enmity between Muslims &Christians
24. What caused the Crusades? 25. What were the effects of the Crusades? 26. Who fought in the Crusades?
Mongols • 1258, Mongols seized Persia and Mesopotamia • Ended Abbasid Caliphate • Hulegu sacked Baghdad • Destroyed libraries, mosques, palaces Hulegu (hoo-LAY-goo)
Turkish slave-soldiers (Mamluks) stopped the Mongols at the Red Sea • Mongolians inter-married with local peoples • Mongolians converted to Islam and spread the religion throughout Asia/southern Europe • Mongolian conquest ended Baghdad’s leadership • Cairo became the new center of Islamic civilization
Islamic Achievements • Ibn- Rushd – translated Aristotle’s works • Spread the Indian # system with 0; easier to us than Roman numerals • Europeans mislabeled the system “Arabic” • Developed Algebra
Baghdad Observatory • Knew the Earth was round • Astrolabe = helped sailors calculate the angles of the sun and the stars. • Armillary = Astronomers lined up the top rings of the sphere and calculated the time of day or year. This was useful for mapmaking and calendars. Medicine • Ibn Sina - wrote medical encyclopedia • - “The” University medical textbook • Al Qasim’s drawings of medical tools was the foremost text on surgery in Europe for nearly 500 years
Literature • Ibn Khaldun (14th C) • - Muslim historian • - Civilizations rise/decay in cycles Omar Khayyam (12th C) - Rubiyat - Arabian Nights
Architecture Mosque in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Mosque of Cordova, Spain Center of learning & culture
Art& writing Calligraphy Arabesques
Ibn Battuta 1304-1349? • Most celebrated Muslim traveler in the postclassical world • Islamic scholar who recorded his travels throughout the dar al Islam(Muslim states) • Traveled over 75,000 miles; to Spain, Timbuktu, China, India, the Maldive Islands, East Africa, and the Mali Empire • Worked in government positions everywhere he went as an adviser or judge • Promoted the proper observance of Islam