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Młodzi przedsiębiorcy: Poznajemy to co mamy najlepsze. Young Entrepreneurs: Getting To Know What We Have Best. 2011/2012 – 2012/2013. partner schools :. Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Wrocław, Poland, coordinator - Bożena Ferens
Młodzi przedsiębiorcy: Poznajemy to co mamy najlepsze Young Entrepreneurs: Getting To Know What We Have Best 2011/2012 – 2012/2013
partner schools: Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika, Wrocław, Poland, coordinator- Bożena Ferens Franz-Böhm Schule Frankfurt /Main, Germany, coordinator – Chiara Longoni-Neff Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria (IES) Dámaso Alonso, Madrid, Spain, coordinator – Prado Fernández Aceñero http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p60349/
The project was run in three schools of economic and commercial profiles. It was thought to cover thematic areas connected with promotion of home towns and specific vocational subjects such as economic issues, marketing, sales and commerce. It involves collaborative learning. • The aims : • To make students aware of the value of the value of the partners’ countries and culture • To make students aware of the value of their own country and culture • To find similarities and differences between the partners by presenting their own schools, cities • To practice vocational skills: To present original local products and to learn how to use marketing tools • To develop English communicative skillsincludingEnglish for vocationalpurposes • To promote mother tongues • To develop the skills to use modern ICT
The use of ICT tools: TwinSpace tools: forum, blogs, wikis, photo gallery, chat and e-mail. PowerPoint presentations and Prezi - promotion of home towns and local products Windows Movie Maker – filming the working process, YouTube Picasa 3 - digital photos Audacity, MP3 - recorded thematic glossaries Interactive Google map with videos of our cities GIMP - logo design Skype - video conferencing Hot Potatoes – economics crosswords, Paint, online translator Digital camera, OHP
The main tasks of the project:
I Student’s Card: All the participants introduced themselves in the pupils’ corner • (the photo is out of reachbecauseitincludespersonal data)
II Presenting home towns: students in four school teams prepared electronic presentations on the following topics: "Wroclaw as I see it", "Places that I like in my town", "Visual identification of my city"
III Common WIKI economics glossary in four languages: English, Polish, German and Spanish in written and audio version in four international thematic groups (Wiki, audacity,MP3) http://bozfer.wrzuta.pl/audio/a8u056iVY9p/group_1.2.general_business_vocabulary
IV Presenting the local and national products which are worth promoting abroad in terms of marketing (PowerPoint, Prezi, videos) and SWOT analysis of the product - school teams
prezi.com/pkpofeziy64c/polish-mountains-traditions-and-curiosities/prezi.com/pkpofeziy64c/polish-mountains-traditions-and-curiosities/ http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=12895142
V Common interactive Google map - a task done by our teachers
VI • Economics crosswords and a lesson on Fair Trade - educational activities for eTwinners
VII Common WIKI glossary on the sales process in four languages: English, Polish, German and Spanish in written and audio versions in four international thematic groups (Wiki, audio/audacity) http://bozfer.wrzuta.pl/audio/7cNkTBumnL1/it3-a_-_presenting_the_goods http://bozfer.wrzuta.pl/audio/8NPsJbfKeej/it4-b_-_at_the_cash_desk
VIII • ‘Sales talks’ in Polish-German groups practiced and recorded at the meeting in Wrocław in March 2013 – a student exchange project "Traders /Retailers in Germany and Poland. Work and life in Europe” http://youtu.be/9FYJCy3S7nY
IX Videoconferencing
X “Job interviews" practiced and recorded in mixed German-Polish groups during the meeting / a reverse visit to Frankfurt / M on 4 - 7 June 2013
XI Presentation of the project at school and evaluation – June
Partner schools cooperation was carried out on several levels: 1 Collaboration of teachers : The idea for the project and its tasks have resulted from joint work and discussions. The English version of Wiki glossary: the economic, the sales process and applying for a job ones were worked out in the teachers’ team 2 students’ cooperation (in groups and the whole team) inside schools took place in the tasks associated with the home town presentations, of selected products, SWOT analysis, translating phrases into native languages 3 cooperation of students in international teams developed intensively to create wiki glossaries: in economics, sales process and business correspondence in four languages by four international groups, which also recorded audio files 4 Direct cooperation of German and Polish groups at the meeting in Wroclaw: common workshops and trips
The results and benefits of the projectThe outcomes of the three tasks performed together by the partner schools are the most valuable products of the project: 1 Three WIKI dictionaries in four languages: English, Polish, German and Spanish, along with recordings; 2 Sales talks recorded in mixed Polish-German groups of at the meeting in Wrocław(Vrotslove) 3 Job interview activities at the meeting in Frankfurt The results of these tasks are useful educational materials to work with other groups. Other teachers of foreign languages can make use of the above outcomes while teaching to other classes at school - to students who did not take part in the project.
The project has been awarded by: • National eTwinning labels in Germany and Poland • the third award in the national eTwinning competition in Germany 2013 • the second award in Polish eTwinning competition for vocational project 2013
Thank you for your attention • Authors: • BożenaFerens • DominikaSzulc, Karolina Duszyńska • The presentation uses some parts of works by the participants and a few pictures available on the Internet (i.e.ceramics )