1. 5-3 Other Evidence for Evolution Felix is pondering the tree of life. Explain that a branching tree diagram shows who is related to who and how closely.Felix is pondering the tree of life. Explain that a branching tree diagram shows who is related to who and how closely.
2. Similarities in Body Structure Can compare basic body plans and how parts are arranged to tell how closely related organisms are
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals have a similar body structure: internal skeleton with a backbone.
All evolved from a shared ancestor Explain how the structure of bones of the upper and lower arms are similar, 2 bones in the lower arm and 1 bone in the upper arm. Show how this is very different to the insect wing. Therefore, the mammals are more closely related to each other than the insect.Explain how the structure of bones of the upper and lower arms are similar, 2 bones in the lower arm and 1 bone in the upper arm. Show how this is very different to the insect wing. Therefore, the mammals are more closely related to each other than the insect.
3. Homologous Structures Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor.
Bones in legs of bird, dolphin, and dog (pg 152) have similar structures
Fossils of ancient whale-like creatures had legs and walked on land
These are ancestors of whales and dolphins Explain the diagram showing homologous structures in the limbs of the salamander, lizard, turtle, and opossum.Explain the diagram showing homologous structures in the limbs of the salamander, lizard, turtle, and opossum.
4. Similarities in Early Development Adults can look very different, but in early developmental stages are similar
Turtle, chicken, and rat (pg 153) look different as adults, but share a tail and gill slits in their throats during early development
These shared a common ancestor Explain diagram showing early developmental forms for tortoise, chicken, rabbit, and human.Explain diagram showing early developmental forms for tortoise, chicken, rabbit, and human.
5. Similarities in DNA If species inherited many of same genes from a common ancestor, then they would have similar body structures and development
The more similar the DNA pattern (nitrogen bases), the more closely related the species are
Can also compare the order of amino acids to see how closely related two species are because the order is coded by DNA Explain that the more closely related two species are, the more similar their DNA will be. Explain that the more closely related two species are, the more similar their DNA will be.
6. Elephant shrew has a long nose, but looks more closely related to rodents
DNA showed that it is more closely related to elephants than rodents
DNA from fossils will provide new evidence about evolution and species relationships Explain that DNA evidence is the most accurate way to tell who is related to who. The case of the elephant shrew shows this.Explain that DNA evidence is the most accurate way to tell who is related to who. The case of the elephant shrew shows this.
7. Combining Evidence DNA evidence has supported the relationships worked out from fossils, body structures, and development
Dogs are more similar to wolves than coyotes.
This was discovered from fossils and body structures and now is also shown by DNA Scientists use all evidence available to decide evolutionary relationships. Most of the time, what was worked out from fossils and body structures has been also proven through DNA.Scientists use all evidence available to decide evolutionary relationships. Most of the time, what was worked out from fossils and body structures has been also proven through DNA.
8. Branching Tree Diagram Shows how different species are related based on all evidence
Giant and Lesser Pandas were thought to be related, but DNA shows lesser pandas more closely related to raccoons and giant pandas more closely related to bears (pg 155) The lesser panda is at the lower right.The lesser panda is at the lower right.
9. Explain the branching tree diagram showing evolution of the elephant.Explain the branching tree diagram showing evolution of the elephant.