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Canada and the World Community. Why are some countries called developed, some called developing, and some called newly-industrialized? Give two examples of each that were not listed. ( 6 marks ).
Why are some countries called developed, some called developing, and some called newly-industrialized? Give two examples of each that were not listed.(6 marks). • Developed countries have highly developed social and economic characteristics (Europe – France, Italy, Finland, and also New Zealand).
Why are some countries called developed, some called developing, and some called newly-industrialized? Give two examples of each that were not listed.(6 marks). • Newly-industrialized countries have a mix of characteristics, the economic characteristic tend to be those which are more advanced while the social characteristics lag behind (Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, and also India).
Why are some countries called developed, some called developing, and some called newly-industrialized? Give two examples of each that were not listed.(6 marks). • Developing countries have poorly developed social and economic characteristics (Africa – Sudan, Central African Republic, Malawi, and also Afghanistan).
Ranked list of Development Scores Developed Newly – Industrialized Developing
USA Developing Newly-industrialized GER Developed CAN AUS BRA MEX CHI JPN IRI SIN NGR CHI BAN CGO KEN THA PNG ZIM (PF; Jan 2014) (Making Connections, 2ndedition)
Ii - Is there an obvious relationship between the two measures? Explain (3 marks). • More doctors/ 100 000 means it is easier to see a doctor which leads to better healthcare and a longer life expectancy. • The relationship is not perfect since the USA has many more doctors that any other nation but does not have the highest life expectancy. • Also, Thailand has few doctors/100 000 but has a very respectable life expectancy of 68 years. • This means that doctors/100 000 is important but is not the only factor which determines life expectancy.
Iii - Identify three clusters on the graph (Circle and label the clusters as Developed, Newly-Industrialized, and Developing). What would overlaps between the groups mean? (2 marks). • Overlaps between the groups would mean that those countries have characteristics of both groups and are in a transition period moving between the groups.
iv- Describe the conditions in the countries represented by each cluster. (6 marks). • Developed: Highest standard of living Economies based on the tertiary (service sector) Primary industries provide the fewest jobs Use most resources and create most pollution.
iv- Describe the conditions in the countries represented by each cluster. (6 marks). • Newly - Industrialized: Economies are increasingly manufacturing based Economic growth rates are very high Advances in social characteristics are slow to catch-up This process takes many years to accomplish
iv- Describe the conditions in the countries represented by each cluster. (6 marks). • Developing: Much of the economy is based on barter (Trading) Economies based on the primary (resource sector) mainly agriculture Few service sector jobs since little money available to pay for services. Low incomes = few taxes paid and few social services (health, schools, etc…)
What do you think are the two most serious problems facing most developing countries? How should they deal with them? What should people in developing countries be doing to assist them? (6 marks). • Personal response – level of thought and detail.