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English Literature Grade Six ABC Research and Writing Projects for Third MP. Posted on Saturday , December 11th 2010. RESEARCH PROJECTS . HEADING for RESEARCH PROJECT DOC. •Gimnasio Los Portales •English Literature Class •Teacher : Mr.Mrtz • Isabela Ariza Martinez •SIX B
EnglishLiteratureGrade Six ABCResearch and WritingProjectsforThird MP PostedonSaturday, December 11th 2010
HEADING for RESEARCH PROJECT DOC • •Gimnasio Los Portales • •EnglishLiteratureClass • •Teacher: Mr.Mrtz • •Isabela ArizaMartinez • •SIX B • •Date: Thursday, September 30th 2010 • •Research Project: My Invention A Pill for Memory • IsabelaAriza Martinez (1999-_____) invented A Pill for Memory (also called APM). Isabela is a sixth grader in the Gimnasio Los Portales who eagerly dedicated her time to create new staff. Her invention was inspired to give solution to one of the biggest problems students are facing everyday- short and long term memory loss. Her idea sprang when she was in an English Literature class exam and she did not remember some vocabulary power word meanings and she was whining and whining. In that moment she had a great idea. How about taking a pill to remember everything? At the end of the exam she did not answer the vocabulary section and she failed the test but she went home with a brilliant idea that made her really famous in the teen educational field. This short and long term memory loss pill has been tested even on animals. Dory, one of the characters in the movie “Finding Nemo” stated that once she swallowed it, she immediately remembered the name of the fish and the location of Sydney. This early APM is composed by mint and cinnamon scents that activate and stimulate the brain to refresh their memory on any subject just like a mint freshens your breath. Isabela´s invention is on list to get the USA Patent to be sold all around the world. • And so on….
REFERENCES AND ASSIGNATION • http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.national • Natural parks of colombia.
GUIDELINES FOR THE BROCHURE • Introduction • Locationmap • Fauna • Flora • Activities • Pictures • Conclusions (Invite yourreaderstovisittheNatural Reserve)
HEADING for WRITING PROJECTS DOCS • •Gimnasio Los Portales • •EnglishLiteratureClass • •Teacher: Mr.Mrtz • •Isabela ArizaMartinez • •SIX B • •Date: Thursday, September 30th 2010 • •Writing Project: Descriptiveessayabout a place. A Place Where I Keep All My Secrets The sun has come up and I am sitting by the window that is foggy with the breath of a life gone by. The thermostat in my room is set high as it will go, and a smaller space heater sits directly behind. I take my body directly to the sink and I let the water run until it gets warm. My two hands splash a melody of soap that makes bubbles and crunchy noises. My own cold reflection is inviting me to roam the closet with verandas that is opposite my bed and take a scarf and wrap it twice around my neck. Two wooden made night tables keep all my secrets and my tickets. My old memories of a TV set are gone; mom decided that watching television and studying did not match her school expectations so she shifted it to the living room. And so on…