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North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage Rollo Outlines August 1999

North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage Rollo Outlines August 1999. Rollo Outlines. History Team – Jim Mason Pastors: Brownie McLeod Bob Cleveland Nancy Southard Chris East Frank Stewart Frank Dew Kelly Stewart Linda Thurston Bill Wardlaw Susan Wardlaw. Rollo Outlines (2).

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North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage Rollo Outlines August 1999

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  1. North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage Rollo Outlines August 1999

  2. Rollo Outlines • History • Team – • Jim Mason Pastors: • Brownie McLeod Bob Cleveland • Nancy Southard Chris East • Frank Stewart Frank Dew • Kelly Stewart • Linda Thurston • Bill Wardlaw • Susan Wardlaw

  3. Rollo Outlines (2) • Process • Prayerful, Bellyful, Soulful Meetings • Spirit Filled • Revisions upon Revisions -- Humbling • Minimum of 1,573 Servant Hours We gratefully and humbling present to you the NC Presbyterian Pilgrimage Rollo Outlines!!!!

  4. Every Rollo • Opening Prayer (except Ideals) • Introduction (precise and brief) • Body • Conclusion • Where appropriate: • Suggestions for personal witness or illustrations • Write-downs • Scripture suggestions

  5. Team Objectives • To serve as Christ would serve. • To be Christ to the Pilgrims.

  6. Day 1 Objectives • To invite the Pilgrims to evaluate their lives and to evaluate their lives within the church. • To understand and experience the power and presence of God’s grace.

  7. Ideals • Human “being” is both art and science. • Humans are different from plants and animals because we have intellect, will and freedom. • Humans have beautiful innate capacities: for dreaming, developing identity, happiness, responsibility, changing, selflessness. • Humans have limitations – self-centeredness is our greatest limitation. • Becoming fully human involves complete self-giving within the context of goals and ideals.

  8. Ideals (2) • An ideal is something in its most excellent form; a perfect model; the center of our goals. • Fulfilling ideals are vital, complete and inspirational. • All humans have ideals.

  9. Ideals (3) • How do you spend your time? • How do you spend your money • On what or whom do you focus your thoughts? • What brings you joy?

  10. Laity and the Church • We live in a broken world. • Jesus Christ is the answer to the problems of the world • Our responsibility as Christians is to be Christ-like in thought, word and deed – extending God’s grace to all we meet.

  11. Laity and the Church (2) • The church is the body of Christ, the people of God. • The church is to equip and empower Christians. • Christians are called to continue the mission begun by Christ. • The mission is a work of grace.

  12. Laity and the Church (3) • The mission is apostolic. • The mission is unique to each individual. • Our Christian ideal is to live a Christ-like life, to reveal Christ to the world.

  13. Piety:Giving Our Hearts to God • Piety is giving our whole hearts to God. • Living a Christian life has three elements: Piety, Study and Action. • Characteristics of Piety: Natural, Energetic, Consciously Aware, and Courageous.

  14. Piety:Giving Our Hearts to God (2) • Practices of piety that nourish our relationship with God: • Prayer • Meditation • Worship • Praise • Service

  15. Day 2 Objectives • To offer ways for Pilgrims to nurture their personal relationships with Christ.

  16. Christian Study:Giving Our Minds to God • Christian study is not the same as the study of Christianity. • Christian study is • The ongoing pursuit of knowing God – giving our minds to God. • The process of learning to love, to know and to respond to God’s truth.

  17. Christian Study:Giving Our Minds to God (2) • We study in order to: • Grow our relationship with God and our discipleship with Christ • Know the truth • To share the truth.

  18. Christian Study:Giving Our Minds to God (3) • Christian study is essential because: • Forms our minds. • Transforms our hearts. • Conforms our lives to live the Christian ideal. • The process of Christian study: • We commit our time: Intentional, Regular • We make a plan: Systematic, Progressive and Challenging • We invite the Holy Spirit to inform our study.

  19. Christian Study:Giving Our Minds to God (4) • Christian study is a personal process. • Remedies to the Study Obstacles of Attitude and Attachment: • Pray for God’s wisdom. • Follow God’s leading. • Be with God • Relay on god’s grace. • Start! • Resources

  20. Christian Action:Giving Our Hands to God • Christian action is both an expression and a consequence of our love of God. • Our actions become Christian when our motivations are elevated and empowered by God’s love and grace. • Christian action springs from love for God and love for neighbor.

  21. Christian Action:Giving Our Hands to God (2) • Christian love is having the attitude of Christ for another person, showing respect, genuine concern, and steadfast commitment. • Christian action is a way of bringing God’s love to the world. • Spreading the good news of God’s redeeming love, reconciling the world to God – is evangelism.

  22. Leaders • Leaders influence the thoughts and actions of others. • Natural qualities: • A spirit of initiative. • Ability to risk. • Sense of responsibility

  23. Leaders (2) • Desired qualities: • Personal authenticity. • Generosity. • Personal accountability for actions. • A Christian leader combines natural and desired qualities with Christian virtues.

  24. Leaders (3) • Christian virtues are: • A living faith - Hope – Love - Humility • A Christian leader leads a balanced life of piety, study and action. • A Christian leader lives in such a way that their life shapes the world around them.

  25. Leaders (4) • A Christian leader ultimately is an instrument of God’s transforming work in Jesus Christ. • I am called to be a Christian leader. • Christ is counting on you to: • To lead a balanced life. • To bear fruit • To be an instrument of Christ’s redeeming love for all the world.

  26. Day 3 Objectives • To encourage sharing God’s love. • To identify ways to strengthen our relationship with God and continue our spiritual journey.

  27. Transformation of the Environment • Our environment is the places, institutions and people we can influence for Christ. • We are called to love our neighbors as we have been loved by God. • The missing element in most of our environments is loving relationships.

  28. Transformation of theEnvironment (2) • How do we transform the environment? • We transform ourselves. • We understand the environment. • Study the group/persons. • Study the conditions, circumstances and motivations of the group/persons. • Study the spirit of the group/persons. • We follow God’s leading.

  29. Transformation of theEnvironment (3) • We apply the qualities of Christian leaders and implement Christian values in everything we do • We apply principles of interaction: “Make a friend, be a friend, share Christ with a friend.”

  30. Christian Communityin Action • Intentional Christian communities are an effective means to transform the world. • An intentional Christian community is a small group of people with: • A common purpose. • A common plan. • Accountability.

  31. Total Security in the 4th Day • Total security is living a life in grace with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. • The 4th Day is from this day forward -- the rest of your life.

  32. Total SecurityIn the 4th Day (2) • An Ultreya, meaning “perseverance or forward” is a periodic gathering of the 4th Day community. • The next Ultreya which is in your honor will be ___________________. • Weave into the personal sharing: “Christ is counting on you and I am counting on Christ.”

  33. Action Steps and Timeline • Review Revised Outlines – 9/99 • Approve Use of Revised Outlines in 2000! – 9/??/99 • Prepare Outlines and Rector • RRT Member serve on Pilgrimage for Special Review – 2/2000 • Final revisions and Formal Approval – 3/2000

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