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Explore the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and kinetic theory in Thermal Physics. Understand macroscopic behavior involving heat, temperature, and entropy, as well as statistical mechanics concepts. Discover the universal validity and generalizations of thermodynamic relations, with examples in expansion coefficients and heat capacities. Learn about temperature perception, thermal equilibrium, the zeroth law of thermodynamics, and temperature measurement using thermometers. Gain insights into temperature scales, gas thermometers, and defining temperature through fixed points like the triple point. Understand the equilibrium and state variables that characterize the state of a system in Thermal Physics.
Thermodynamics • kinetic theory • statistical mechanics Thermal Physics Introductory remarks Thermal Physics ? What is the scope of thermodynamics macroscopic or large scale behavior of systems involving concepts like: - heat Typical problems - temperature - entropy heat work
What does it mean ? Of remarkable universality macroscopic or large scale systems electromagnetic radiation liquid solid magnet gas Thermodynamics: Theory based on a small number of principles generalizations of experimental experience
Typical example of a thermodynamic relation : expansion coefficient • quantities determined from • experiments • no microscopic theory compressibility But: relation of very general validity independent of microscopic details of the system Heat capacity at constant pressure/volume (Definition of CP/V and meaning of the relation later in this course) • Calculation of the actual magnitude of • - heat capacity • expansion coefficient • compressibility kinetic theory, Statistical mechanics
Basic concepts but temperature of body B temperature of body A people have a subjective perception of temperature Temperature physical theory requires a precise definition of temperature Macroscopic bodies possess a temperature characterized by a number -Temperature is a scalar quantity -we can find out whether
body A of temperature body B of temperature Equality of temperature sufficient long waiting no further change in measurable properties of A and B =: thermal equilibrium ( is the empirical temperature in contrast with the absolute thermodynamic temperature T) Instead talking about bodies A and B let us introduce the concept of a system
Surrounding Thermodynamic System: boundary Certain portion of the universe with a possibility to define what is part of the system and what is surrounding Moveable wall which controls flux of mechanical energy real boundary (imaginary boundaries can also be defined) Here: gas enclosed by the boundary no particle exchange with surrounding Example of a closed system open: particle exchange possible
Zeroth law of thermodynamics: When any two systems are each separately in thermal equilibrium with a third, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other. foundation of temperature measurement System 3 (e.g. thermometer) System 1 System 2
System 2 System 1 Zeroth law and temperature measurement Thermometer: System* with thermometric property parameter which changes with temperature System 3 (length, pressure, resistance, …) 3 unchanged 1 and 3 come to equilibrium 2 and 3 in equilibrium 1 and 2 in equilibrium temperature of 1= temperature of 2 Note: Thermometer requires no calibration to verify equality of temperatures * “small” enough not to influence 1/2
? How to assign a numerical value to the temperature Common thermometers and corresponding thermometric property X Liquid-in-glass thermometers X: change of the level of the liquid with temperature resistance thermometer X: change of the resistance with temperature thermocouple X: change of the voltage with temperature
Defining temperature scales Ratio of temperatures = Ratio of thermometric parameters Constant–volume gas thermometer X: change of the pressure with temperature h determines the gas pressure in the bulb according to Const. volume achieved by raising or lowering R Mercury level on left side of the tube const. For all thermometers we set: 1
Assign a numerical value to a standard fixed point 2 triple point of water
independent of the gas type and pressure for William Thomson Kelvin, 1st Baron (1824-1907) to the triple point Assign arbitrary value (in general) (for the gas thermometer) : depends on the gas pressure and the type of filling gas (O2, Air, N2, H2) or more generally speaking depends on the chosen thermometer However, experiments show: empirical gas temperature with 3=273.16 degrees absolute or thermodynamic temperature
degrees experiment is 0.01 degree above Triple point temperature 3=273.16 degrees assigning a numerical value to the triple point temperature 3 Before 1954 gas temperature defined by two fixed points Steam point (normal boiling point of pure water) 1 ice point (melting point of ice at pressure of 1 atmosphere) 2 Defined: with Experiment shows:
Celsius and Fahrenheit scales Click for Fahrenheit to Celsius converter Temperature differences on the Kelvin and Celsius scale are numerically equal Ice temperature on Celsius scale 0.00oC Anders Celsius1701-1744 - steam point (2120F) Fixed points again: - ice point (320F) Difference 180 degrees instead of 100 degrees Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit 1686-1736
State of a system Remember: Equilibrium (state) of a system equilibrium state Non-equilibrium T=Tice= 273K T=TL>273K Steady state no time dependence
State of a system is determined by a set of state variables Properties which specify the state completely In the equilibrium state the # of variables is kept to a minimum Example: temperature T and volume V can specify the state of a gas in accordance with the equation of state P=P(V,T) independent variables spanning the state space (here: 2 variables span a 2-dim.state space) Particular example of a PVT -systems -Equation of state of an ideal gas
Experiments show: In the limit P->0 all gases obey the equation of state of an ideal gas Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law Boyle's Law animations from: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/aglussac.html
Ideal gas equation of state universal gas constant R=8.314 J/(mol K) R=NA kB can also expressed as where NA=6.022 1023 /mol: Avogadro’s # Experiment: const.=n R and kB=1.380658 10-23 J/K Boltzman constant # of moles or N=nNA # of particles
internal energy U A general form treating P,V and T symmetrically for the ideal gas State of a closed system in thermal equilibrium is also characterized by the internal energy U=U(T,V) kinetic energy (disordered motion) + potential energy (particle interaction) -for an ideal gas one obtains U=U(T) independent of the volume (because no particle-particle interaction)
Variables describing the state of a system can be classified into extensive Scale with the size of the system 1 variables -independent of system size -can be locally measured intensive 2 but Volume extensive temperature intensive Example: V3=2V0 V2=V0 V1=V0 + = T1=T0 T3=T0 T2=T0 I II III
U2=const. V0 U3=const. 2V0 U1=const. V0 I II III Non-extensive thermodynamics E E + Remark: In conventional thermodynamics one usually assumes extensive behavior of the internal energy for instance. + = But this is not always the case Click figure for research Article on nonextensivity Consider the energy E of a homogenously charged sphere: Compare homework =
Heat T1 > T2 System 2 System 1 Heat Q flows from 1to2 Heat is an energy transferred from one system to another because of temperature difference and not a state function 1/2 Heat is not part of the systems Do not confuse heat with the internal energy of a system
Sign Convention Heat Q is measured with respect to the system Heat flow into the system System Q>0 Q>0 System Heat flow out of the system Q<0
Q m Q Heat Capacity and Specific Heat System @ T=T0 Transfer of small quantity of heat Q System @ T=Tf System reaches new equilibrium at T=Tf>T0 Temperature increase T=Tf-T0 Constant volume heat capacity: Constant pressure heat capacity: 2 1 fixed position V=const. P=const.
n M Heat capacities are extensive: System 1 CV(1) CV (1+ 2)= CV (1) +CV(2 ) System 2 CV(2) , e.g.: Extensive heat capacity specific heat # of moles or the mass
CV( ) CV( ) specific heat: Material property independent of the sample size < however cVM( ) cvM( ) = specific heat:
cvM specific heat depends on material But: 1 kg Temperature increase Amount of heat Specific heat at constant volume
Specific heat depends on the state of the system In general: Example: 3R Classical limit If thermal expansion of a system negligible and cV const. cP const. where