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Presented by the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Animal Law Committee April 19, 2008 The George Washington University Law School 716 20 th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20052
Presented by the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Animal Law Committee April 19, 2008 The George Washington University Law School 716 20th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20052 The link between animal abuse and human violence is real and the cycle of family abuse is complex. It is well-documented that in homes where there is abuse, there is generally animal abuse as well. In fact, the abuse often strikes the animal first. Moreover, children who are exposed to family abuse are at a greater risk of psychological and behavioral problems, often accompanied by animal abuse. The cycle of family violence must stop and the law can help. There are various ways that the law and society can improve the current situation to help the victims of family abuse. This program will examine the link between animal abuse and human violence within the family. The speakers will address the definitions of family abuse, the cycle of violence, the laws combating family abuse and tools to reform the system to better combat family abuse. Presenters Wendy Anderson, Alley Cat Allies, Inc. Jacquelyn Campbell, John Hopkins University Howard Davidson, ABA Center on Children and the Law Kevin Kilgore, Hanover County Animal Control Randall Lockwood, ASPCA Jill Morris, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Mary Lou Randour, HSUS Robin Runge, ABA Commission on Domestic Violence Joan Schaffner, George Washington University Law School Michelle Welch, Virginia AttorneyGeneral’sOffice Family Abuse: Linking Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Animal Abuse To Register, make checks payable to: ABA-TIPS, and mail to the American Bar Association, Debra Dotson, 321 N. Clark Str., Chicago, IL 60610 or fax this form with credit card info to: 312-988-6230. Registration fees: $50. Name ______________________________________________Organization_________________________________ Address________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ City_____________________________State_______Zip_______E-Mail_____________________________________ Credit Card No._____________________________________________________Exp. Date______________________ Mastercard Visa American Express Signature_________________________________________________Total $_________________________________ Register online: www.abanet.org/tips/animalabusereg08.html