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More on Genetics

Explore the processes of selective breeding, mutations, genetic engineering, and cloning to produce desired traits in organisms. Learn about DNA extraction, recombinant DNA, karyotypes, and pedigrees.

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More on Genetics

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  1. More on Genetics

  2. ______________________- use desired traits to produce the next generation-example-selectively breeding dogs,horses,plants • ______________________crossing dissimilar individuals—often useful in plants • ________________________-continued breeding of of individuals w/similar characteristics inbreeding Selective breeding hybridization

  3. Mutations are a source of genetic variation • DNA extraction-add chemicals that cause DNA to uncoil from histones and burst out of nucleus • ________________________________-making changes in the DNA code of an organism • _________________________________are used to cut DNA into fragments and gel electrophoresis is used to compare ____________________,or gene composition Restriction enzymes Genetic engineering genomes

  4. Recombinant DNA • ________________________-DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources • __________________In the process of transforming bacteria,the foreign DNA is joined to this small,circular DNA • _____________________-contain genes from other species---used for making insulin…. • A _____________is a member of a population of genetically identical cells from a single source • ___________________________is a picture of chromosomes arranged in ordered pairs plasmids clone transgenics karyotypes

  5. Restriction Enzymes Section 13-2 Recognition sequences DNA sequence Restriction enzyme EcoRI cuts the DNA into fragments. Sticky end Go to Section:

  6. Restriction Enzymes Section 13-2 Recognition sequences DNA sequence Restriction enzyme EcoRI cuts the DNA into fragments. Sticky end Go to Section:

  7. Figure 13-6 Gel Electrophoresis Section 13-2 Power source DNA plus restriction enzyme Longer fragments Shorter fragments Gel Mixture of DNA fragments Go to Section:

  8. Single strand of DNA Fluorescent dye Strand broken after A Power source Strand broken after C Strand broken after G Strand broken after T Gel Figure 13-7 DNA Sequencing Section 13-2 Go to Section:

  9. Figure 13-9 Making Recombinant DNA Section 13-3 Gene for human growth hormone Recombinant DNA Gene for human growth hormone DNA recombination Human Cell Sticky ends DNA insertion Bacterial Cell Bacterial chromosome Bacterial cell for containing gene for human growth hormone Plasmid Go to Section:

  10. Figure 13-10 Plant Cell Transformation Section 13-3 Agrobacterium tumefaciens Gene to be transferred Cellular DNA Inside plant cell, Agrobacterium inserts part of its DNA into host cell chromosome Recombinant plasmid Plant cell colonies Transformed bacteria introduce plasmids into plant cells Complete plant is generated from transformed cell Go to Section:

  11. Flowchart Section 13-4 Cloning A body cell is taken from a donor animal. An egg cell is taken from a donor animal. The nucleus is removed from the egg. The body cell and egg are fused by electric shock. The fused cell begins dividing, becoming an embryo. The embryo is implanted into the uterus of a foster mother. The embryo develops into a cloned animal. Go to Section:

  12. Figure 13-13 Cloning of the First Mammal Section 13-4 A donor cell is taken from a sheep’s udder. Donor Nucleus These two cells are fused using an electric shock. Fused Cell Egg Cell The nucleus of the egg cell is removed. An egg cell is taken from an adult female sheep. The fused cell begins dividing normally. Embryo Cloned Lamb The embryo is placed in the uterus of a foster mother. The embryo develops normally into a lamb—Dolly Foster Mother Go to Section:

  13. karyotypes

  14. pedigree • _______________________-chart that shows a relationship within a family,usually tracking one trait

  15. Figure 14-3 A Pedigree Section 14-1 A circle represents a female. A square represents a male. A vertical line and a bracket connect the parents to their children. A horizontal line connecting a male and female represents a marriage. A half-shaded circle or square indicates that a person is a carrier of the trait. A circle or square that is not shaded indicates that a person neither expresses the trait nor is a carrier of the trait. A completely shaded circle or square indicates that a person expresses the trait. Go to Section:

  16. HUMAN BLOOD GROUPS- • Rh-single gene w/2 alleles---+ and -/+ is dominant • ABO blood groups – genes---IA,IB,and I or A,B,O

  17. Figure 14-4 Blood Groups Section 14-1 Safe Transfusions Antigen on Red Blood Cell Phenotype (Blood Type Genotype From To Go to Section:

  18. Autosomal Disorders-Albinism,Cysytic Fibrosis,Galactosemia,PKU,Tay-Sachs • Achondroplasia,Huntington’s.hypercholesterolemia,Sickle-cell disease • 23 pairs of human chromosomes • Xx=female and xy=male

  19. Sex-linked genes: • colorblindness is on x chromosome-rarely expressed in females • hemophilia on x • muscular Dystrophy

  20. X-Chromosome Inactivation--Geneticist Mary Lyon found that most of the genes on the 2nd x chromosome in females are randomly turned off---forming a dense region in nucleus known as BARR BODY/generally not found in males….This explains calico and tortoiseshell female cats!

  21. Summary of Human Genetic Disorders- • Caused by individual genes- • Sickle-Cell-defective allele for beta globulin causing a sickle shape of RBC’s

  22. Cystic Fibrosis(CF)—deletion of usually 3 bases ina gene for a protein called CFTR= Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator….which normally allows Cl- ions to pass cell membrane-Phenylalanine is missing and protein folds improperly and is destroyed…causing multiple tissuemalfunction-serious digestive and respiratory problems

  23. Huntington’s Disease-dominant allele for protein found in brain cells---causing a long string of glutamine-mental and muscular deterioration

  24. Read p. 400 to see how genetic disorders can be related to evolutionary advantages.

  25. Chromosomal Disorder: • ___________________-homologous chromosomes fail to separate • __________________-trisomy 21 • Turners-only x • Klinefelter’s xxy,xxxy,xxxxy Down syndrome nondijunction

  26. Figure 14-8 The Cause of Cystic Fibrosis Section 14-1 Chromosome # 7 CFTR gene The most common allele that causes cystic fibrosis is missing 3 DNA bases. As a result, the amino acid phenylalanine is missing from the CFTR protein. Normal CFTR is a chloride ion channel in cell membranes. Abnormal CFTR cannot be transported to the cell membrane. The cells in the person’s airways are unable to transport chloride ions. As a result, the airways become clogged with a thick mucus. Go to Section:

  27. Nondisjunction Section 14-2 Homologous chromosomes fail to separate Meiosis I: Nondisjunction Meiosis II Go to Section:

  28. Nondisjunction Section 14-2 Homologous chromosomes fail to separate Meiosis I: Nondisjunction Meiosis II Go to Section:

  29. Nondisjunction Section 14-2 Homologous chromosomes fail to separate Meiosis I: Nondisjunction Meiosis II Go to Section:

  30. Figure 14-13 Colorblindness Section 14-2 Father (normal vision) Normal vision Colorblind Male Female Daughter (normal vision) Son (normal vision) Mother (carrier) Daughter (carrier) Son (colorblind) Go to Section:

  31. Figure 14-13 Colorblindness Section 14-2 Father (normal vision) Normal vision Colorblind Male Female Daughter (normal vision) Son (normal vision) Mother (carrier) Daughter (carrier) Son (colorblind) Go to Section:

  32. DNA fingerprinting

  33. Figure 14-18 DNA Fingerprinting Section 14-3 Restriction enzyme Chromosomes contain large amounts of DNA called repeats that do not code for proteins. This DNA varies from person to person. Here, one sample has 12 repeats between genes A and B, while the second sample has 9 repeats. Restriction enzymes are used to cut the DNA into fragments containing genes and repeats. Note that the repeat fragments from these two samples are of different lengths. The DNA fragments are separated according to size using gel electrophoresis. The fragments containing repeats are then labeled using radioactive probes. This produces a series of bands—the DNA fingerprint. Go to Section:

  34. Figure 14-21 Gene Therapy Section 14-3 Bone marrow cell Normal hemoglobin gene Nucleus Chromosomes Bone marrow Genetically engineered virus Go to Section:

  35. Human Genome project-analyze human DNA sequence

  36. Last blank is stem cells

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