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FOREST FIRE PROTECTION. IN POLAND AND EUROPE. Forests in the world and in Europe.

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  2. Forests in the world and in Europe • The totalarea of the world'sforestsisapproximately 4,033,060 thousand ha. The averageforestcover in countriesaround the world (in relation to land area) isapproximately 31% (about 0.60 ha of forest per 1 person, ie. about 2.5 timeshigherthan in Poland). • The countries with the largestforestarea (as a percentage of totalforestarea of the world) are: Russia (20%), Brazil (13%), Canada (8%), USA (7%) and China (5%). European Union countries with the forestarea of about 157 millionhectaresconstituteabout 4% of the world'sforests. Poland (9.3 million ha) occupies the 55th place in regard to the forestarea.

  3. Forestsarea in Poland • We have a hugevariety of forests in Poland. Amongforestedareas we canfind:      Δ hornbeam forests,      Δ mixed forests,      Δ riparian forestsThisdominance of differenttypes of forestsallowsus to be one of the most famouscountries for the most diverse and the richestforeststands in Central Europe. • Polishwoodinessamounts to 30.5%. This figure is also close to the amount of woods of Europe in general (without Russia), which constitutes 32.2%

  4. Forestarea in Portugal whatsdetermine 38% of total country area • Overall forest area in Portugal  is about 3.5 million ha, whats determine 38% of total country area. Main trees, which grows there, are pine, oak and eucalyptus. Coastal pine grows mainly in middle and northern part of the country, at the height of 700-900 m.a.s.l. Deciduous forests, consisting of green and cork oak are situated mostly on the southern Portugal’s part and on the coastal belt. Eucalyptus grows on the Atlantic quayside. The vast majority of forests is in private owners possession. Only 2.2% of Portugueseforestsarestate-owned, 76.7% isprivate, 7.7% ispossessed by  forestrycompanies and the restismunicipal.

  5. In the Portugal we canfind • 12 natureparks, • 9 forestreserves, • 9 statereserves • 3 landscapeparks Total protectedforestareais 587 102 ha, whatis 18% of allforests.  One of the most famousPortugal’snaturereservesis Peneda-GerêsNational Park, alsoknownsimply as Gerês.  It islocated in the Norte region, in the northwest of the country.  Gerês was created in 1971 and it’sareareaches 70 thousandshectares.

  6. Forestcover in Portugal isreallylowrelative to possibilities. Ifforestfires and deforestationwere on the lowerlevelthere,  itwould be possible to afforestabout 60% of country area. Lowforestcover in Portugal ismainlydue to high firesusceptibility. In past 30 yearsforestfiresswallowedmorethan a half (54%) of the totalforestarea. Forestfires, the present problem of Mediterraneanecosystems, wereespeciallyintense in 2003 and 2004. Cumulatively, about 20% of Portugueseforestshadbeenburntatthattime. Theirimpact, and the impact of 2005’s fires, was big enough, to modifiedcomposition of entireforestscover in Portugal. 

  7. Ways to protect forests • Therearesomeareaswhere the risk of fireis the greatest. • Theyinclude: • a high share of beaverhabitats • pinedominance in speciesscomposition • treeage and availability (easyaccess). • We alreadyknowthat Poland isone of the most woodedcountries in Europe, whichcontributes to the factthat we are in the forefront of states in terms of forestfires. We occupy the 4th place. Forestresourcesareextremelyvulnerable to fires. The rate of forestsprone to fires in Europe isabout 65%.  In Poland itis 85%. Oldforests with richforeststructure and the undergrowthare the most dangerousbecausetheseplacesarewherefiresgenerallyoccur.

  8. The biggestfires in Europeanforests

  9. ESTONIA • Estonia islocated in northern Europe on the easterncoast of the Baltic Sea. • The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands and islets in the Baltic Sea covering 45,339 km2 of land and water 50% of Estonia'sterritoryiscovered by forest land Ebavere Hill

  10. Estonia displays a greatvariety in foresttypes.  • Twomaintypesareforestsgrowing on mineralsoil(about 70%) and so-calledswampforests(about 30%), growing in the numerouswetlandareas of Estonia.  • The foresttypescanfurther be broken down intosmallercategories, many with theirownecosystem and uniquebiotope.. The most commontreespeciesarepine, birch and spruce. • About 70% of Estonianforestsarecommerciallyused (circa 1.5 millionhectares), with another 30% enjoyingsomekind of protection

  11. The most interesting areas on the itinerary are Lahemaa National Park and Soomaa National Parky Huge wooden megaphones in Pähni that help listen to the sound of the forest

  12. Table of Contents • Forests in the world and in Europe •  FOREST FIRE PROTECTION • MAP • Forestsarea in Poland • Forestarea in Portugal • In the Portugal we can find  • Ways to protectforests • The biggest fires in European forests • ESTONIA • Table of Contents • List of source materials

  13. List of source materials • http://przegladbaltycki.pl/3815,wedrujac-sluchajac-estonskiego-lasu.html • https://www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl/portal/lasy-na-swiecie • https://olawa998.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/przyczyny-pozarow-lasow-w-polsce/ • http://www.wigry.org.pl/kwartalnik/nr10_pozar.htm • http://www.lasy.gov.pl/informacje/publikacje/informacje-statystyczne-i-raporty/Lasy_i_lesnictwo_UE_PL.pdf • Google graphic

  14. Presentation authors • Miłosz Karpiński • Magdalena Burzyńska • Bartosz Stefański  LICEUM OGÓLNOKSZTAŁCĄCE Z ODDZIAŁAMI DWUJĘZYCZNYMI IM. K. K. BACZYŃSKIEGO W LIDZBARKU WELSKIM,  klasa 2A

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