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Anthem. For the following slides, write the statement in your journal and then provide a response. You will have 30 seconds for each response. This is an exercise designed to illicit your gut reaction. Write the first thought that comes to mind. Yes, I agree that…. because… OR

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anthem For the following slides, write the statement in your journal and then provide a response. You will have 30 seconds for each response. This is an exercise designed to illicit your gut reaction. Write the first thought that comes to mind. Yes, I agree that…. because… OR No, I disagree that…. because…

  2. Anthem The individual is more important than the group.

  3. Anthem It is better to conform than to be different.

  4. Anthem The quest for freedom is part of the human genome.

  5. Anthem Freedom is only an illusion.

  6. Anthem When we believe something strongly, we should stand up for our belief no matter the cost.

  7. Anthem We exist to benefit and serve society.

  8. Anthem Every child should spend a portion of their childhood apart from their parents.

  9. Anthem A person’s imagination is a key and imperative part of their personality.

  10. Anthem A society without freedom cannot truly be productive.

  11. Anthem It is impossible to stand completely on one’s own.

  12. Anthem Society is by its very nature corrupt.

  13. Anthem Some emotions are better not felt.

  14. Anthem Some knowledge is too dangerous to be revealed to society, thus should be kept secret.

  15. Anthem You are the center of your own universe.

  16. Anthem A general consensus (where everyone agrees) is impossible.

  17. Anthem A man’s value rests in the originality of his mind as expressed in his work.

  18. Anthem Man’s main motivation is fear.

  19. Anthem If an individual does not believe the laws of a society to be ethical or moral, he then has the right to defy these laws.

  20. Anthem I have the right to pursue my own happiness to the exclusion of all else.

  21. Anthem The willingness to die for a cause makes you a hero.

  22. Anthem The progression from adolescence to adulthood must involve developing a personal identity.

  23. Anthem Destruction of all progress and all forward movement is inevitable.

  24. Anthem REFLECTION Which of yesterday’s statements did you find the most intriguing and thought-provoking? Explain. If you had to choose one, which topic would you most want to continue to debate? Explain.

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