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EARLY TREATMENT: USE THE BEST FIRST Early treatment with pharmacological approach Focus on COPD Stage II. Pierluigi Paggiaro Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Department, University of Pisa, Italy Annual Meeting ACCP – Capitolo Italiano Honolulu, Hawaii, 23 oct 2011. Main characteristics of COPD.
EARLY TREATMENT: USE THE BEST FIRSTEarly treatment with pharmacological approachFocus on COPD Stage II Pierluigi Paggiaro Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Department, University of Pisa, Italy Annual Meeting ACCP – Capitolo Italiano Honolulu, Hawaii, 23 oct 2011
Main characteristics of COPD Non completely reversible airway obstruction Variable combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema Progressive decline in FEV1 Progressive deterioration in dyspnoea exercise limitation Relevant role of exacerbations in progression of the disease in quality of life
The natural history of FEV1 decline in COPD patients Fletcher and Peto, BMJ 1977
Recent long-term trial have confirmed the progressive decline in FEV1 in untreated moderate-severe COPD Miravitlles et al, IJCOPD 2009
Long-term longitudinal studies have only partially confirmed the rate of FEV1 decline at different baseline FEV1 Decramer and Cooper, Thorax 2010
GOLD stage II has a greater FEV1 decline than GOLD stage III and GOLD stage IV Decramer and Cooper, Thorax 2010
Several interventional studies Lung Health Study I (ipratropium bromide) ICS treatment Euroscope (budesonide) Copenhagen City Heart Study (budesonide) LHS II (triamcinolone) ISOLDE(fluticasone) UPLIFT study (tiotropium) TORCH study (Salm/Fluti) Negative results in the primary outcome Is it possible to modify the natural history of COPD ?
Long-term smoking cessation may modify the FEV1 decline Scanlon et al, AJRCCM 2000
Effective in reducing number and/or severity of exacerbations Several studies, with different but consistent results (Paggiaro et al, Lancet 1997) Effect associated with: Improvement in FEV1 Improvement in quality of life In subjects with FEV1 < 50% and frequent exacerbations Studies over 3-4 years, with the aim to modify natural history of the disease All studies negative on improving the progressive decline of FEV1 (Euroscop, ISOLDE, LHS-II, CCLS) Confirmation of the positive effect on exacerbations and other secondary outcomes Short and long-term studies with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)
No effect of regular use ICS on FEV1 decline in COPD patients Soriano, Chest 2007
In the Uplift study, tiotropium induces an important improvement in FEV1 which persists over 4 years 1,50 Tiotropium Control * * * * 1,40 * * Post-Bronch FEV1 = 47 – 65 mL * * 1,30 * (L) (n=2516) * 1 * * * FEV (n=2374) * 1,20 * * * * 1,10 (n=2494) Pre-Bronch FEV1 = 87 – 103 mL (n=2363) 1,00 0 1 0 6 42 48 12 18 24 30 36 Day 30 (steady state) Month *P<0.0001 vs. control. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to estimate means. Means are adjusted for baseline measurements. Baseline trough FEV1 (observed mean) = 1.116 (trough), 1.347 (peak). Patients with ≥3 acceptable PFTs after day 30 were included in the analysis.
Different response to tiotropium, according to: Gender: male vs female Tashkin et al, Respir Med 2010 Smoking habit: current vs ex vs intermittent Tashkin et al, ERJ 2010 GOLD II stage ** Decramer et al, Lancet 2009 Acute reversibility; reversible vs non reversible Hanania et al, Resp Res 2011 No additional therapies (ICS/LABA) ** Troosters et al, ERJ 2010 Age: lower than 50 yrs vs higher than 50 yrs ** Morice et al, Respir Med 2010 Sub-analysis of the UPLIFT study
Reversible and non reversible COPD patients had similar results from tiotropium addition Hanania et al, Resp Res 2011
In moderate COPD, tiotropium significantly reduces the decline in post-bronc FEV1 Decramer et al, Lancet 2009
Post-hoc analysis of TORCH study Salm/Fluti decreases the decline in FEV1 Celli et al, AJRCCM 2008
Symptoms and limitation in daily life Present also in mild airway obstruction and/or hyperinflation Decline in FEV1 Greater in early phases Positive effect of treatment easier to be observed Airway and lung inflammation / exacerbations Present in the early stages More steroid-sensitive in early stage (?) Need to identify “rapid decliners” Rationale for early treatment in COPD
May early treatment effectively prevent progressive deterioration in COPD ? Decramer et al, Respir Med 2011
Persistence of smoking habit Pulmonary function FEV1 IC Exercise capacity 6MWT, physical activity Nutritional status BMI, FFM Rate of exacerbations Factors contributing to the progression of COPD
COPD patients may have exacerbations, which increase in number and severity with the increase in the severity of the pathology of the disease The impact of exacerbations increases over time, leading to: Greater decline in pulmonary function 1 Increase in symptoms 2 Deterioration in health status 3 Increased risk of hospitalization 4 Severe exacerbations increase the risk of mortality 4,5 COPD exacerbations represent an important outcome, among the PROs 1. Donaldson GC et al. Thorax 2002; 57: 847-852; 2. Donaldson GC et al. Eur Respir J 2003; 22: 931-936;3. Seemungal TA et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998; 157: 1418-1422; 4. Groenewegen KH et al. Chest 2003; 124: 459-467; 5. Soler-Cataluna JJ et al. Thorax 2005; 60: 925-931
Frequent exacerbations are related to a greater decline in FEV1 Donaldson et al, Thorax 2002
0 riacutizzazioni/anno 1–2 riacutizzazioni/anno ≥ 3 riacutizzazioni/anno 1,0 0,8 p<0,0002 0,6 p<0,0001 Probabilità di sopravvivenza 0,4 p=0,069 0,2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tempo (mesi) High frequency of exacerbations increases the risk of mortality in COPD Soler-Cataluna JJ et al. Thorax 2005
ECLIPSE: 3-year longitudinal observational study 2165 COPD patients, GOLD II-IV 246 non smokers 336 ‘healthy’ smokers baseline 3 Months 6 M 12 M 18 M 24 M 30 M 36 M V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 Vestbo et al. ERJ 2008
Frequent exacerbators are represented in all GOLD stages Hurst et al, NEJM 2010
Frequent exacerbators represent a specific constant phenotype Hurst et al, NEJM 2010
Inhaled corticosteroids reduce the risk of exacerbations in COPD Alsaeedi et al, Am J Med 2002
Moderate-severe exacerbation in 3 yrs Mean number of exacerbation/year 25% reduction 1.2 1.13 0.97* 0.93* 1 0.85*†‡ 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Placebo SALM FP SALM/FP Trattamenti *p < 0.001 vs placebo; †p = 0.002 vs SALM; ‡p = 0.024 vs FP Calverly et al, NEJM 2007
Salm/Fluti reduces all causes of mortality of COPD in comparison with placebo Calverly et al, NEJM 2007
Sputum eosinophilia During acute exacerbations In up to 50% of AE Mainly in virus-induced AE In stable COPD In 30% about of patients Associated with exhaled NO, acute reversibility (?) Non associated with age, smoke, atopy, etc Different response to inhaled or oral CS “Asthma” pattern in COPD
Virus-induced exacerbations of COPD are associated with greater sputum eosinophilia Papi et al, AJRCCM 2006
Observed in up to 30-40% of patients Lower than in asthma Not related to other clinical features Chronic bronchitis ? Acute reversibility ? How to select these patients ? Sputum eosinophilia in stable COPD
High frequency of sputum eosinophils in COPD patients
COPD patients with partial airway reversibility have higher levels of exhaled NO Papi et al, AJRCCM 2000
Sputum eosinophilia predicts a better response to CS in COPD patients Brightling et al, Thorax 2005
A strategy aiming to minimize sputum eosinophilia reduces the number of severe exacerbations of COPD Siva et al, ERJ 2007
Airway inflammation is present in COPD, also in earlier stages Hogg et al, NEJM 2004
Malondealdehayde (MDA), a marker of oxidative stress in EBC, is increased in stable moderate COPD patients Bartoli et al, Med Inflamm 2011
Progression of COPD is more evident in early phase In GOLD I-II stages Exacerbations represent a major target of treatment Efficacy of ICS and ICS/LABA Also in earlier stages Early treatment Better chance of modifying natural history Phenotyping of COPD “asthmatic” feature role of ICS Conclusions
A more flexible approach, based on symptoms and exacerbations, and not only on FEV1, has been now considered in the future GOLD guidelines