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Technical Seminar on Smart Card

Technical Seminar on Smart Card. Presented by Rajashree Mohapatra IT200163383 Under the Guidance of Mr. Dutikrushna Panda. Smart Cards are cards similar in shape and size to a plastic credit card, containing a microprocessor and memory (which allows

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Technical Seminar on Smart Card

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  1. Technical Seminar onSmart Card Presented by Rajashree Mohapatra IT200163383 Under the Guidance of Mr. Dutikrushna Panda

  2. Smart Cards are cards similar in shape and size to a plastic credit card, containing a microprocessor and memory (which allows it to store and process data) and complying with the ISO 7816 standard. In layman’s terms a Smart Card is avery small computer embedded on a plastic card What are Smart Cards?

  3. Smart Card Classification SMART CARD component Interface osused contact java MEMORY contactless mulos CHIP Hybrid

  4. Memory Card Architecture Component Based Classification EEPROM I/O Interface Security Logic ROM

  5. Chip Card Architecture ROM EEPROM RAM Security Logic CPU I/O Interface Component Based Classification

  6. Carrier: The basic material of which the card body is made. Carrier should be : Resistant to mechanical failure. Able to withstand high temperatures. Cheap PVC [Poly Vinyl Chloride], ABS [Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene] and PETP [Poly Ethylene Terephthalate] often used. PVC: All rounder ABS: Brittle but withstands higher temperatures PETP: High flexibility Smart Card Components

  7. Processor or the CPU Currently all processors are 8 bit ones with CISC architecture. Typical Clock Speeds: 5 MHz. Reasons: Card Companies want proven modules. Lower power consumption. Area limitations. Future: Will slowly move to 32 bit architecture due to JavaCards. Smart Card Components

  8. ROM: Read Only Memory Used for storing fixed programs. Holds the SCOS. Typically varies from 2KB to around 16 KB. Once written, cannot be changed. Occupies the least area. PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory Used for loading card serial number. Very small, typically just 32 bytes. Smart Card Components

  9. EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory Used for storing data that might change. Similar to a HDD. Holds various applications and their data. Can be read or written to subject to permissions. Typically varies from 2KB to 32 KB depending on need. RAM: Random Access Memory Used as temporary storage. Erased on power off. Typically varies between 128 Bytes to 512 Bytes. Smart Card Components

  10. I/O Interface: Input Output Interface Controls data flow to and from the card. Flow occurs one bit at a time in a half duplex manner. Typical Data flow rate is 9600 bits/sec. Smart Card Area Restrictions Reasons for 25 mm2 restriction. How it effects component selection Area required to hold 1 bit with various memories: ROM 10µm x 10µm = 100 µm2 EEPROM 20µm x 20µm = 400 µm2 RAM 40µm x 40µm = 1600 µm2 Smart Card Components

  11. Smart Card by itself is useless. Requires a reader. Reader is often called the Read-Write Unit as it can read as well as write to the card. Readers of two types: Insertion Readers: Cheaper, but manual. [Card Swipe Machine] Motorized Readers: Automatic card capture and release. Costly. [Bank ATM Machines] Cost of a reader varies from $10 to $100. Readers often come with keypad for entry of PIN. Smart Card Readers

  12. Standards necessary to encourage interoperability. Main Standards connected to Smart Cards: ISO 7816 EMV GSM OCF Smart Card Standards

  13. Telephony Pre-paid Telephone Cards Mobile Telephony Financial Cards Health Transport Access Control Smart Card Applications

  14. Chip is tamper_resistent. Information stored on the card can be PIN protected and/or read write protected. Capable of performing data encryption Capable of processing info. Post_issuance update of information and application. Advantages

  15. The biggest problem facing smart cards is security and the problem is two fold. The first issue is that not all smart cards are in fact secure. The second issue with security involves public perception of the technology. People must believe that the cards are secure. This depends to a great extent upon actual security, but people must also be convinced of it. A third issue concerns who holds responsibility for the card. If the cash balance is wiped clean by a memory failure, who is liable, the person or the bank? If a transaction is not recorded, where are the lines drawn? The final problem which smart cards will face in their move to diffuse extensively involves product complements Disadvantage

  16. Thank you

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