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Learn about the critical parts of aircraft such as fuselage, wings, ailerons, flaps, stabilizers, and engines. Understand how these components work together to control motion in flight.
Aircraft Motion and Control • Each major part of an aircraft plays a critical part in its • Motion: a change in position • Control: an instrument or part that regulates or guides a machine or vehicle
Aircraft Motion and Control • Fuselage: the basic structure of an aircraft to which all other parts are attached • It is a long, hollow tube that holds the pieces of the airplane together, and holds passengers and freight/cargo as well
Aircraft Motion and Control • Fuselages vary in shape to fit the mission • Aircraft rotates around center of gravity inside the fuselage
Aircraft Motion and Control • Wings: the major part of the aircraft responsible for generating lift
Aircraft Motion and Control • Wing position depends on aircraft’s mission • Main internal parts are spars, ribs and stringers • Fuel tanks usually part of wing
Aircraft Motion and Control • Dihedral angles give aircraft roll stability and level flight; the wings are higher that its horizontal • Large commercial airliner wings have dihedral angles • Fighter aircraft have anhedralangles; the wings are lower than its horizontal and have greater roll capability
Aircraft Motion and Control • Ailerons: • Controls the right and left banking movement of that aircraft • Located on the trailing edges of wings
Aircraft Motion and Control • Ailerons: • If the aileron is flipped up on a wing, the lift on the wing is decreased = the wing goes down • If the aileron is deflected down on a wing, the lift on that wing is increased = the wing goes up
Aircraft Motion and Control • Flap is hinged device at wing’s trailing edge that produces more lift & some drag • Spoiler is small, flat plate that attaches the tops of wings; it increases drag • Slat is moveable, hinged parts that pivot down to generate morelift force
Aircraft Motion and Control • Flaps: • Responsible for increasing lift and drag • Used for takeoffs and landings at low speeds
Aircraft Motion and Control • Stabilizers keep aircraft stable so it can maintain a straight flight path • Vertical stabilizer prevents the nose of plane from roving side to size • Horizontal stabilizer keeps plane from bobbing up and down
Aircraft Motion and Control • Empennage: • Tail assembly of the aircraft • Main parts are the elevator and rudder
Aircraft Motion and Control The elevator
Aircraft Motion and Control • Elevator: • Responsible for the up and down movement of the aircraft’s nose and tail • Mounted to the tail section of the plane • Horizontal stabilizer helps control the pitch
Aircraft Motion and Control The rudder Push right rudder pedal and the plane turns right Push left rudder pedal and the plane turns left
Aircraft Motion and Control • Rudder: • Responsible for aircraft’s change of direction to the right and left sides • Vertical stabilizer helps control the yaw
Aircraft Motion and Control • Engines: responsible for the aircraft’s power; generates thrust
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW: 1. Each major part of the aircraft plays a critical part in what operations of the aircraft: • Lift and drag b. Motion and control c. Drag and motion d. Control and lift • Control and lift • An instrument or part that regulates or guides the aircraft • Motion b. Aerodynamics • Avionics c. Control
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW: 3. This wing angle gives aircraft the greatest roll capability; fighter aircraft have this type of wing angle • Dihedral b. Anhedral 4. Controls the up and down movement of the airplane • Aileron • Rudder • Elevator
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW: 5. Controls the left and right movements of the aircraft • Ailerons b. Rudder c. Flaps d. Elevator • Responsible for increasing lift and drag • Ailerons b. Rudder c. Flaps d. Elevator
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW: 7. A small flat plate attached to top of wing that increases drag by interrupting the air flow • Spoiler b. Slat 8. A movable hinged part that pivots down to generate more lift a. Spoiler b. Slat
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW: 9. This stabilizer keeps the plane from bobbing up and down: • Vertical stabilizer b. Horizontal stabilizer 10. This stabilizer prevents the nose of the plane from roving from side to side a. Vertical stabilizer b. Horizontal stabilizer
Aircraft Motion and Control • REVIEW ANSWERS: 1. Motion and control 2. Control 3. Anhedral 4. Elevator 5. Rudder 6. Flaps 7. Spoiler 8. Slat 9. Horizontal stabilizer 10. Vertical stabilizer
Aircraft Motion and Control • Reviewed some key control parts • What are some of the primary motions these parts control?
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aircraft motion • Rolls/banks left and right • Pitches up and down • Yaws side to side
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aircraft motion • Rolls/banks left and right • Pitches up and down • Yaws side to side
Aircraft Motion and Control • Longitudinal/Roll Axis • Runs from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail • Can be thought of as a skewer which rolls/turns either right or left and causes everything attached to it to turn.
Aircraft Motion and Control • Motion: rolls/banks right and left • Control: ailerons
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aileron and wing motion that makes the roll/bank movement • To make a wing move upward, the aileron on that wing must move downward. • To make a wing move downward, the aileron on that wing must move upward • While the one wing is moving up or down the other wing is moving in the opposite direction due to the deflection of its aileron.
Aircraft Motion and Control • Lateral/Pitch Axis • An imaginary rod, running from one wing tip through the fuselage and exiting the other wing tip, forms an airplane’s lateral axis. • Pitches the nose of the aircraft up and down
Aircraft Motion and Control • Motion: pitches the nose up and down • Control: elevator
Aircraft Motion and Control • Elevator and pilot control column/stick controls up and down movement • When the pilot’s control column is pulled backward, the elevator goes up, the nose goes up, the tail goes down • When the pilot’s control column is pushed downward, the elevator goes down, the nose goes down, the tail goes up
Aircraft Motion and Control • Vertical/Yaw Axis • An imaginary rod or axis which passes through the meetingpoint of the longitudinal and lateral axes. • Makes a yaw movement, from side to side
Aircraft Motion and Control • Motion: side to side • Control: rudder
Aircraft Motion and Control • The rudder controls the side to side movement • The rudder moves in the direction of the rudder pedal that is being pressed
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aircraft motion • How aircraft motion is controlled
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aircraft motion • Three axes of rotation • Banks/rolls, pitch, yaw
Aircraft Motion and Control • How aircraft motion is controlled • Aileron • Elevator • Rudder
Aircraft Motion and Control • Aircraft have primary and secondary control systems • Rudders, elevators, and ailerons are primary control surfaces, they control the primary aircraft movements: rolls, pitch, yaw • Flaps, slats, and spoilers are secondary control systems, they let the pilot maintain more control over aircraft’s performance in regards to lift and drag
Aircraft Motion and Control • Review: 1. This axis of rotation allows the plane to go up and down • Roll b. Pitch c. Yaw 2. This axis of rotation allows the plane to move from left to right: • Roll b. Pitch c. Yaw 3. This axis of rotation allows the plane to bank right and left in varying degrees: a. Roll b. Pitch c. Yaw
Aircraft Motion and Control • Review: 4. The pitch axis is controlled by the: • Rudder b. Elevator c. Aileron • The roll axis is controlled by the: • Rudder b. Elevator c. Aileron • The yaw axis is controlled by the: a. Rudder b. Elevator c. Aileon