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Discover Theatre: Areas, Stages, Drapes

Explore the different areas of a theatre, types of stages, and stage drapes in this educational presentation. Learn key theatre elements and take a quiz to test your knowledge!

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Discover Theatre: Areas, Stages, Drapes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. All the World’s a Stage CLICK HERE TO START

  2. OBJECTIVE By the end of this presentation you will be able to name the areas of a theatre, types of stages, and stage drapes. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE

  3. MENU Click on the starburst that corresponds with where you would like to go. 1 Areas of the Theatre 2 Types of Stages 3 QUIZ Stage Drapes

  4. When you have read what is on the screen and are ready to move on, click the starburst. We are going to learn about all of the different areas of the theatre.

  5. This is the primary acting area. • The stage floor should: • Be firm • Be resilient • Be paintable • Muffle the sound of footsteps • Not be too slippery or too sticky Stage

  6. These are the spaces on the side of the stage out of view of the audience. These areas are used for storage of scenery and props and a place for actors to wait for their entrances. Stage Wing Wing

  7. This is the extra lip at the front of the stage in front of the grand curtain. This is another acting area that is in full view of the audience. Stage Wing Wing Apron

  8. This is the area that holds a band or orchestra during a performance that needs live music. This area sometimes is designed with removable seating. This area can sometimes be underneath the apron and stage. Stage Wing Wing Apron Orchestra Pit

  9. This is where the audience sits during a performance. The arrangement of the house varies depending on the theatre. Stage Wing Wing Apron Orchestra Pit House

  10. We are going to learn about the three different types of stages: Proscenium Thrust Back to Menu Arena

  11. Proscenium Audience on 1 side Back to Stages If you want to learn more about Stern Auditorium at Carnegie Hall, click here.

  12. Thrust Audience on 3 sides Back to Stages If you want to learn more about Stratford Festival Theatre, click here.

  13. Arena Audience on all sides Back to Stages Click on the photo to learn about what the FichandlerStage used to be like.

  14. When you have read what is on the screen and are ready to move on, click the starburst. We are going to learn the different types of stage drapes.

  15. Cyclorama a giant single drape covering the entirety of the back of the stage

  16. Traveller drape that splits in the middle and masks upstage when closed

  17. Leg Leg vertical stage drapes used to mask the sides of the stage

  18. Border or Teaser horizontal stage drape used to mask lighting instruments

  19. Grand Drape drape covering the proscenium opening

  20. Grand Valence border drape in front of the grand drape

  21. Question 1 Click the Apron

  22. Question 2 Click the House

  23. Question 3 Which theatre started as an outdoor theatre with a tent covering? Click on the correct answer. A) Stern Auditorium B) Stratford Festival Theatre C) Fichandler Stage

  24. Question 4 The thrust stage has audience seating on how many sides? Click on the correct answer. A) all B) one C) three

  25. Question 5 What is the name of the purple drape? A) Traveller B) Leg C) Teaser Click on the correct answer.

  26. Question 6 What is the name of the purple drape? A) Border B) Grand Drape C) Grand Valence Click on the correct answer.

  27. You now know all the parts of a theatre! CLICK HERE TO FINISH

  28. Citations • Textbook – Gillette, J. Michael. Theatrical Design and Production. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008. Print. • Carnegie Hall website - http://www.carnegiehall.org/Article.aspx?id=4294974093 • Carnegie Hall photo - http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2012/08/02/carnegie1-a63345bbf4835b70320b1e9f847aad502a25bed9.jpg • Stratford Festival Theatre website - http://www.stratfordfestival.ca/about/theatre.aspx?id=1865 • Stratford Festival Theatre photo - http://www.uoguelph.ca/theportico/pastissues/images/feat_claims5.jpg • FichandlerHall website - http://www.arenastage.org/about/history/ • FichandlerHall photo - http://faculty.randolphcollege.edu/theatre/Theatres/images/DSCF4712.JPG Click here to return to first slide

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