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Armani has revolutionized traditional fashion, blending classics with modern elements to create a liberated and stylish casual style that emphasizes comfort and individuality. Casual style is popular in Europe and America, offering a carefree approach to fashion without strict rules or prohibitions. Explore the various directions of casual style, from All-Out-Casual to Business Casual to Dressed-up Casual, and embrace the freedom to mix colors and accessories to express your unique personality. Discover the modern interpretation of casual fashion, incorporating elements from different styles for a contemporary and versatile wardrobe. Shop for casual wear that is both comfortable and fashionable for any occasion.
Armani has given a life to combinations traditional with original and nonconventional, has connected classics to daily occurrence, having suggested to carry a tweed jacket with jeans or leather trousers, instead of a classical man's shirt has made fashionable shirts with a rack or in general without a collar, has started to propagandise free clothes of soft breed, has cleaned(removed) superfluous ornaments and details, has entered sportswear elements into business and evening toilets, has created the special liberated style.
Casual - style to which prefer in Europe and America more and more, gradually becomes favourite and claimed(demanded) and on domestic open spaces. The desire to look constant brightly, elegantly, and sometimes even is too elegant, is replaced by desire to feel comfortable, to put on simply and during too time is elegant
It(He) propagandises intended negligence, a combination incongruous and a devil-may-care attitude to traditions of carrying of clothes. For casual there is nothing easier, than fragmentary jeans to put on a ballet pack, and to a sports vest with a hood to fasten a brooch with a velvet flower.
Complete antithesis classical and a retro to fashions - style casual (with English-daily, thoughtless). This special manner to put on "the advanced" youth of megacities has brought into fashion. Style casual does not recognise any rules and interdictions.
To put on in this style, it is not necessary the big financial investments – enough in a new fashion to look at old clothes and to include imagination. Only here following to a principle «who in what leave ready» can sideways: once rage casual, it is difficult(complex) not to lose a sense of proportion and concept about taste. Extravagantly does not mean stylishly – admirers of style casual often forget about it.
Casual style encourages unusual combinations of colours(flowers) and a heap of bright accessories. It is a fashion without rules which should underline individuality and independence. In style casual dresses(orders) «from a grandmother's chest» and from shops of underground transitions are often used vintazn and hand made-things.
Allocate some directions casual: All-Out-Casual (Negligent): this direction, perhaps, most "free" among colleagues on style. These clothes will be hardly approved by your colleagues on business to a meeting. Most likely, you can stylishly spend(lead) the day off with friends or a family on the nature, among shish kebabs and outdoor games.
- Sport casual: in these clothes you or can be engaged in fashionable sports, or to look such sporty fashionista. - Street casual: this style is thought up that you could show the bright individuality every day. It is freedom of students, a youth without age labels.
Business (official) casual: it is a Friday fashion of offices. Elegant clothes for strained(intense), but at the same time the long-awaited last business of meetings before week-end. It is the simplified business etiquette in clothes which the most strict idolise even business of the lady and gentlemen of Europe. Pay attention to man's collection Brubaker, and also female and man's collection Redgreen
Dressed-up (smart) casual: elegant clothes for romantic walk together. If after walk for you wait on a visit at friends, only having replaced accessories, you will be more tremendous to look in the day dress(order). A vivid example of this direction – a collection female and men's wear.
In the dictionary at a word «сasual» many various values, up to "careless clothes" but if it is a question of style its(his) essence is reflected most precisely by(with) concepts negligent, casual.
Negligent not so careless, and casual, does not mean, put on that has got. The subtlety of style Casual also consists in it. Negligence of stylishly dressed person found, frequently, carefully thought over, also has not something in common with carelessness. Style Casual gives the chance, to show the individuality, to combine that was considered as the incongruous earlier
Modern Casual: Modern Casual combines stylistics of «Granzha», «Folka» and many other fashionable directions. The daily clothes can be made with effect damage, heterogeneity of colour, old to have as though slightly «carry» a kind, or effectvintazn, and, sometimes to make impression of handwork. Thus the kind of things should not be deliberate and causing.
Presently, the notion Casual became very broad. So name not only determined style, but also varied everyday cloth. The Soft knitted fabric, all the manner of jeans, cardigans and sweaters, waistcoats, trousers and skirts from denim and pat, coats free roof, put on with fine pull-overs, shirts with miscellaneous collar, carrying without tie by word all that so comfortable and pleasantly carry each day.
Casual is much varied, due to him be possible dressed practically for any event. This is a free style, or as his(its) is presently accepted to name Urban casual, simply незаменим in everyday life.
Youth style: Youth Street casual propagandizes all that comfortable and striking! Here dominate the bright colour schemes, belongings boldly match between itself.
The Mode of the streets gradually moves over to offices and even on of the evening party. Appear such notions as Business casual , Smart casual . Many fashionable collections, offer beautifully balanced combination stiletto Sasual and elegance, in such cloth is not frightened indress-code.
List of the used literature: • www.samgtu.ru • www.intermoda.ru • www.tvepk.ru • Журнал «Ателье»/2008/09 • Английский язык:учебное пособие для студ.сред.проф.учеб.заведений/А.П.голубев,Н.В.Балюк,И.Б.Смирнова.-6-е изд.,стер.-М.:Издательский центр «Академия»,2008.