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Present Simple or Present Continuous. Present continuous or present simple?. To describe things that are generally true ( present simple) To talk about actions in progress at the moment of speaking ( present continuous ) To talk about gradual changes in the present
Presentcontinuousorpresent simple? • To describe thingsthat are generally true (present simple) • Totalkaboutactions in progress at themoment of speaking (presentcontinuous) • Totalkabout gradual changes in thepresent (presentcontinuous) • Totalkabout regular actions (present simple) • Totalkaboutactions happening in thepresentperiodbutnot at themoment of speaking. (presentcontinuous)
PRESENT CONTINUOUS FOR FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS SCHEDULE Totalkaboutdefinitearrangementsaboutthefuture. (presentcontinuous) Time expressions: tomorrow, tonight, nextweek, nextmonth, etc. Exercise Look at Luke´sdiary. Writethequestions and answers. Use thepresentcontinuous. Eg. Whenishe havingdinnerwith Anna? He´shavingdinnerwith Anna onMonday.