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Present Simple or Present Continuous ?. What does he do? or What is he doing?. What does she do ?. She is an air hostess. She serves the passengers on the plane. What is she doing ? Is she working ?. No, she isn’t working . She’s going to the cinema. What does she do ?.
PresentSimpleorPresentContinuous? What does he do? or What is he doing?
Whatdoesshedo? She is an air hostess. Sheservesthepassengers ontheplane. What is shedoing? Is sheworking? No, sheisn’tworking. She’sgoingtothe cinema.
Whatdoesshedo? She is a baker. Shebakesbread. What is shedoing? Is sheworkingnow? No, sheisn’t. She’sdiving intheocean.
Whatdoes he do? He is a builder. He buildshouses. What is he doing? Is he working? No, he isn’tworking. He’sriding a horse.
Whatdoes he do? He is a bus driver. He drives a city bus. What is he doing? Is he drivingnow? No, he isn’t. He’splayingtennis.
Whatdoes he do? He’s a carmechanic. He repairscars. What’s he doing? Is he repairing a carnow? No, he isn’t. He’sdriving a racingcar.
Whatdoes he do? He’s a farmer. He workson a farm. What is he doing? Is he workingnow? No, he isn’tworking. He’splaying golf.
Whatdoes he do? He is a footballplayer. He playsfootball. What is he doing? Is he playingnow? No, he isn’t. He’sgetting an award.
Whatdoes he do? He’s a rock singer. He singsinconcerts. What’s he doing? Is he singing now? No, he isn’t singing. He’splayingcards.
Whatdoesshedo? She’s a teacher. Sheteacheschildren. What’sshedoing? Is sheworkingnow? No, sheisn’tworking. She’spainting.
Whatdoesshedo? She’s a vet. Shetreatsanimals. What is shedoing? Is sheworkingnow? No, sheisn’tworking. She’scookingdinner.
Whatdoes he do? He is a waiter. He servescustomers in a restaurant. What’s he doing? Is he workingnow? No, he isn’tworking. He’splayingtheguitar.