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Learn the basics of Prim's algorithm for finding Minimum Spanning Trees, analysis of its efficiency, correct implementation steps, applications to optimization problems, and comparison with Kruskal's algorithm. Understand dynamic programming concepts and the elements of DP algorithms. Discover the principles and techniques behind optimization problems.
MST-Kruskal(G, w) 1. A // initially A is empty 2. for each vertex v V[G] // line 2-3 takesO(V) time 3. do Create-Set(v) // create set for each vertex 4. sort the edges of E by nondecreasing weight w 5. for each edge (u,v) E, in order bynondecreasing weight 6. do if Find-Set(u) Find-Set(v) // u&v on different trees 7. then A A {(u,v)} 8. Union(u,v) 9. return A Total running time is O(E lg E). Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Analysis of Kruskal • Lines 1-3 (initialization): O(V) • Line 4 (sorting): O(E lg E) • Lines 6-8 (set operations): O(E log E) • Total:O(E log E) Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Correctness of Kruskal • Idea: Show that every edge added is a safe edge for A • Assume (u, v) is next edge to be added to A. • Will not create a cycle • Let A’ denote the tree of the forest A that contains vertex u. Consider the cut (A’, V-A’). • This cut respects A (why?) • and (u, v) is the light edge across the cut (why?) • Thus, by the MST Lemma, (u,v) is safe. Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Intuition behind Prim’s Algorithm • Consider the set of vertices S currently part of the tree, and its complement (V-S). We have a cut of the graph and the current set of tree edges A is respected by this cut. • Which edge should we add next? Light edge! Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Basics of Prim ’s Algorithm • It works by adding leaves on at a time to the current tree. • Start with the root vertex r (it can be any vertex).At any time, the subset of edges A forms a single tree. S = vertices of A. • At each step, a light edge connecting a vertex in S to a vertex in V- S is added to the tree. • The tree grows until it spans all the vertices in V. • Implementation Issues: • How to update the cut efficiently? • How to determine the light edge quickly? Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Implementation: Priority Queue • Priority queue implemented using heap can support the following operations in O(lg n) time: • Insert (Q, u, key): Insert u with the key value key in Q • u = Extract_Min(Q): Extract the item with minimum key value in Q • Decrease_Key(Q, u, new_key): Decrease the value of u’s key value to new_key • All the vertices that are not in the S (the vertices of the edges in A) reside in a priority queue Q based on a key field. When the algorithm terminates, Q is empty. A = {(v, [v]): v V - {r}} Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Example: Prim’s Algorithm Lin/Foskey/Manocha
MST-Prim(G, w, r) 1. Q V[G] 2. for each vertex u Q // initialization: O(V) time 3. do key[u] 4. key[r] 0 // start at the root 5.[r] NIL // set parent of r to be NIL 6. while Q // until all vertices in MST 7. do u Extract-Min(Q) // vertex with lightest edge 8. for each v adj[u] 9. do if v Qand w(u,v) < key[v] 10. then [v] u 11. key[v] w(u,v) // new lighter edge out of v 12. decrease_Key(Q, v, key[v]) Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Analysis of Prim • Extracting the vertex from the queue: O(lg n) • For each incident edge, decreasing the key of the neighboring vertex: O(lg n) wheren = |V| • The other steps are constant time. • The overall running time is, where e = |E| T(n) = uV(lg n + deg(u)lg n) = uV (1+ deg(u))lg n = lg n (n + 2e) = O((n + e)lg n) Essentially same as Kruskal’s: O((n+e) lg n) time Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Correctness of Prim • Again, show that every edge added is a safe edge for A • Assume (u, v) is next edge to be added to A. • Consider the cut (A, V-A). • This cut respects A (why?) • and (u, v) is the light edge across the cut (why?) • Thus, by the MST Lemma, (u,v) is safe. Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Optimization Problems • In which a set of choices must be made in order to arrive at an optimal (min/max) solution, subject to some constraints. (There may be several solutions to achieve an optimal value.) • Two common techniques: • Dynamic Programming (global) • Greedy Algorithms (local) Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Dynamic Programming • Similar to divide-and-conquer, it breaks problems down into smaller problems that are solved recursively. • In contrast to D&C, DP is applicable when the sub-problems are not independent, i.e. when sub-problems share sub-subproblems. It solves every sub-subproblem just once and saves the results in a table to avoid duplicated computation. Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Elements of DP Algorithms • Substructure:decompose problem into smaller sub-problems. Express the solution of the original problem in terms of solutions for smaller problems. • Table-structure:Store the answers to the sub-problem in a table, because sub-problem solutions may be used many times. • Bottom-up computation:combine solutions on smaller sub-problems to solve larger sub-problems, and eventually arrive at a solution to the complete problem. Lin/Foskey/Manocha
Applicability to Optimization Problems • Optimal sub-structure (principle of optimality): for the global problem to be solved optimally, each sub-problem should be solved optimally. This is often violated due to sub-problem overlaps. Often by being “less optimal” on one problem, we may make a big savings on another sub-problem. • Small number of sub-problems:Many NP-hard problems can be formulated as DP problems, but these formulations are not efficient, because the number of sub-problems is exponentially large. Ideally, the number of sub-problems should be at most a polynomial number. Lin/Foskey/Manocha