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This article provides a detailed examination of the laws governing the relationship between religion and the state in Uzbekistan. It discusses the constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, the legal framework regulating religious organizations, and the separation of religion from the state. Topics covered include the rights of citizens to practice any religion or none, restrictions on coercion in religious matters, the registration and operation of religious organizations, religious education, and the prohibition of religious instruction in the official education system. The text also delves into the establishment and maintenance of places of worship, religious rights and ceremonies, and the criminal responsibilities for non-compliance with religious laws. The overview emphasizes the importance of ensuring national security, public order, and the rights and freedoms of individuals while upholding religious freedom in Uzbekistan.
The laws governing the relationship between religion and state in Uzbekistan. The plan: 1.Garantirovanie in the Constitution of Uzbekistan religious freedom. 2.Suschnost law in the new edition "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations." 3.Deyatelnost religious organizations operating in Uzbekistan.
Religion in the Republic of Uzbekistan is the proper place on the basis of democratic legitimacy. The Basic Law of Uzbekistan - the Constitution, adopted on 8 December 1992, states that all citizens of Uzbekistan have equal rights and freedoms and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, nationality, language, religion, social status (Article 18).
Freedom of conscience in Uzbekistan, as guaranteed by law. Article 31 of the Constitution states: "Freedom of conscience is guaranteed to all. Everyone has the right to profess any religion or no religion. Unacceptably coercive imposition of religious views. "
It consists of 23 articles The purpose of this Act is to ensure the right of everyone to freedom of conscience and religion, the equality of citizens irrespective of their religion, and the regulation of relations connected with the activities of religious organizations.
Freedom of conscience - is a guaranteed constitutional right to practice any religion or no religion. No coercion in determining citizen's religion, to profess or not to profess a religion, to participate or not participate in religious services, rites and ceremonies, and religious education.
Not allowed the involvement of minors in religious organizations, as well as teaching them religion against their will, the will of his parents or guardians. Exercise of freedom of religion or other beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are necessary to ensure national security and public order, life, health, morals and the rights and freedoms of others.
In our republic, religion separate from the state, but not the company. Religious organizations have their own Constitution and are independent activities. Under the new law, religious organizations can be organized by the Uzbekistan citizens who are 18 years of age. The organization must be registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic. By law, religious organizations are not eligible to participate in the activities of political parties and fund them. Citizens who do not comply with the law "On freedom of conscience and religious organizations" are criminally responsible. Article 7 of the education system and religion says: -education system in the Republic of Uzbekistan is separated from religion. Does not permit religious instruction in the curriculum of the educational system. the right to a secular education is provided to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their religious affiliation.
Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 are devoted to religious organizations, in particular, their charter, registration, operation, business interruption, etc . Article 8 states: Religious organizations is a voluntary association of citizens of Uzbekistan formed for joint profession of faith, the services there, rites and rituals (religious society, religious schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, monasteries, etc.)
Article 9 refers to religious schools: Central administration of religious organizations have the right to establish religious educational institutions to train clergy and religious personnel required. Religious schools acquire the right to the activity after they are registered by the Ministry of Justice, and they receive a license.
Article 14 is devoted to religious rites and ceremonies. It says: Religious organizations have the right to establish and maintain freely accessible places of worship or religious ceremonies, and maintain places of pilgrimage. Worship, religious rites and ceremonies are conducted at the location of religious organizations and religious worship buildings and its territories, in places of pilgrimage, in cemeteries, in the case of ritual necessity - in the homes of citizens at will.
In 1991, June 14 The Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations." In 1998, May 1 to 11 sessions of the Supreme Council reviewed and adopted a new form.
Article 4 reads: Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of religion are equal before the law. A provision in the official documents related to the religion of a citizen is not allowed. Any restriction of rights and the establishment of direct or indirect privileges to citizens based on their religion, and the incitement of hatred or insulting the feelings of the citizens for their religious or atheistic convictions, as a desecration of venerated objects of religious worship punishable as defined by law.
Article 5 states: Religion in Uzbekistan is separated from the state. Establishment of any advantages or limitations of one religion or belief in relation to others is not permitted. The state contributes to the establishment of mutual tolerance and respect between the citizens of different religions and do not profess them, between the religious organizations of different faiths, does not allow for religious and other fanaticism and extremism, actions aimed at the opposition and increased tensions, inciting hostility between various faiths.
According to Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the person who violated Article 3, subject to a fine of between 50-70% of the minimum wage or up to 3 years imprisonment.
Representatives of various nationalities living in our country, religion freely confess that they have chosen beliefs. It is estimated that more than 90% of the population confess Islam, Orthodoxy is about 5%, other religions, individually, is less than 1%.
Today in our Republic are operating 16 religious organizations. At the Tashkent Islamic Institute named Al-Bukhari, the Tashkent Islamic University, "Kukaldosh", "HadichaiKubro" madrassa in Bukhara, "Arab World", "ZhoboriKalon" in Namangan "Mulla Kirgiz," in Urgench, "al-FahriddinRozy" in Andijan, "Said MakhdoomMuhiyiddin." Tashkent Islamic Institute, named in honor of Al-Bukhari, was established in 1970 and began operations in October 1971. In the former Soviet Union, he was considered the only higher educational institution of religion. Tashkent Islamic University under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the orders of President Islam Karimov April 7, 1999. Madrasah "Arab World" was established in Bukhara 1530-1536, respectively. In the former Soviet Union activity madrasahs were temporarily suspended. And in 1945 the newly restored .
All of them are worthy of recognized and appreciated by the international community. Confirmation of the special role of Uzbekistan in particular its capital in the history of Islamic civilization is that the International Islamic Organization for Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), which is one of the structures of the Organization of Islamic Conference, has announced Tashkent the capital of Islamic culture in 2007.