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Revolutions in Russia Part II: The Revolutions of 1917

This text explores the causes of the March Revolution in Russia, including the involvement of Nicholas II in World War I and the influence of mystic monk Rasputin. It also covers the events leading to the abdication of Nicholas II and the rise of V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

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Revolutions in Russia Part II: The Revolutions of 1917

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  1. Revolutions in Russia Part II: The Revolutions of 1917 Global II: Spiconardi

  2. March Revolution • Causes • World War I • Nicholas II involves Russia in WWI • Russian army unprepared to handle a war on this level • 4 million casualties in the first year • Nicholas goes to war front & leaves wife in charge • Czarina doesn’t listen to advisors, but a mystic monk named Rasputin

  3. Rasputin Claimed to have magic healing powers Czarina Alexandra believed he eased her son’s hemophilia Alexandra allowed him to make key political decisions Russian people furious “We don’t have any say in government, but this crazy ‘holy man’ does?” March Revolution

  4. Spiconardi & Rasputin gettin’ frisky in Buenos Aries La Bocca neighborhood

  5. Rasputin’s Death • Russian nobles plot to assassinate Rasputin • Poisoned with enough cyanide to kill five men • Shot once…Didn’t die • Shot three more times…didn’t die • Clubbed to death….nah…still didn’t die • Drowned in the Neva River…finally died

  6. March Revolution • Strikes • 200,000 workers strike shouting, “Down with autocracy! Down with the war!” • Troops fire on striking workers, but later side with them • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the thrown on March 2 • Nicholas and the imperial family are killed in May 1918 under the order of Lenin and the Bolsheviks

  7. After Czar Nicholas abdicated, a provisional government under moderate Alexander Kerensky was formed Provisional government  temporary government Kerensky Kept Russia in World War I Refused to kill imperial family Had no support from workers or peasants The Provisional Goverment

  8. V.I. Lenin • Leader of the Bolshevik Party • Beliefs • History is the story of class struggle (student of Marxism) • Peasants and workers unable to lead a revolution; needed professional revolutionaries • Centralized government/command economy • One party system

  9. V.I. Lenin • Peace! Land! Bread! • After being exiled, Germans help Lenin return to Russia 1917 • Under promise of Peace, land, and bread, Lenin gains support of Russian people • People overthrow Kerensky & provisional government in October/November 1917

  10. V.I. Lenin • Lenin seizes power • Peace: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed to end WWI for Russians • Land: Redistributed land to peasants • Civil War • White Army  wanted to return to rule by Czar • Red Army  Bolsheviks; communists • REDS WIN!

  11. V.I. Lenin • Lenin restores order after civil war • New Economic Policy • Lenin allowed for some capitalism • Peasants could sell surplus crops • Private ownership of small factories • Government kept control of banks, telecommunications, and major industries • Only allows one political party Bolsheviks (later renamed Communist Party) • Renames Russia to the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (U.S.S.R.) • RUSSIA BECOMES THE FIRST COMMUNIST COUNTRY EVER

  12. Lenin’s Mausoleum

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