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Ch 0 Basic circuit theories 授課教師:國立臺灣大學 物理學系 朱士維 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣3.0版授權釋出】
Outline 0.0Keyconceptinelectronics 0.1KCL & KVL 0.2Power consumption 0.3Category of circuit elements 0.4Input/output resistance 0.5Equivalent circuits 0.6Smallsignal 0.7VLSIfabrication
0.0Key concepts in electronics • Linear nonlinear • Passive active • Passive: input signal power ≧ output power • Active: output signal can be amplified to become larger than input signal • Energyconservation?
0.0.1Linearnonlinear • Fromyourlinearalgebracourse,whatisthedefinitionofalinearfunction? • Fulfilltheprincipleofsuperposition
Thinkaboutthis • Is resistor a linear component? Checkprincipleofsuperposition Yes,resistorisalinearcomponent
Thinkaboutthis • Is inductora linear component? Checkprincipleofsuperposition Yes,inductorisalinearcomponent
0.0.1Linearnonlinear • Ingeneralphysics,theelectroniccomponentsareR,L,andC • Allarelinearcomponents • Thissemester,thekeyissueistoadvancefromlineartononlinearcomponents • Forexample,
0.0.2passiveactive • Inphysics,whatisapassiveoractivecomponent? • Passive:donotsupplypower • Forexample,RLC • Active:sourceofenergy • Forexample,abattery
0.0.2passiveactive • Inelectronics,whatisapassiveoractivecomponent? • Onlysignalisconcerned • Passive:donotsupplypowertosignal • Input signal power ≥ output power • Active: output signal can be amplified • Input signal power ≤ output power • Energyconservation?
Whatisasignal? • Can you define asignal? • Informationtransferbycertaincodes • Needvariationofamplitude(i.e.notDC) • Needvariationoffrequency(i.e.bandwidth) va Va t T
Passivecomponents • Forexample,RLCcomponents ACpart: Nosignalamplification Challenge:CanyoufindoutaRLCcircuitthatDvOislargerthanDvI?
Activecomponents • Forexample,atransistor
KeywordsofelectronicsI • Linearnonlinear • Passiveactive(signalamplification)
0.1 Kirchhoff’s laws • Voltage (KVL): The sum of the voltage around any closed loop is zero. • Current (KCL): The sum of the currents going into a junction is zero.
KVL • Related to energy conservation - + + - - + + - + - - + A more convenient way v1 + v2 + v3 = v4 v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 = 0 Figure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchhoff's_circuit_laws
KCL • Related to charge conservation i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 = 0 A more convenient way i1 + i4 = i2 + i3 Figure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchhoff's_circuit_laws
0.2 Power consumption • Instantaneous power consumption • Note the polarity of voltage and current • The averaged power over a period T is
0.3 Category of circuit elements Linear Nonlinear e.g. diode and transistor I I V V
Category of circuit elements Instantaneous Non-instantaneous e.g. echo function in karaoke,memory,etc.
Category of circuit elements One-port Two-port • Port: a node pair in which the current that enters one port node also leaves the other port node V I I We will use this model extensively in electronicsanalysis Figure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-port_network
Category of circuit elements Direct Indirect Voltage-controlled voltage source • Independent voltage source One-portortwo-port? One-port circuit Two-port circuit
Example: Ohmic resistor Resistance Conductance Which one is correct? • Linear • Nonlinear Newinelectronics! • Instantaneous • Non-instantaneous • One-port • Two-port • Direct • Indirect
0.4 Input/output resistance Input resistance Output resistance Iout Iin of black box black box Vout Vin input output Why Vs is required?
Input/output resistance • Example: voltage divider Input resistance Output R1 Vin voltage Vout R2 resistance It is the same resistance seen at output with Vin shorted. Do you know why?
Input/output resistance = R1 Vin Vout R2 =
Input/output resistance Iout Iin black box Vout Vin input output
0.5 Equivalent circuit • We already know they are equivalent circuits from Ch 0.4. • Without looking into the box, we don’t know which is which. • What about more complex circuits?
0.5 Equivalent circuit • Yes, because all elements are linear • This is called Thevenin’s equivalent circuit • How to find out Rth and Vth? ? Is this valid?
0.5 Equivalent circuit • Thevenin’s equivalent circuit • Voltage source + series resistor (a) (b) Zt a a B A B + Vt - a’ a’ Z: impedance=complexresistance (c) (d) a a A A (With independent sources reduced to zero) + Zt Vt - a’ a’ Voltage source: short Current source: open
0.5 Equivalent circuit • Operational procedure for Thevenin’s circuit • Vt is obtained from Vaa’ when aa’ is is open • Zt is obtained by calculating the impedance of aa’ port when all independent sources are set to zero • Applying a hypothetical voltage Vaa’ and find out how much current is generated a a A A (With independent sources reduced to zero) + Zt Vt - a’ a’
0.5 Equivalent circuit • Norton’s equivalent circuit • Current source + parallel impedance (a) (b) a a B A B In Zn a’ a’ Z: impedance=complexresistance (c) (d) a A (With independent sources reduced to zero) a A Zn In a’ a’
Why do we need equivalent circuit? • To analyze multistage circuit • C1 and C2 are two circuits • Howto transfermaximalvoltage from C1 to C2? What is your choice? • Rout = Rin • Rout >> Rin • Rout << Rin Thevenin model
Why do we need equivalent circuit? • Alternatively, if we want to transmit maximalcurrent from C1 to C2, What is your choice? • Rout = Rin • Rout >> Rin • Rout << Rin Norton model
Input/output resistance • Inthelab,let’s measure the • Input resistance of an oscilloscope • Output resistance of a function generator • How to find out the correct value? • In general, how to determine the input/output resistance of a circuit? • http://www.learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/impedance73.php
0.6 Small signal vS • Total signal vS= DC VS+ small signal vs vs VS
Notation Very useful for frequency response analysis
Why “small signal” is important? • If the I-V relationship of a device is • The input voltage is • How will you find out the output current?
Why “small signal” is important? • If the AC signal is “small” enough • An equivalent small signal conductancecan be determined • The gd value strongly depends on DC bias • Q-point
Why “small signal” is important? • With small signal, a nonlinear system can be viewed as “linear” one! • Piecewise linear • So we can perform DC analysis first, then AC analysis separately • Principle of superposition • DC analysis Q-point • AC analysis Amplification of signal • Have you ever wondered why we always deal with sinusoidal signals?
Magic of sinusoidal functions • Why always using sinusoidal signals for analysis? • Sinusoidalfunctionsofdifferentfrequenciesarelinearlyindependentfromeachother. • Every signal can be decomposed into summation of sinusoidal functions (Fourier analysis) • Thus,inalinear system,ifyouknowtheoutputofasinusoidalinput,theoutputofarbitraryinputcanbederived! • We will come back in “frequency analysis”
Linear amplifier • An application example • Can you describe the function of each component? DC voltage source To provide correct bias(Q-point) DC power To provide signal of interest Signal source Amplifier Load Speakers CD player To amplify signal of interest Low signal power High signal power To make us perceive the signal of interest
Decibel units • Amplitude(voltageorcurrent) • Power • Some notes
聊聊天…ACvs.DC • 控制了技術標準,就等於控制了市場 • 錄影帶:VHS對抗Betamax • 電腦:Windows對抗Mac • DVD:藍光對抗HD • 手機:Android對抗iPhone • …
0.7 VLSI introduction • VLSI: very large-scale integrated circuits • Do you know where will become 20-nm? Sedra & Smith, Microelectronic circuits 6th ed, appendix A
Steps in VLSI fabrication • Silicon wafer • Oxidation • Photolithography • Etching • Diffusion / ion implantation • Chemical vapor deposition • Metallization • Packaging Silicon substrate