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Get Coconut Oil Secret by clicking here/below -<br>http://bit.ly/2EPK1B5 -<br>Scientists and consumers alike are asking, “What is the deal with fat?†Research has confirmed that the type of fat we eat is more important than how much we eat. But which fats are the healthiest? And we eat food, not just fats—so what should we eat?
Scientists and consumers alike are asking, “What is the deal with fat?” Research has confirmed that the type of fat we eat is more important than how much we eat. But which fats are the healthiest? And we eat food, not just fats—so what should we eat? Some say coconut oil will soothe and even cure all that ails you. Most people know that any cure-all claim will lead to disappointment. Still, when efforts to lose weight, lower cholesterol, and avoid diabetes remain unsuccessful for so many people, it is easy to see why we are looking for solutions that are off the beaten path. This fact sheet will examine the evidence for the many claims made about coconut oil so that you can make smart decisions about how to incorporate it into your diet. Coconut Oil Claims One of the supposed health effects tied to coconut oil is protection against heart disease. Some say coconut oil will help you lose body fat, especially from your abdomen or trunk, where stored fat is most harmful to your health. Other claims are that coconut oil may prevent and even treat cancer, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, boost brain function in people with Alzheimer’s disease, stimulate thyroid function, and fight off bacterial, viral, and yeast infections. Coconut oil in particular has been shown to protect you from viruses, bacteria, infection, cancer, thyroid, brain and heart problems... Beautifies your skin - and even burnsfat! 1
WHAT DOES COCONUT OIL RESEARCH REVEAL? Heart health... In animal studies, some evidence suggests that saturated fat from coconut oil may improve blood lipids (such as LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and others), and that virgin coconut oil is particularly beneficial however, the cardiovascular effects of coconut oil in humans are complicated and still unfolding. Small, case-control studies have observed a lack of association between coconut or saturated fat intake and coronary heart disease (CHD) in communities for whom coconut is an important part of the diet. 75 percent of cases though research shows Coconut Oil to increase life expectancy The effect coconut has on the LDL/HDL Ratio and how it could save your life! Unique ability oil has to reduce blood clots Free radicals and improve liver health! Low grade infections to heart disease and And so much more! Get Coconut Oil Secret: Collect your Copy Now Coconut Oil Makes Yeast Yield to Its Health-Promoting Powers! Everyone has a small amount of yeast living in their mouth and intestines. It serves an important role when it comes to digestion and nutrient absorption, but when it overpopulates. It actually breaks down the walls of the intestines and seeps into the bloodstream, where it releases toxins. This leakage can cause a number of health conditions!In fact, more people have illnesses related to yeast, or Candida, than realize… maybe you’re one of them. 2
HOW Coconut Oil Fights Cancer! Cancer cells feed and grow in our body until the illness can eventually take over and ruin our health. The 7 foods you should be eating to keep the threat of cancer at bay—and hint, coconut oil is one of them! What are the four lifestyle changes you must adhere to for optimum health—and to avoid cancer! Foods you must remove from your diet— HOW Coconut Oil Can Save Your Brain! How Coconut Oil Keep your Brain Healthy! Alzheimer’s is on the rise—but you can do something now to protect your brain from the devastating effects of this savage disease! How? Why ketones are imperative to fight off Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis debilitating diseases! Huntington’s, many and other Real life, inspiring stories that prove coconut can turn brain health around! HOW Coconut Oil Protects and Beautifies Your Skin! People living in the tropics have beautiful, wrinkle-free skin because coconut oil is not only part of their diet—but also their beauty regimen! Coconut oil is a cleanser—and a effective sunscreen, blocking out 20 percent of harmful rays… naturally moisturizing 3
The perfect oil to mix with coconut oil to moisturize and kill bacteria due to dermatitis! The perfect oil to mix with coconut oil to moisturize and kill bacteria due to dermatitis! Coconut oil is not a cure-all. Research supporting claims of its role in preventing, reducing risk for, or curing HIV/AIDS, diabetes, thyroid disease, or Alzheimer’s disease is sparse or non-existent. There is little evidence to suggest it has a significant effect on inflammation or bacterial infection when consumed in food. And the pre-clinical research in cancer is mixed. Considerable research is needed to determine whether such claims may one day be substantiated. Further research may also help to clarify the potentially beneficial effect of coconut oil on HDL cholesterol levels and waist circumference. In order to reduce cardiovascular disease risk through diet, it will be necessary to determine the appropriate balance of dietary fatty acids that will favorably affect a range of cardiovascular risk factors. Know full benefit of coconut oil and about its use…..and how to prepare food with it…..what foodstuff to use one by one to get the full benefit. Get the full Fact Sheet Today 4