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http://SiestaKeyBlueWave.com Protecting Our Florida Sea Turtles is a responsibility of each of us. The Hawksbill and Kemp's Ridley sea turtles frequent the Florida waters, however they do not nest here. So now expanding on the huge population let's look further into our precious visitors. There are approximately 50,000 sea turtles in Florida during the summer months. This makes it the most important nesting area in the United States. * Turtle Nesting In Florida The turtle disguises the nest by flinging sand over it. Once she leaves the nest, she never returns. Beginning in May each year the hatching continues through late October. A female can lay several nests during one season and she only nests every two or three years. The nesting process takes hours. A turtle must drag her massive weight out of the water to the dunes. She uses her back flippers to dig a hole and deposits about one hundred rubbery eggs, each the size of a ping-pong ball. [ INSERT IMAGE - TURTLES INCUBATING #2] After incubating for two months, the hatchelings break out of their shells and thrash about together causing the walls of the nest to collapse and the bottom of the hole to rise. Once near the surface, the hatchelings wait until the sand temperature cools to emerge. Therefore most emerge after dark. Once out of the nest, the turtles scramble to the water and swim offshore where they will live for several years in seaweed beds drifting along the Gulf Stream. As the turtles grow older they move into coastal waters.
Protecting Our Protecting Our Florida Sea Florida Sea Turtles Turtles www.SiestaKeyBlueWave.com
A responsibility of each of us. Expanding on the huge population let's look further into our precious visitors. There are approximately 50,000 sea turtles in Florida during the summer months. This makes it the most important nesting area in the United States.
Turtle Nesting In Florida The turtle disguises the nest by flinging sand over it. Once she leaves the nest, she never returns. Beginning in May each year the hatching continues through late October.
A female can lay several nests during one season and she only nests every two or three years. The nesting process takes hours. A turtle must drag her massive weight out of the water to the dunes. She uses her back flippers to dig a hole and deposits about one hundred rubbery eggs, each the size of a ping-pong ball.
After incubating for two months, the hatchlings break out of their shells and thrash about together causing the walls of the nest to collapse and the bottom of the hole to rise.
Once near the surface, the hatchlings wait until the sand temperature cools to emerge. Therefore most emerge after dark. Once out of the nest, the turtles scramble to the water and swim offshore where they will live for several years in seaweed beds drifting along the Gulf Stream. As the turtles grow older they move into coastal waters.
Here Are Some Threats to the Sea Turtles The main danger for hatchlings is from artificial lighting. When the babies emerge, they instinctively move in the brightest direction. Normally, this would be the open night sky reflected by the ocean.
On a developed beach, artificial lights attract the hatchlings, causing them to crawl in the wrong direction.
All seven species of sea turtles are in danger of extinction. Demand for sea turtle meat, eggs, and other by-products, as well as a loss of habitat, commercial fishing, and pollution have contributed to their decline.
Other dangers include obstructions on the beach, such as beach chairs, holes, or tire tracks, all of which can block their path to the sea.
You Can Help If you are visiting, or live near the beach, you can help by keeping outside lights off during turtle season from May through October.
Make sure to remove chairs, umbrellas and other gear from the beach each night. Level all sand castles and fill any holes dug during play. Please pick up all trash. Sea turtles mistakenly eat debris, especially plastic, which results in death. Never buy products made from sea turtles or any other endangered species.
This Is What You Can Do, If You See A Turtle If you encounter a nesting sea turtle on the beach stay clear. Do not shine lights or take flash photographs. When frightened the nesting turtle will return to the water where she will drop her eggs. If you see an injured, nesting or dead sea turtle, call the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIAL FMP