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Plant-Based Foods for Longevity Enhancement

Learn about the impact of dietary choices on longevity, including the role of medicinal plants. Discover the benefits of Mediterranean and Okinawa diets, and the anticancer effects of spices. Stay informed with the latest scientific studies on healthy aging.

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Plant-Based Foods for Longevity Enhancement

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  1. FOOD AND LONGEVITY- EATING PATTERNS AND NUMBER OF CENTENARIANS. THE ROLE OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANTS ON HEALTH AND LONGEVITY Lens-Pechakova Lilia, PhD President of Association Life Extension Beyond Borders LE2B Lilia.lens@gmail.com

  2. Disclosure of interest • I hereby declare that No conflict of interests exists and there is no commercial bias in my presentation.

  3. Type food, plants, spices and longevity. TOTAL NUMBER CENTENARIANS* IN THE WORLD in 2015 : 451 000 *(Source: World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision file from //esa.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population, accessed on 5/9/2016 ); °(Source: The world fact book from //www.cia.gov/library/publications/, accessed on 6/9/2016)

  4. Scientific studies: Hundreds of scientific studies appeared last years on the positive effect of the Mediterranean diet, Okinawa diet, olive oil against cardiovascular diseases; Also studies on the anticancer effects of broccoli, curcuma, green tea and other vegetables and spices, incl. last week’s publication on the stronger anticancer effect of turmeric consumed in food compared to turmeric taken as supplement; Also studies on the positive effects for healthy aging and longevity of natural extracts and mixtures of medicinal plants against immune and other ageing diseases.

  5. Our Association LE2B LIFE EXTENSION BEYOND BORDERS: Contributes to closing the life expectancy gap and bridging the health inequalities by targeting health literacy and information technology skills of older people so that they can better manage their health. Promotes social inclusion and active civic participation of older citizens by volunteering work with benefits of using their existing skills, creating new social contacts, reducing isolation and build up a greater self-esteem.

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