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TV and Early Childhood

Learn the impact of TV on children's health and development. Discover recommendations from experts. Find out how to promote healthier habits in early childhood.

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TV and Early Childhood

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  1. TV and Early Childhood Why we Should Care & What We Can Do

  2. What we Know: • The average American child watches 20 to 30 hours of TV each week. • 31% of American preschoolers have a TV in their bedroom. • Children who watch more TV as toddlers are more likely to watch TV as older children.

  3. What’s the Recommendation? • The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommends: • Television viewing should be limited to 1 to 2 hours of quality programming daily. • Children younger than 2 years old should not watch TV. • Children should not have a TV in the bedroom.

  4. Why Should We Care About TV? • Early Brain Development • Physical Health

  5. Too much TV watching during the early years has been linked to: • Poor performance in school • Being less able to use imagination • Problems with focusing • Poor skills in judging and planning • Increased violent behavior

  6. Watching TV Can Lead to Poor Food Choices • Children see ads for junk foods such as chips and soda. • Studies find that children ask for foods they see on TV and then get parents to buy them. • Families who watch TV during meals eat less fruits and vegetables. • Children snack while they watch TV.

  7. TV Can Replace Physical Activity • “Preschool children should have at least 60 minutes a day of structured physical activity…..and up to several hours a day of unstructured activity.” National Association for Sport and Physical Activity, 2002

  8. Children who watch too much TV are more likely to be overweight. • 64% of American adults are overweight or obese, and the numbers are climbing each day. • The rate of overweight children is rising even faster than the rate of overweight adults.

  9. What can we do? • Help families think about the use of TV in their homes. • Alert families to why it is good to set limits on TV watching. • Make families aware of how to include physical activity in their daily lives. • Think about the best use of TV and other “screen” time in early childhood programs.

  10. Strategies for Families: • Adults can be good role models for children. • Limit viewing time at home, school, child care. • Keep TV out of children's bedrooms. • Focus on small ways to add physical activity daily.

  11. Tips for Early Childhood Educators: Messages • Provide messages that make families aware of the TV issue: • Posters in centers • Materials sent home • Classroom discussions

  12. Tips for Early Childhood Educators: Family Education Sessions • Facilitated discussions to help families talk about ways to reduce TV watching and plan for being more active – Talking with Families about Television • Activity classes with parents and children – Get Moving, Be Active

  13. You can make a difference! IF…..young children: • Are more active • Choose healthy foods Then… they will be: • Healthier • Better learners • More ready for school and life

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