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Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Association Mentor Program Tutorial. Good Luck!. Table of contents. I. Mission/Vision II. Graduate Program III. Alumni Association IV. Mentor Program V. The Role of a Professional Nurse VI. Nursing Student Leadership VII. Special Situations
Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Association Mentor Program Tutorial Good Luck!
Table of contents I. Mission/Vision II. Graduate Program III. Alumni Association IV. Mentor Program V. The Role of a Professional Nurse VI. Nursing Student Leadership VII. Special Situations VIII. Gender Issues IX. Lifestyle/Living Experiences X. Budgeting and Time Management XI. Campus and Community Resources XII. HESI/NCLEX XIII. Anticipatory Guidance CONCLUSION
Introduction • When you begin: • You will read the information on the slide • Allow ample time for yourself to ensure you understand the information on the slide before you click to the next portion • What you will need: • A pen and paper will be provided for note taking. • There is no time limit to this tutorial, so take your time and do your best. • The most important tool to bring…. YOUR BRAIN!
How to begin? • This tutorial was devised to ensure your knowledge of becoming a mentor is at its best. • The sections are divided into chapters that are most important for you to know about mentoring at Morgan State University. • At the conclusion of each chapter in this tutorial, multiple choice questions will be given to make sure you fully understood the information provided. • You will be able to immediately check your answer, which will be located at the bottom right corner of the slide. Please answer the question then check to see if it is the correct answer.
I. Mission/Vision • The Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Mentoring Program was created for undergraduate nursing students. • The mentor handbook will be a guide for the mentor to support the undergraduate nursing student in the successful completion of the nursing program. • Supporting and promoting a mentorship program for the undergraduate program at Morgan State University will not only enhance their learning abilities and educational path, but will also leave a legacy to support the healthcare knowledge and professionalism in the undergraduate nursing program, as well as benefit Morgan State University as a whole.
I. Mission/Vision continued • The mentor handbook will provide information that will help the mentor • guide the student in her/his personal growth • transition to the professional nursing role • develop leadership capacity through meaningful participation in professional nursing organizations • access the needed resources, on and off campus, to meet their personal and academic needs. • The mentor will gain capacity and ability to navigate around obstacles and pitfalls by making the journey through the MSU nursing program as smooth as possible.
I. Multiple Choice & Fill in the blank • Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Mentoring Program was created for __________________. A. Undergraduate Nursing Students B. Faculty/Staff C. Graduate Nursing Students D. Alumni • Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Mentoring Program will pair ___________ & ____________ Answer 1. A Answer 2. undergrad nursing students & Alumni mentor
I. Multiple ChoiceChoose which option does NOT belong The handbook will provide information to: A. Help the mentor guide the student in her/his personal growth B. Guide the faculty through the undergraduate nursing program. C. Develop leadership capacity through meaningful participation in professional nursing organizations D. Access the needed resources, on and off campus, to meet their personal and academic needs. Answer: B
II. The Morgan State University Graduate Program • The Morgan State University nursing program began in 2008. Both Graduate and undergraduate programs began in order to address the need for trained nursing professionals in the community. • The MSU Nursing Program also has the unique opportunity to address disparities in trained nursing professionals among minority populations.
II. The Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Association • The MSU Nursing Alumni Association is in the early stages of development. Initial by-laws are available and the process of integration of the association to the University's system is ongoing. • The main objectives of the association are to: • provide opportunities for students and alumni to network • enhance the status of the nursing program in the community • increase student recruitment through enhanced visibility and financial support • maintain the Nursing Student Support website (NSSP)
II. Multiple ChoiceChoose which Does NOT Belong: The main objectives of the MSU nursing association are to: A. Meet a quota of nursing students at Morgan State University B. Enhance the status of the nursing program in the community C. Increase student recruitment through enhanced visibility and financial support D. Maintain the Nursing Student Support website Answer: A
II. Multiple Choice The nursing program here at Morgan State University began in what year ? A. 2001 B. 1988 C. 2008 D. 2010 The MSU Nursing Program also has the unique opportunity to address disparities in trained nursing professionals among ______ _______. A. All ethnicities B. Minority population C. Hispanic Americans D. African Americans Answer 1. C Answer 2. B
III. The MSU Mentoring Program • MSU Alumni Association Mentoring Committee Responsibilities: • Recruiting Alumni and students • Pairing students and mentors • Developing tools to evaluate effectiveness of the program • Working with improvements based on suggestions and feedback
MSU Alumni Nursing Association Mentorship Handbook Mentee fills out application Mentor fills out application Mentee submits application Mentor submitsapplication Mentor completes online tutorial Mentor & Mentee are paired up Program Coordinator – Sends mentee contact information to Mentor Mentor Signs mentorship confidentiality agreement forms • Mentee – Signs mentorship confidentiality agreement forms Mentor sets up first meeting date/location with mentee Mentee – Completes Pre-Mentorship survey Mentor – tracks meetings and appointments • Mentor/Mentee – Ongoing • Follow up Surveys & • Mentor and Mentee complete successful mentoring sessions Mentee – Completes mentoring activities Exit forms are completed and turned in for evaluation
III. The MSU Nursing Alumni Association continued… • The Mentor must be apart of the MSU Alumni Nursing Association and complete the following forms to participate in the mentorship program. • Mentorship application form • Mentorship entrance / exit form • Mentorship Interaction form • Confidentiality Agreement form • Termination Form • The mentee must also complete the following forms in order to be paired with a mentor: • Mentee application form • Mentee entrance/exit form • Mentee interaction form • Mentee survey form • Mentee confidentiality form • Termination form
III. Choose which option does NOT belong The Morgan State University Nursing Alumni Association Mentoring Committees Responsibilities include: A. Recruiting Alumni and students B. Pairing students and mentors C. Developing tools to evaluate effectiveness of the program D. Sharing confidential information from the mentor and/or student with faculty. Answer: D
III. Multiple Choice The important forms that must be completed throughout the different stages of the mentoring process include: A. Mentor/Mentee application form, Follow up form, Exit form, and Mentor survey form. B. Mentor/Mentee application form, Interaction form, Entrance &Exit form, and Confidentiality form. C. Mentorship application form, Follow up form, Mentorship survey form, and Termination Form D. Mentor/Mentee application form, Interaction Form, Entrance & Exit form, Confidentiality form, and Termination form. Answer: D.
IV. Role of the Mentor • The mentor must have an accurate understanding of the boundaries of their relationship with the student and delineate appropriate and inappropriate interactions. • The mentor will have a better understanding of their role as an experienced adviser and supporter of the mentee.
IV. Role of the Mentor II • Mentor by definition is a senior or experienced person in a company or organization who gives guidance and training to a junior colleague. • A mentor may provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling. • They also help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.
IV. Role of a Mentor continued.. • The mentor role may change as the needs of the mentee changes. A few roles carried out by the mentor are: • Advocate • Guide • Companion • Good listener • Skills developer • Teacher • Counselor • & Motivator
IV. Multiple Choice What is the role of the mentor? A. Give advice about financial matters. B. Take responsibility to initiate the relationship C. Be a surrogate parent D. Judge your group members based on their background or ideas A mentor can be: A. A trusted counselor B. A faculty member C. An alumni D. All the above Answer 1. B Answer 2. D.
IV. Multiple Choice Select the correct attribute of a role model: A. Expert B. Therapist C. Coach D. Parent Answer: C
V. The Role Of A Professional Nurse The nursing field requires one to be able to quickly adapt to change. The mentor will be given tools to assist the student to manage change effectively throughout their nursing education. • Helping students to apply information learned to create new attitudes, skills and behaviors that lead to change • Convey an understanding that greater readiness leads to better success and real change develops over time • Assisting student to clearly understand the expectations of the nursing program • Helping the student to create a vision and develop a strategic plan during change
V. The Role Of A Professional Nurse • The mentor will: • Help students to apply information learned to create new attitudes, skills and behaviors that lead to change • Convey an understanding that greater readiness leads to better success and real change develops over time • Assist student to clearly understand the expectations of the nursing program • Help the student to create a vision and develop a strategic plan during change
V. Multiple Choice The nursing field requires one to be able to quickly adapt to _________. A. Change B. Life C. Everything D. Daily routine How do you help students with critical thinking skills? A. Role play B. Life experience C. Ask "What would you do questions” D. A &C Answer 1. A Answer 2. D
V. Multiple choice How much time should you spend with the student? A. You should keep in contact at least once a week B. Once a month is appropriated C. Every day: by phone, email, or in person D. First day of semester & last day to follow up Answer: A
VI. Mentoring Student Leadership Nurses are in a distinct position to influence healthcare policy and legislation. Nursing has the responsibility to encourage and support new members of the profession, as they become competent clinicians and leaders.
Mentoring Student Leadership Mentors assist students to: • Develop leadership as well as clinical skills • Stay current on latest technology • Become familiar with healthcare policies/laws • Develop strong leadership characteristics • Understand leadership theories (transformational, dynamic, leader-follower relationship)
VI. Multiple ChoiceChoose which does NOT belong Mentors assist students to: A. Develop leadership as well as clinical skills B. Stay current on latest technology C. Get no less than an A on all assignments D. Develop strong leadership characteristics Answer: C.
VI. Multiple Choice Nurses are in a distinct position to influence healthcare policy and _______. A. Laws B. Legislation C. Nursing D. Ethics Answer: B
VII. Special Situations Mentors have the responsibility and privilege to help students succeed by helping them to navigate through complex issues that may arise while in the nursing program. Special Situations are important because a mentor may encounter these conditions during their mentoring experience. The Scenarios that will be used through out the handbook will be used to illustrate how to rapidly intervene and mobilize appropriate resources.
VII. Special Situations continued.. The special situations the mentor may encounter will focus on : - Enhancing mentors’ knowledge of possible complex issues that could derail the student’s possibility of graduation (interaction of social, financial, and/or academic matters). - Supporting the mentors in providing adequate guidance, recommendation, and resources to assist students with monumental obstacles.
VII. Multiple Choice What are the stages of grieving for a nursing student that lost a family member? A. Delusional, irrational thoughts, suicidal, and, homicidal ideations B. Denial, anger, bargaining, and, depression C. Interacting, hilarious, acceptance, and termination D. Insubordination, disrespectful, dishonest, and unprofessional behavior Answer : B
VII. Scenario A student is planning to withdraw from the nursing program due to hardship. What type of documentation would they require to submit to Mrs. Richbery? A. A leave and withdrawal form from Jenkins building room 308A. B. Sick note from their physician stating the beginning and end of the absence. C. Verbally notify Dean of Nursing program and course coordinator before starting the leave of absence. D. Stay at home until the hardship is over, then return back to school with proper documentation of the absence. Answer: A.
VII. Multiple Choice A freshman at MSU was diagnosed with seizure activities. What information about the university would be most beneficial to this student? A. The financial aid office located at Montebello complex room A124 B. Mrs. Richbery’s office located at Jenkins Building 308A C. The list of local hospitals designated for clinical rotations D. Healthcare center on campus, nearest emergency room Answer: D
VIII. Gender Issues • Important aspects relating to gender issues are: • Lingering stereotypes • Minority men in nursing • Mentor-mentee gender interactions • It will also include the history of men in nursing and their role.
VIII. Gender Issues continued.. • Throughout the world today, more men are entering the field of nursing and there is a major push to delete the stereotype that nurses are women. • The Mentor- Mentee interaction is important and it is necessary to establish a good rapport between both parties to ensure a successful experience is occurring. • Mentoring relationships are typically intense, close, interactive and sometimes immensely complex. • When a mentor and mentee are paired where differences exist, i.e. gender, problems sometimes arise.
VIII. Multiple choice The Mentor- Mentee interaction is important and it is necessary to establish a good _______ between both parties. A. Energy B. Rapport C. Bond D. Tie . Answer: B
VIII. Multiple ChoiceChoose What Does NOT Belong. What are the characteristics of a good mentor? A. Helpful B. Positive C. Encouraging D. Doubtful Answer: D
IX.LIFESTYLE/LIVING EXPERIENCES Many nursing students are considered ‘non-traditional’. The mentor will be able to place the student in the appropriate context for his/her assistance. Areas to be addressed include: • Diverse Social/Cultural Backgrounds • Stress management/Emotional concerns/Experiencing Depression • Studying • Health and exercise • Relaxation • Sleep • Nutrition
IX. Lifestyle/Living Experiences continued.. • Diversity is prevalent here at Morgan State University. The nursing students in this population will be described by there different social/cultural backgrounds; including individuals from various countries and regions in the world. • Stress management is an important topic addressed in the handbook because it is not uncommon for students to have emotional concerns or feel over worked, pressure or even anxiety when it comes to studying or preparing for an exam. • It is also essential to educate undergraduate students on the importance of studying, health/exercise and sleep; which are vital to improving grades and a sense of well being.
IX. Multiple Choice The student tells you they have just won a week’s vacation all expenses paid, and they plan to leave on Sunday, one week prior to their HESI exams. As their mentor you advise them to: A. Take a load off and have some fun, you need to relax so you can be mentally ready for the HESI exams the following week B. You need to think carefully about the importance of the HESI exam if you plan to graduate on schedule. However, the choice is yours C. Postpone the trip until you have completed the HESI exams and course work for the semester D. Go ahead and have a good time, I did the same thing when I was in nursing school. It was just to get away in the midst of everything Answer: C.
IX. Multiple Choice You discover that your student only sleeps three to four hours a night, because he spends all his time studying and is overwhelmed by the volume of the material. What action as his mentor would you propose? A. Suggest that he joins a studying group with other students to break down the information and discuss it, maybe meet twice a week B. Suggest using index card to write down the important subheadings to help focus his studying, there are so many different systems of the body C. Ask him about his studying habits and suggest changes that might help; e.g., does he study with the TV on, or where does he study. D. Advise him to space out his reading and start early so he does not become overwhelmed because to the large volume of work Answer: C
IX. Multiple Choice Your student tells you that his schedule is so busy that some days he only eats one meal a day and usually it is on the run. As his mentor your action should be to: A. Inform him about the importance of eating food containing vitamins that helps your body maintain optimum brain and immune system functions B. Tell him about the fruits and vegetables recommended daily by the CDC to keep our bodies health and vibrant C. Encourage him to drink a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water daily, that will keep his system running and prevent sluggishness D. Tell him to include vitamin C and carry an energy bar to make up for the missed meals Answer: A
X. Budgeting and Time Management • The mentor handbook will provide the mentor with the resources to: • Assist students with budgeting and time management • Support and guide students in establishing back up plans for work, school, and family • Direct the student to budgeting and time management resources e.g. Studentfinancedomain.com, resources at the book store, and Morgan State University’s class in strategies for student success • Guide students as to where to find campus resources and contacts • Guide and reinforce students time management efforts
X. Multiple Choice The mentee wants to take a class that will assist him/her in managing her time better. What options are available to him/her. Check all that apply A. The student services center B. The library C. Counseling Center D. Department: ORSW- strategies for student success E. C and D Answer: E
X. Multiple Choice Resources for student success can be obtained from the following. Check all that apply A. Dollar Store B. Morgan State university book store C. Online: e.g. www.studentfinance.com, www.fafsa.ed.gov D. all of the above Answer: D
X. Multiple Choice Where can a student find information on campus about budgeting and financial aid alternatives? A. Financial aid office B. Parents C. Faculty D. Library Answer: A
XI. Campus and Community RESOURCES The mentor will with help guide the undergraduate nursing student with the necessary tools and resources around the campus and community to benefit from. The first portion of the resources offered is Office of Residence Life, which is important for the mentor and undergraduate student. This includes: • Technology Services • Health Services • Counseling Services • Safety and Security • Bookstore • Baltimore City Hospitals
XI. Campus and Community RESOURCES The mentor is also involved with the educational aspects of mentoring. They will be able to provide the mentee with information on: • Schools and colleges • Departmental directory • University library • University Honor Program