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Sign language interpreting in legal settings: a European overview

Sign language interpreting in legal settings: a European overview. Marinella Salami, efsli president European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters. 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp. Sign language users & interpreters in Europe. ̴ 10.000 sign language interpreters ̴ 750.000 sign language users.

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Sign language interpreting in legal settings: a European overview

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  1. Sign language interpreting in legal settings:a European overview Marinella Salami, efsli president European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  2. Sign language users & interpreters in Europe • ̴10.000 sign language interpreters • ̴750.000 sign language users 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  3. Rights of sign language users • National Laws & Acts • UNCRPD (2007) • Charter of Fundamental Rights (2010) 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  4. efsli – legal settings • Member of EULITA • TRAFUT project 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  5. SURVEY 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  6. Survey – our data Total 94 respondents • Individual SL interpreters (67%) • National Associations (16%) • Training Programmes (10%) • Agencies (3%) • Other (5%) 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  7. Survey – respondents • Mostly from: UK, Norway & Netherlands • But also: Austria, Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  8. Experience in legal settings 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  9. Survey – our questions European Directive 2010/64/EU • Article 2 – Right to interpretation • Article 3 – Right to translation of essentialdocuments • Article 4 – Costs of interpretation & translation • Article 5 – Quality of interpretation & translation • Article 6 – Training • Article 7 – Record-keeping 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  10. RIGHTS 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  11. The European Directive 2010/64 What do SL interpreters know about the Directive? 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  12. Have you heard about the European Directive 2010/64 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings? 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  13. Right to sign language interpretation State of the art 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  14. Right to sign language interpretation State of the art • “They say it is but in reality the legal settings rarely provide it”. • “It's provided by law but not always used that way”. • “The right is provided but not applied in reality”. • “There is no Law providing sign language interpreting, but sign language interpreters do attend court sessions if needed”. 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  15. Right to sign language interpretation State of the art • “I don't think by law but in 90% they use a SL interpreter. Because SL was recognisedin Flanders in 2005”. • “I don't know if itis provided by law, but in criminal proceedings court/ police etc always try to arrange an interpreter”. • “Not in criminal proceedings, Some judges and lawyers know that there are SL interpreters and try to findsomeoneavailable” 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  16. Right to sign language interpretation 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  17. Right to sign language interpretation? “Some say they have a right to have an interpreter, some say they don't. Even if they [Deaf people] get the permission to use one, there is no way of knowing how to get an interpreter on the setting. The procedure is always unclear, always different and includes a whole lot of phone calls to figure out...” 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  18. Translation of documents • Sight translation provided on request • Deaf translators are contracted to providetranslations of documents • Itdepends on deafpeople’sreadingabilities 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  19. Is the sign language interpretation of questioning and hearings by an investigative or judicial authority video recorded? 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  20. NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  21. 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  22. Technologies – benefits • Better access to interpreters • Efficient use of time (less traveling, service to more in less time) • Interpreters can work from anywhere • Low cost solution • Opportunity (through video recordings) to verify 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  23. Technologies – challenges • 2D instead of 3D interpreting • No direct contact – crucial in sign language (limited signing space, not all parties visible) • Few interpreters who have the skills (training needed) • Awareness & knowledge on the use of technologies (interpreters & other professionals in legal setting) • Availability of technology, fast connection, good sound, etc 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  24. Technologies – future • Do not know – hard to predict • Remotely • Emergencylegal situations (if live is impossible) • Only specific situations, such as consultations (not in the courts) • Matching cultures, languages, expertise and other requirements 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  25. PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  26. No national registration body for SLI in legal settings, but .. • Interpreting agencies • Deaf associations • Individual interpreters are recruited directly • List of sworn interpreters/qualified interpreters • Relatives of Deaf people are contacted 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  27. Costs of SL interpretation Depending on the procedure itself: • Government • Police • Court 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  28. Rates per hour • They vary greatly per country • Lower than in other interpreting settings • Reimbursement - Expenses? Travelling time? 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  29. Costs of SL interpretation “Due to cutbacks, there have been proposals to significantly reduce payment for interpreters in legal settings, which is leading to a 'race to the bottom' in terms of price. This will impact on the quality of interpretation offered - who is willing to study for 4 years to work for €12 per hour and no costs for travel? Commitment to quality seems to be dependent on economic matters rather than a commitment to equality before the law in any meaningful way”. 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  30. How is quality of sign language interpretation in legal settings ensured in your country? • National Registers • National Association of Interpreters • Some training & ad-hoc workshops provided by experienced legal interpreters • Some courts are allowed to decide who they want to be the interpreter in their proceedings. It is then possible to make use of an "interpreter" without any qualification or certification. • No quality assessment 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  31. CONCLUSIONS 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  32. Conclusions - I • Sign language interpreting is a young profession • More trained interpreters are needed to comply with the EU Directive • More awareness needed > TRAFUT small step • Proper remuneration needed 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  33. Conclusions - II • Remote interpreting: • More attention for special requirements when working with SLI • Limitations: not a solution in all legal settings • Research: • Educational needs of SLI in legal settings • Qualified and trained SLI: protect human rights of sign language users 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

  34. Marinella Salami: marinella.salami@efsli.org www.efsli.org 2012 TRAFUT workshop - Antwerp

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