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Week 3 Overview of European policy towards the Roma. 9 March 2005 Laura Laubeova laubeova@ fsv.cuni .cz. Background: policy actors. EU , EP CoE OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Lund, Oslo, and Hague recommendations OSCE ODIHR Roma/ Sinti Contact point
Week 3Overview of European policy towards the Roma 9 March2005 Laura Laubeova laubeova@fsv.cuni.cz
Background: policy actors • EU, EP • CoE • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Lund, Oslo, and Hague recommendations • OSCE ODIHR Roma/ Sinti Contact point • WB (Decade of Roma inclusion) • UN • UNDP • NGOs (OSI, ERRC, MRG ..) • National governments (e.g. role of Finland) • Romani organisations (Local, National, International)
Some Romani organisations CZ: Athinganoi Gabriela Hrabanova Dzeno Ivan Vesely Romea Jarmila Balazova Slovo 21Jana Hejkrlikova Manushe UK:GCECWCR (for education, culture,welfare and civil rights) INTL:IRU, RNC, ERTF
Resources Reader + Danbakli, Marielle, ed.(2001) Roma, Gypsies: Text Issued by International Institutions. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press. Rooker, Marcia (1997) "Monitoring Human Rights: The Importance of the Universal Level for Roma and Sinti" CPRSI Newsletter, February 1997, vol.3, no. 1, pp. 3-10 Puxon, Grattan (2000) „The Romani Movement“ in Acton: Scholarship and the Gypsy Struggle Matras, Yaron (1998) ”Development of the Romani Civil Rights Movement” in Tebbut: Sinti and Roma
Martin Kovats (2001) ”The Emergence of European Roma Policy.” • EU: PHARE • CoE: Verspaaget report 1995; Specialist Grp on R/G; Guiding principles for improving the sit. of R. • OSCE: HCNM 1993, 2000; ODIHR Contact point on R+ S issues • recommendations /guidelines onRoma representation • decontextulisation • focus on broader economic and social factors (WB, UNDP)
Key events 1989-95 Resolutions in support of Romani rights • 1990 CSCE • 1992 UN HR Commission • 1993 CoE 1993 EU Seville Congress 1994 joint seminar of CSCE and CoE in Warsaw 1994 Standing conference of Romani associations in Europe 1995 Roma advisory council at CoE (gadje experts) Matras, 1998:61
Recent Key Events 2001 Declaration of Romani Nation 2001 Durban Conference – Roma & Traveller Caucas. Anna Cervenakova speech. 2003 WB and UNDP Reports 2004 EU Enlargement (Reader 3.7) 2004 IRU Congress 2004 ERTF 2005-2015 Decade of Inclusion 2005 European Parliament resolution….on the former concentration camp at Lety u Pisku(removal of the pig farm)http://www.dzeno.cz/docs/rezoluce_en.DOC Romani MEPs (Livia Jaroka)
World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz dined with seven young Roma leaders on February 27 2006 in Prague to get their views on efforts to empower the Romawww.worldbank.org/roma
CoE The Roma and Travellers Division The Group of Specialists on Roma, Gypsies and Travellers (MG-S-ROM) Coordinator of Activities concerning Roma and Travellers Project “Roma under Stability Pact for Southern Europe”http://www.coe.int/T/DG3/RomaTravellers/Default_en.asp
CoE cont. ERTF 2001 Tarja Halonen -address to the Parliamentary Assembly on a consultative assembly to give Roma voice at international level. 2003 Joint French/Finnish proposal for non-governmental association adopted consultation process 2004 ERTFregistered as NGO, Partnership Agreement wCoE. Dec. 2005 1st meeting, elected: President (R.K.), Vice-Presidents, Executive Board. „Fight against school segregation of Roma“ http://www.coe.int/T/DG3/RomaTravellers/FERV/default_en.asp
Council of Europe - cont. ECRIEuropean Commission against Racisms and Intolerance Specialist Group on Roma and Gypsies European Commission for Democracy through law The Parliamentary Assembly The Congress of Local and RegionalAuthorities, Programmes to build inter community confidence in society Council of Europe monitoring department CoE Commissioner for Human Rights Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention etc
Example:Improving housing conditions of Roma and Travellers in Europe • Recommendation Rec(2005)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on improving the housing conditions of Roma and Travellers in Europe (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 23 February 2005 at the 916th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies) https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=825545&BackColorInternet=9999CC&BackColorIntranet=FFBB55&BackColorLogged=FFAC75
Key movements IRU, RNC & ERTF 1971 First World Romani Congress –> IRU Intellectual interest (in linguistics, culture), Gypsy Lore Society1888 France CMG Communaute Mondiale Gitane 1959 (Ionel Rotaru), CIT Comite Intl Tzigane (Vanko Rouda) –> 71 congress Irish Traveller Community mid 60s Finish Gypsy Association, Spanish Secretariado Gitano, Slovak and Czech Associations for Gypsies/Roma (68 –73) Facuna, Dr. Cibula Gypsy Council in England 1966 Johnny Brazil National Gypsy Education Council (1970 Lady Plowden) organised next three IRU congresses renamed to GCECWCR (for education, welfare and civil rights)
World Romani Congresses (IRU) 1st 1971 London (Slobodan Berberski) 2nd 1979 Geneva (Jan Cibula) 3rd 1981 Gottingen, Germany (Rajko Djuric) 4th 1990 Warsaw (Rajko Djuric) 5th 2000 Prague (Emil Scuka) 6th 2004 Lanciano, Italy (Stanislav Stankiewicz)
RNC Rom & Cinti Union in Hamburg (80s) -> RNC, Rudko Kawczynski Grassroot, militant, Romani refugees from Eastern Europe – basic human rights approach Pan-European Romani Identity vs nationalist “Zentralrat “ of German Sinti and Roma (81) Matras, 1998:49-63, Puxon, 2000:94-113
NGO projects – example: Roma Rights and Access to Justice in Europe Overview Report and First Year Report http://www.rraje.org/Reports/overview.pdf
Useful links and sources European Roma and Traveller Forumhttp://www.ertf.org/ , European Roma Rights Centre http://www.errc.org European Roma Information Office http://www.erionet.org/Home.html http://www.diplomacy.edu/roma/ Romea http://www.romea.cz/ WB (2003) www.worldbank.org/roma UNDP (2003) http://roma.undp.sk Czech Radio http://www.romove.cz
Any Feedback from Panel discussion? Kim & Hana "Empowering Marginalized Social Groups: The Role of Identity and Culture„American and Czech Experiences When: March 7, 15:00-16:30 Where: Woodrow Wilson Center (Trziste 13, Prague What: Among the issues discussed was: • What are effective means for the advancement of marginalized social groups? U.S. and Czech experiences. • How did identity politics work for African and Native Americans in the U.S.?