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CC PolandPlus Clean Coal Technologies Tomasz Szmuc tsz@agh.pl

CC PolandPlus Clean Coal Technologies Tomasz Szmuc tsz@agh.edu.pl. CC PolandPlus - Main Partners. Crude oil production refining and distribution. AGH University of Science and Technology. O il and gas exploration production. Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal.

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CC PolandPlus Clean Coal Technologies Tomasz Szmuc tsz@agh.pl

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  1. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 CC PolandPlus Clean Coal Technologies Tomasz Szmuc tsz@agh.edu.pl

  2. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 2 CC PolandPlus - Main Partners Crude oil productionrefining and distribution AGH University of Science and Technology Oil and gas explorationproduction Institute of ChemicalProcessing of Coal Jagiellonian University Production, distributionof energy Silesian University of Technology Boilers manufacturer Central Mining Institute Wrocław Universityof Technology Manufacturer of chemicals

  3. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 3 CC PolandPlus - localization Industry Univers./ Res.Instit.

  4. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 4 Clean Coal Technologies Thematic areas Development of coal/lignite gasification technologies Improving efficiency of energy production and reduction of emissions CO2 geologic sequestration Nuclear co-generation. Nuclear – coal synergy, including recycling of CO2

  5. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 5 Development of coal/lignite gasification technologies Coal ranking for gasification in respect of CO2 reduction Model of coal gasification kinetics Thermodynamic model of gasification with CO2 enriched blow Aerodynamic model of gasification reactor Pilot plant testing data Process package for gasification

  6. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 Development of a coal gasification technology for high-efficiency fuel and power production • Project budget • 89.8 mln PLN (22.5 mln Euro) including: • 80 mln PLN (ca. 20 mln Euro) –financial support of NCBiR • 9.8 mln PLN (ca. 2.5 mln Euro) –contribution of Commercial Partners

  7. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 6 Improving efficiency of energy production and reduction of emissions Identification of prospectiveareas for enhancing efficiency and reduction of emissions. Fundamental physical and computational studies on development of technologies. Tests in pilot scale and optimisation. Estimation of economic and social impacts of the project. Deploymentand comercialisation.

  8. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 7 CO2 geologic sequestration Decrease the cost of CO2 geologic sequestration by developing innovative optimization methods for sequestration technologies, with collateral economic benefits such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR), enhanced gas recovery (EGR), enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) and storage in aquifers. Minimize risk of geologic sequestration by (1) providing the information needed to select sites for safe and effective sequestration, (2) increasing confidence in the effectiveness and safety of sequestration by identifying and demonstrating cost-effective monitoring technologies, and (3) improving performance-assessment methods to predict and verify that long-term sequestration practices are safe and effective and do not introduce any unintended environmental impact. Lowering the time implementation by (1) pursuing early opportunities for pilot tests with our industrial partners and (2) gaining public acceptance.

  9. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 8 Distribution of sedimentary

  10. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 9 Nuclear co-generation. Nuclear – coal synergy, including of recycling CO2 Analysis of usage HTR for water splitting, coal gasification, generation of high temperature steam industrial technologies. Projects and construction of demo-installation for electrolytic water splitting using out of peak power from power plant. Project and construction demo-installation for conversion of CO2into synfuel, alcohols and hydrocarbons, using of H2 from splitting of water. Study about CO2 recycling. Economical studies of CO2 conversion using heat from nuclear reactors. Projects and demo-installation high temperature exchangers for steam production with heat from light water reactors, and heat exchangers for high temperature reactors. Applications of selected projects in industry and tests.

  11. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 10 Design of CC Projects Thematic Workshop on Clean Coal Technologies – AGH 25 May 2010. Presentation of proposals and fields of cooperation. Collecting of project proposals and clusteringby thematic coordinators. First draft of Proposals before 20 June. Discussion and evaluation of the Proposals – decision and incorporation to Business Plan of CC – till 30 June 2010. Application for Annual/Triennial Grant submitted to EIT.

  12. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 Educational Plan *) - PhD in Smart Grids Technological Platforms (Selelect+ coordinated ny KTH) **) - MSc in Gasification of Coal ***) - MSc in: Smart Grids Technological Platforms, Sustainable Fuel Economy, Sustainable Energy Development

  13. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 11 Organization of CC PolandPlus General structure

  14. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010 12 Organization of CC PolandPlus Next steps Decision on company/foundation as legal of CC PolandPlus (30 June 2010). Creation of legal structure of CC Poland Plus and election of related bodies. Office for CC PolandPlus headquarters before 15 October 2010. Full operational functionality – before 1 January 2011.

  15. EEC 2010, Katowice 1 June, 2010

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