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Fundamental Concepts of Marketing: Understanding Market Needs and Exchanges

Dive deep into the core concepts of marketing from satisfying customer needs to building strong relationships. Explore the evolution of marketing philosophies and the importance of connecting with customers in the modern age.

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Fundamental Concepts of Marketing: Understanding Market Needs and Exchanges

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  1. Part One:Understanding of Marketing ( Chapter1-Chapter4)

  2. What are they doing? What are they need?

  3. What is Marketing ? Old sense: making a sale – “telling and selling” New sense: satisfying customer needs

  4. Marketing Defined (P.5) • A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. • 市场营销是个人或组织通过创造、提供并同他人交换价值的产品或价值,以满足各自的需要和欲求的一种社会活动和管理过程。

  5. Needs,Wants, and Demands • Core marketing concepts(P.6) Core Marketing Concepts Markets Products and Services Exchange, Transactions, and relationships Value, Satisfaction,

  6. Needs • Needs,Wants and Demands(P.6) • States of felt deprivation(或缺). • The form taken by human needs as they are shaped by culture and individual personality. • Human wants that are backed by buying power . Wands Demands

  7. Product • Product and Service(P.6-7) • Anything that can be offered to a market for attention,acquisition,use,or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. • Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Service

  8. Customer value • Value, Satisfaction (P.9) • The difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the cost of obtaining the product. • The extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations. Customer satisfaction

  9. Exchange, Transaction and Relationships the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. a trade between tow parties that involves at least tow things of agreement, and a place of agreement. Exchange Transactions

  10. Relationship marketing (P.9) The process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong, value-laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders. • Market (P.10) the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.

  11. A simple marketing system Communication Products-service Industry (a collection of sellers) Market (a collection of buyers) Money Information

  12. Main actors and forces in a modern marketing system(P.10) Suppliers Company (marketer) End user market Marketing intermediaries Competitors Environment

  13. Demarketing(P.11) Marketing to reduce demand temporarily; the aim is not to destroy demand but only to reduce or shift it.

  14. Marketing management philosophies (P.12-14) Production concept Product concept Selling concept Marketing concept Social marketing concept

  15. Production concept(生产观念) The management should only focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. • Product concept(产品观念) The organization should devote its energy to making continuous product improvements.

  16. Selling concept(推销观念) The consumers will not buy enough of the organization’s products unless the organization undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. • Marketing concept(营销观念) To achieving organization’s goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do.

  17. Starting point Focus Means Ends • The selling and marketing concepts contrasted(P.13) Factory Existing products Selling and promoting Profit through sales volume The selling concept Integrated Marketing (整合营销) Profit through Customer satisfaction Customer needs Market The marketing concept

  18. Societal marketing concept(社会营销观念) • The organization should deliver the desired satisfactions to their target market effectively and efficiently in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and society’s well being.

  19. Societal Marketing concept(社会营销观念P.14) Society (Human welfare) Social marketing concept Customers (Wants satisfaction) Company (Profits) Three considerations underlying the Societal marketing concept

  20. Bionomics marketing concept(生态学营销观念) To find the market demands that firm’s resources can be match to. “6R”: Right time , Right place, Right product, Right price, Right way, to Right customer

  21. Connections with Customers • Marketing in “connected” millennium(P.23) Connecting technologies Computer Information Communication Transportation Connections with Marketing partners Connections with World around us

  22. Connections with Customer Connecting more selectively Connecting for life Connecting directly Connections with Marketing partner Connecting inside The company Connecting with outside partners Connections with the world around us Global connections Connections with values And responsibility Broadened connections • Marketing connections

  23. Marketing connections in transition(P.33)

  24. Marketing management(old define) the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of program designed to create, build,and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.

  25. Marketing management(new define P.11) • The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. This involves getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. Thus it involves managing demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationships.

  26. The tasks of Marketing management(P.14) Demand Management Building Profitable Customer Relationships Marketing Management Practice

  27. Marketing practice stages Entrepreneurial Marketing 原始营销 Formulated Marketing 程式营销 Intrepreneurial Marketing 创新营销

  28. The company’s strategic planning(P.41) Business unit Product and market Corporate lever Defining the company mission Setting company objectives and goals Designing the business portfolio Planning,marketing And other Functional strategies 明确公司使命 设定公司目标 规划业务组合 制定营销计划

  29. The BCG matrix(P.47) Star Question mark Low high Marketing growth rate Cash cow Dog High low Relative market share

  30. “波士顿矩阵”示意图 明星类 问题类 20 18 16 14 10 8 6 4 2 0 市场成长率 % 4 11 3 2 5 瘦狗类 金牛类 6 7 8 10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x 0.5x 0.4x 0.3x 0.2x 0.1x 相对市场占有率

  31. Product-market expansion grit(P.48) Existing products New products Existing markets Market penetration product development Market development New markets Diversification

  32. The marketing process (P.54) Marketing intermediaries Competitors Marketing planning Marketing analysis Product Target marketing Market segmentation Profitable Customer relationships Price Place Market positioning Marketing implementation Marketing control Promotion Suppliers Publcs

  33. Major Force Shaping the Internet Age (P.71) Digitalization connectivity The Digital Age Customization and customerization The explosion of the internet New types of intermediaries

  34. Customization(定制化) involves taking the initiative to customize the market offering. • Customerization :leaving it to individual customer to design the marketing offering– allowing customer to be prosumers rather than only consumers.

  35. Marketing environment(P.106) The actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its target customers.

  36. Marketing environment(P.107) Macro-environment Micro-environment Marketing department

  37. The microenvironment (P.107) Company’s Internal environment Publics Suppliers Company’s marketing Marketing intermediaries Competitors Customers

  38. The company’s internal environment Top management Accounting Finance Marketing Manufacturing R&D Purchasing

  39. Company Demographic forces • The macro-environment(P.111) Cultural forces Economic forces Microenvironment Political forces Natural forces Technological forces

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