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Sergeant’s Time Training.Com. Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness. Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness. Prostitution and Human Trafficking.
Sergeant’s Time Training.Com
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness Prostitution and Human Trafficking • Human Trafficking is the recruitment or transportation of individuals within or across national borders for work or services, generally accompanied by coercion through a variety of means including debt bondage, blackmail or threat of physical or sexual violence. • BOTTOM LINE --- IT IS SLAVERY! • Prostitution fuels Human Trafficking • Victims pay a horrible price
“I was desperate. When they offered work, I had no choice but to accept. Soon after my arrival in Japan, I realized that I had been sold. My life after that was like that of an animal.” “I was sold three more times and forced to have sex everyday. My owner threatened that wherever I escaped to, I would be traced and killed and so would my parents in Thailand.” Poverty is So Miserable… Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness “Set me free: Women immigrants often forced into prostitution,” New Internationalist, Siriporn Skrobanek, September 1998
It’s Worse Than You Realize Trafficking in persons is the 2nd largest criminal activity in the world, following illegal drugs and just in front of illegal arms Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
DoD Resolve September 16, 2004 Secretary of Defense mandates commanders at all levels to ensure their units are trained to understand and recognize indicators of this serious crime Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
USFK CommandPolicy Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness • United States Forces Korea has Zero Toleranceregarding the illegal activities of prostitution and human trafficking. • All Service Members, DoD Civilians, Invited Contractors, and family members must understand and obey the command policy. • Prostitution and Human Trafficking violate Korean Law, UCMJ and USFK Regulations.
USFK Command Strategy Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness • Emphasisby Commanders at all echelons: • In-Processing and Commanders Briefings • New Horizons Day Training • Awareness through improved Education • Identification of Indicators and Procedures to Assist Victims • Reduction through Constant Presence and Increased Alternative Activities • Enforcement by Unit, Area and Garrison Commanders focused on illegal Establishments and Offenders
Violates Korean Law Punishment up to: Human Trafficking: 15 years Prostitution: Pandering – 7 years Worker – 3 years Customer – 1 year Prostitution and Human Trafficking Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
VIOLATIONS PUNISHABLE UNDER THE UCMJ Article 92 – Failure to obey an order or regulation. Article 133 – Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman; including “public association with known prostitutes.” Article 134 – Prohibits pandering, patronizing a prostitute, and solicitation of another to engage in an act of prostitution. Prostitution and Human Trafficking Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
USFK Reg. 614-2, Inprocessing Orientation Program Requires newcomers to be briefed on off-limits areas and issues relating to prostitution and human trafficking USFK Reg. 350-2, Theater Specific Training P&HT Awareness Training Module is semi-annual requirement USFK Regulations Regarding P&HT Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
USFK Reg. 27-5, Individual Conduct and Appearance Prohibits the paying of bar fines to obtain a companion Prohibits “buying out” the remainder of an employee’s contract USFK Reg. 190-2, Off-limits Areas and Establishments Prohibits personnel from entering any house of prostitution and other off-limits establishments within the Republic of Korea USFK Regulations Regarding P&HT Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness USFK Policy Letters • USFK Policy Letter #3; USFK Command Values and Principles:Promotes principles and key values of USFK Service Members whether on or off duty. • USFK Policy Letter #12; Prostitution Within Off-Post Entertainment Districts: States the USFK Command Policy for Zero Tolerance, that Human Trafficking and Prostitution is illegal in Korea, and USFK personnel must respect and abide by the laws and customs of our host nation. This policy letter also assigns responsibilities to Command and Staff.
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness Core Values Title 10, United States Code, Sections 3583, 5947, and 8583, “Requirement of Exemplary Conduct,” dated November 18, 1997. Commanders are responsible to: • Show in themselves a good example of virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination; • Be vigilant in inspecting the conduct of all persons who are placed under their command; • Guard against and suppress all dissolute and immoral practices, and to correct, according to the laws and regulations of (the relevant Military Department) all persons who are guilty of them; and • Take all necessary and proper measures, under the laws, regulations, and customs of (the relevant Military Department) to promote and safeguard the morale, the physical well-being, and the general welfare of the officers and enlisted persons under their command or charge.
Young woman living in poverty, often with children from a failed relationship is recruited for a better paying job as an “entertainer” or waitress. Recruiter obtains a visa for her under false pretenses, she is now in debt for her airfare and visa service charges. Upon arrival in Korea she is met by a middle-man who sells her contract to a club owner, she arrives at the club and surrenders her passport for “safekeeping.” The club owner takes over her debt, adding the cost of purchasing her contract to the debt. She is kept in a room with several other employees, room and board is provided by the bar owner…and added to her debt. Common Scenario Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
Her first night on the job she finds out she is required to sit with customers and get them to buy drinks…she is given an unrealistic drink quota and penalized for missing her quota…she falls farther into debt. She has her freedom curtailed by the bar owner and is locked in her room after work. She receives half her pay, the bar owner “holds” the other half until she pays off her debt. She can’t sell enough drinks to get out of debt and needs to send money home. The bar owner encourages her to “go with customers” to make more money. This leads to customers paying her “bar fine” and demanding sex in return. Common Scenario (conti) Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
If she is lucky she may meet a US Serviceman who is willing to pay off her debt and purchase the remainder of her contract. The bar owner sells her contract for a profit and purchases another girl to work in his club. Whatever the Serviceman’s intentions were…he has participated in human trafficking. Common Scenario (cont.) Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness Indicators of Prostitution and Human Trafficking • Employees are allowed to leave the premises for a period of time with patrons. • Private rooms are provided for one-on-one services between employees and patrons. • Bar owners or other authority figures appear to be monitoring and regulating contact with the employees. • Employees do not appear to have the personal freedom to leave the club without permission, or they do not have access to their passports or other personal items, barred windows, locked doors, electronic surveillance. Entrance may be limited to certain ethnic groups. Women are never seen leaving the premises unless escorted.
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness Indicators of Prostitution and Human Trafficking (Cont) • Violent acts are committed against female employees. • Extortion: Taking a part of the money earned from prostitution; the victim will have very little or no “pocket money” • Not paying wages: Monthly wages not paid or the business owner allegedly “safe-keeps” the wages. • Employees are forced to engage in prostitution. • Victims living at the same premises as the brothel or work site, or driven between quarters and “work” by a guard. • Victims are kept under surveillance when taken to a doctor, hospital or clinic for treatment; pimp/trafficker may act as a translator.
Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness You Can Make A Difference! Report Indicators of Prostitution or Human Trafficking To: • Military Police Town Patrol • PHT Hotline = DSN: • from Off-Post • Chain of Command • Courtesy Patrol
Additional Information Prostitution and Human Trafficking Awareness Current USFK Off-Limit Areas, additional USFK and Department of Defense Awareness Training, and information regarding USFKs effort to combat P&HT can be found on the USFK website, http://www.usfk.mil, under “Hot Topics”